[Released] Turbo Loader for Genesis 8 and 8.1 [Commercial]



  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516
    edited August 2023

    vholf said:

    Hello, I just noticed Turbo Loader Scene Configuration "Scan" action only scans the current frame, I used different expressions in different timeline frames and only the current frame gets the morph detected and included. Any way to make the scan work across all frames?

    Thank you.

    Really?  Sounds like I have a bug blush

    Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
  • pixelquackpixelquack Posts: 286

    What happens when I disable a morph and load a scene that used it? Will I get an error or silently not have the morph in?

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516

    pixelquack said:

    What happens when I disable a morph and load a scene that used it? Will I get an error or silently not have the morph in?

    After disabling morphs, If you load a scene and/or figure, you would see the missing files dialog.  Do NOT install the selected products! SKIP the missing files installation, and re-enable the products you need using the Turbo Loader Manager scripts. 

  • pixelquackpixelquack Posts: 286

    Come to think, what I'd need now is a script that extract all morph I ever used from all my scene dufs and tell me which I used most :P 


  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516

    pixelquack said:

    Come to think, what I'd need now is a script that extract all morph I ever used from all my scene dufs and tell me which I used most :P 


    You're welcome!

  • Vholf3DVholf3D Posts: 63


    RiverSoftArt said:

    vholf said:

    Hello, I just noticed Turbo Loader Scene Configuration "Scan" action only scans the current frame, I used different expressions in different timeline frames and only the current frame gets the morph detected and included. Any way to make the scan work across all frames?

    Thank you.

    Really?  Sounds like I have a bug blush


    I might have found another one. When there is more than one G8 figure in the scene of the same gender, only one will be scaned by Turbo Loader Scene Configuration. I noticed not all the morphs where loaded for all figures involved in the scene, and when I searched the log for "Inspecting", I only see 1 male and 1 female G8 scanned, although there are 2 male and 3 females in the scene, all with different set of morphs being used.

    If I delete the inspected figure, then another single figure of the same gender is inspected.

    I also tested this with a blank scene and just 2 G8 Females, only one gets inspected.

    For the previous bug I just wrote a script to set all used morphs in a figure to some low value at frame zero so all morphs in the timeline will be scanned, but this one I can do nothing about and it's a breaking bug for me, I need all characters in the scene to be inspected.


  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516

    vholf said:


    RiverSoftArt said:

    vholf said:

    Hello, I just noticed Turbo Loader Scene Configuration "Scan" action only scans the current frame, I used different expressions in different timeline frames and only the current frame gets the morph detected and included. Any way to make the scan work across all frames?

    Thank you.

    Really?  Sounds like I have a bug blush


    I might have found another one. When there is more than one G8 figure in the scene of the same gender, only one will be scaned by Turbo Loader Scene Configuration. I noticed not all the morphs where loaded for all figures involved in the scene, and when I searched the log for "Inspecting", I only see 1 male and 1 female G8 scanned, although there are 2 male and 3 females in the scene, all with different set of morphs being used.

    If I delete the inspected figure, then another single figure of the same gender is inspected.

    I also tested this with a blank scene and just 2 G8 Females, only one gets inspected.

    For the previous bug I just wrote a script to set all used morphs in a figure to some low value at frame zero so all morphs in the timeline will be scanned, but this one I can do nothing about and it's a breaking bug for me, I need all characters in the scene to be inspected.

    Ok, I can confirm this bug.

  • Thank you RIverSoftArt, let me know if there's anything else I can do to help troubleshoot, any plans for a fix? 

  • vholf said:

    Thank you RIverSoftArt, let me know if there's anything else I can do to help troubleshoot, any plans for a fix? 

    I am working on the fixes now.

  • I hate to be that guy, because I know debugging and fixing takes time, but is there any ETA on this fix? I'm unable to use Turbo Loader for multi-character scenes at the moment. Thank you! 

    RiverSoftArt said:

    vholf said:

    Thank you RIverSoftArt, let me know if there's anything else I can do to help troubleshoot, any plans for a fix? 

    I am working on the fixes now.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516
    edited September 2023

    vholf said:

    I hate to be that guy, because I know debugging and fixing takes time, but is there any ETA on this fix? I'm unable to use Turbo Loader for multi-character scenes at the moment. Thank you! 

    RiverSoftArt said:

    vholf said:

    Thank you RIverSoftArt, let me know if there's anything else I can do to help troubleshoot, any plans for a fix? 

    I am working on the fixes now.

    As of this week, an update has been submitted.  All TL products had to be updated so I don't know how long testing will take.

    Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
  • benjamincobb777benjamincobb777 Posts: 65
    edited October 2023

    benjamincobb777 said:

    Hello again,

    Must have been a fluke or operator error cause I haven't had any other issues since I last posted. Guess it just needed to go through the cycles of what it does to what it does lol!

    I am about to start playing around with G9 characters and would love to have this for G9. If you need some testing for this just hit me up.

    Yeah, I went on a G9 binge and have a lot of stuff now!

    Just did a character load comparison on my rig.

    Load times:

    G8F w/TL  took 1m 2s 77ms. Before TL it took anywhere between 15 to 30 min due to a large morph library that was handled by TL!

    G9 basic character took 25 mins and counting (stopped at 28 mins 15 sec) with only 500 characters and whatever amount of morphs that adds up to plus extra shape morphs and such.

    G9 basic w/TL 15 min 38sec with the 500 characters. This is great! I'm sure you are working around the clock to make it better and I thank you for this.

    Anyone with long character load times needs this program! TL will save you headaches and heartache!

    Post edited by benjamincobb777 on
  • Just added my G9 comparison!

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516
    edited October 2023

    benjamincobb777 said:

    Just added my G9 comparison!

    Thanks for sharing it!  You must still have a lot of G9 morphs enabled to have a 15 minute load time though! surprise  But I am glad it helps.

    Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
  • Hellboy said:


    I got Turbo Loader for G8 and the Turbo Loader Utilities. 

    I was hoping for something that would allow me to load a "blank" G8 figure for whem I'm creating products and need to quickly load the base figure constantly. But also I need the morphs for promos or personal stuff. So I'm switching regularly.

    The issue is, disabling/enabling all the morphs takes too much time. It's much quicker for me to just use the figures regularly.

    Am I misusing the product?


    As RiverSoft already pointed out thats where the configurations come in handy. Just disable everything and save a "disable everything"-configuration. You can then apply that configuration quickly. I myself use configurations for...
    - base figures (including things like the character, add-ons, expressions etc.)
    - heavy morph packs I do not constantly need
    - clothing pressure morphs on vendor basis
    It takes a little time to set those configurations up but makes everything a lot faster once they are in place.

  • benjamincobb777benjamincobb777 Posts: 65
    edited November 2023

    RiverSoftArt said:

    benjamincobb777 said:

    Just added my G9 comparison!

    Thanks for sharing it!  You must still have a lot of G9 morphs enabled to have a 15 minute load time though! surprise  But I am glad it helps.

    Yeah, I just changed the heavy morphs and left the rest. after playing around with it i'm sure I can bring that way down!

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • benjamincobb777 said:

    RiverSoftArt said:

    benjamincobb777 said:

    Just added my G9 comparison!

    Thanks for sharing it!  You must still have a lot of G9 morphs enabled to have a 15 minute load time though! surprise  But I am glad it helps.

    Yeah, I just changed the heavy morphs and left the rest. after playing around with it i'm sure I can bring that way down!

    Good luck! smiley

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,464

    I apologize if this has been mentioned before, but I have this recurring issue where JCM are not being properly enabled. We're talking standard JCM for a base figure like G3M or G8M.  It seems to mostly happen in the legs... but I go through phases where I have flattened ankles and knees with protrusions... until some combination of enable/disable/load gets the JCMs working again.  Then everything will be fine for a good long while until it happens again (like now).

  • evilded777 said:

    I apologize if this has been mentioned before, but I have this recurring issue where JCM are not being properly enabled. We're talking standard JCM for a base figure like G3M or G8M.  It seems to mostly happen in the legs... but I go through phases where I have flattened ankles and knees with protrusions... until some combination of enable/disable/load gets the JCMs working again.  Then everything will be fine for a good long while until it happens again (like now).

    I haven't seen this issue (nor has it been reported before).  Load up the Turbo Loader Manager and find out which product has the missing morphs (the filter can help a lot with this to find the product if the "By Product Only" is unchecked).  Enable that product and you should have the morphs you need.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,464

    I'm not sure how I would do that... but its NOT a "product".  These are base JCM for the base figure. I could, of course, be using the wrong terminology. But if I have everything off in Turbo Loader, and tell it to just Open the base figure... the legs don't bend right.  So... everything is off, there are no products currently loaded... its just the base figure and if you bend the knees the thighs deform and the front of the knee pops out, if you bend the foot/ankle the shin deforms.

      The next time it happens, I'll take some pictures because I fixed it yesterday by turning everything off/on/off again (I use the Booster Utilities for everything).

  • Optimus ShepardOptimus Shepard Posts: 184
    edited November 2023


      I just used this Turbo Loader for Genesis 8 on one of the genesis 8 female and I thought it wouldn't affect my other characters that I previously made. But now it doesn't show all my morphs that i used to create my characters nor my expressions that I've used on them! I believe I had mess up the setting. Is there a restore option or something. And yes I know there is supposed to be an answered here but it didn't work at still. Please help asap because I got a lot of artwork project that I need to finish

    Post edited by Optimus Shepard on
  • Optimus Shepard said:


      I just used this Turbo Loader for Genesis 8 on one of the genesis 8 female and I thought it wouldn't affect my other characters that I previously made. But now it doesn't show all my morphs that i used to create my characters nor my expressions that I've used on them! I believe I had mess up the setting. Is there a restore option or something. And yes I know there is supposed to be an answered here but it didn't work at still. Please help asap because I got a lot of artwork project that I need to finish

    Yes, there is a restore function.  Load one of the Turbo Loader Manager scripts, Options tab, "Reset Content Directories" will do what you want.

    Alternatively, use Turbo Loader Manager to only enable the product morphs that each of your characters need.

    Finally, Turbo Loader Booster Utilities has scripts that can scan a scene, enable all the morphs used in that scene, and then load the scene.

  • HyeVltg3HyeVltg3 Posts: 87

    I have had this for some time now and only today I am really trying to get into understanding how this works.

    Reason being, it took me almost 20mins just now to Zero a Figure pose and then it hit me that I had grabbed Turbo Loader on sale a while back (Order Date: 2023-07-29).

    I initially have a G8F and G8M in the scene and I filtered for the morphs used after running the full scan > Uncheck all > Tick only the G8F character I have in the scene > Exceute > it now disabled all the other morphs I left unticked > worked as expected? > I closed Daz > reopen > load scene again > but now it showed me like a Full 2-3 scroll-downs of a page of missing items required for the scene.

    Is this how it should be? or I screwed up somewhere and its normal that some characters use morphs files from a bunch of other characters (the G8F was a SASE character, only searched for the 1 character and ticked that to "Enable" the morph in the TL scanned list while leaving all other morphs Unticked).

    Sorry if this isnt a Tech Support place for this product.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516

    HyeVltg3 said:

    I have had this for some time now and only today I am really trying to get into understanding how this works.

    Reason being, it took me almost 20mins just now to Zero a Figure pose and then it hit me that I had grabbed Turbo Loader on sale a while back (Order Date: 2023-07-29).

    I initially have a G8F and G8M in the scene and I filtered for the morphs used after running the full scan > Uncheck all > Tick only the G8F character I have in the scene > Exceute > it now disabled all the other morphs I left unticked > worked as expected? > I closed Daz > reopen > load scene again > but now it showed me like a Full 2-3 scroll-downs of a page of missing items required for the scene.

    Is this how it should be? or I screwed up somewhere and its normal that some characters use morphs files from a bunch of other characters (the G8F was a SASE character, only searched for the 1 character and ticked that to "Enable" the morph in the TL scanned list while leaving all other morphs Unticked).

    Sorry if this isnt a Tech Support place for this product.

    It is very normal for a figure to use morphs from more than one product.  You can use the Turbo Loader Manager (TLM) to reset everything: under the Options tab, there is a "Reset Content Directories".  

    What you should have done is run the Turbo Loader Scene Configuration on your scene.  It will create a configuration file of all the morphs used in your scene.  Then, after disabling everything using TLM, if you wanted to open that scene, you would use Turbo Loader Configurations to enable all the morphs from the configuration file you created earlier.

    Alternatively, if you buy Turbo Loader Booster Utilities, there is an Open Scene script that will scan the scene file, find all the morphs in there (and all the morphs they are based on), enable them all, and then finally open the scene.  No need for a configuration file.

  • HyeVltg3HyeVltg3 Posts: 87

    RiverSoft Art said:

    HyeVltg3 said:

    I have had this for some time now and only today I am really trying to get into understanding how this works.

    Reason being, it took me almost 20mins just now to Zero a Figure pose and then it hit me that I had grabbed Turbo Loader on sale a while back (Order Date: 2023-07-29).

    I initially have a G8F and G8M in the scene and I filtered for the morphs used after running the full scan > Uncheck all > Tick only the G8F character I have in the scene > Exceute > it now disabled all the other morphs I left unticked > worked as expected? > I closed Daz > reopen > load scene again > but now it showed me like a Full 2-3 scroll-downs of a page of missing items required for the scene.

    Is this how it should be? or I screwed up somewhere and its normal that some characters use morphs files from a bunch of other characters (the G8F was a SASE character, only searched for the 1 character and ticked that to "Enable" the morph in the TL scanned list while leaving all other morphs Unticked).

    Sorry if this isnt a Tech Support place for this product.

    It is very normal for a figure to use morphs from more than one product.  You can use the Turbo Loader Manager (TLM) to reset everything: under the Options tab, there is a "Reset Content Directories".  

    What you should have done is run the Turbo Loader Scene Configuration on your scene.  It will create a configuration file of all the morphs used in your scene.  Then, after disabling everything using TLM, if you wanted to open that scene, you would use Turbo Loader Configurations to enable all the morphs from the configuration file you created earlier.

    Alternatively, if you buy Turbo Loader Booster Utilities, there is an Open Scene script that will scan the scene file, find all the morphs in there (and all the morphs they are based on), enable them all, and then finally open the scene.  No need for a configuration file.

     Thansk for the tips, I spent more time using the G8F and Scene Configuration and finally got things working, But I am only able to get G8F and G8M TL variants to listen.

    All I need to focus on now is that when I have TL setup, I should(can only) focus on the 1 scene with the Saved G8 config Figure morphs and WOOOW! - Loading this scene went from like 3-4mins to <1min ! Zeroing a Character went from ~20mins! to 1-2seconds!

    Thanks for this Script, I cannot believe I struggled with 10-20min pose resets and waiting many minutes to loading a scene. Before Turbo Loader I would hit Open, select my Scene.duf I started previously, go MAKE coffee and the scene would be just ready by the time I came to sit back down. I no longer have to do this.

    I just need to understand that I can't be greedy / semi-ADHD and just focus on 1 scene(s) using the same G8 characters because the other morphs are disabled.

    Sorry I did all this last week and may have forgotten the exact steps I took since I spent some time trying different things because Excute button kept saying 0 changed. I finally got things to work properly (hence why the late reply) so I just got to working on my scene and sadly my short-term memory kicked in and I have forgotten what steps I took to get this working so wanted to ask again if my steps are good.

    Please let me know if I have the routine down?

    1. New Scene
    2. Load up the characters and any extra morph related elements I wanted for the scene
    3. Use Scene Config to Save all the non-zero morphs
    4. Run TL G8F & G8M and Disable all the morphs
    5. Run Scene Configurator and Load the saved config from #3
    6. Save Scene
    7. Close Daz
    8. Open Daz
    9. Open the Scene.duf
    10. Enjoy fast load
  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516

    HyeVltg3 said:

    RiverSoft Art said:

    HyeVltg3 said:

    I have had this for some time now and only today I am really trying to get into understanding how this works.

    Reason being, it took me almost 20mins just now to Zero a Figure pose and then it hit me that I had grabbed Turbo Loader on sale a while back (Order Date: 2023-07-29).

    I initially have a G8F and G8M in the scene and I filtered for the morphs used after running the full scan > Uncheck all > Tick only the G8F character I have in the scene > Exceute > it now disabled all the other morphs I left unticked > worked as expected? > I closed Daz > reopen > load scene again > but now it showed me like a Full 2-3 scroll-downs of a page of missing items required for the scene.

    Is this how it should be? or I screwed up somewhere and its normal that some characters use morphs files from a bunch of other characters (the G8F was a SASE character, only searched for the 1 character and ticked that to "Enable" the morph in the TL scanned list while leaving all other morphs Unticked).

    Sorry if this isnt a Tech Support place for this product.

    It is very normal for a figure to use morphs from more than one product.  You can use the Turbo Loader Manager (TLM) to reset everything: under the Options tab, there is a "Reset Content Directories".  

    What you should have done is run the Turbo Loader Scene Configuration on your scene.  It will create a configuration file of all the morphs used in your scene.  Then, after disabling everything using TLM, if you wanted to open that scene, you would use Turbo Loader Configurations to enable all the morphs from the configuration file you created earlier.

    Alternatively, if you buy Turbo Loader Booster Utilities, there is an Open Scene script that will scan the scene file, find all the morphs in there (and all the morphs they are based on), enable them all, and then finally open the scene.  No need for a configuration file.

     Thansk for the tips, I spent more time using the G8F and Scene Configuration and finally got things working, But I am only able to get G8F and G8M TL variants to listen.

    I am not sure what you mean by "only able to get G8F and G8M TL variants to listen?"

    All I need to focus on now is that when I have TL setup, I should(can only) focus on the 1 scene with the Saved G8 config Figure morphs and WOOOW! - Loading this scene went from like 3-4mins to <1min ! Zeroing a Character went from ~20mins! to 1-2seconds!

    Thanks for this Script, I cannot believe I struggled with 10-20min pose resets and waiting many minutes to loading a scene. Before Turbo Loader I would hit Open, select my Scene.duf I started previously, go MAKE coffee and the scene would be just ready by the time I came to sit back down. I no longer have to do this.

    I just need to understand that I can't be greedy / semi-ADHD and just focus on 1 scene(s) using the same G8 characters because the other morphs are disabled.

    Sorry I did all this last week and may have forgotten the exact steps I took since I spent some time trying different things because Excute button kept saying 0 changed. I finally got things to work properly (hence why the late reply) so I just got to working on my scene and sadly my short-term memory kicked in and I have forgotten what steps I took to get this working so wanted to ask again if my steps are good.

    Please let me know if I have the routine down?

    1. New Scene
    2. Load up the characters and any extra morph related elements I wanted for the scene
    3. Use Scene Config to Save all the non-zero morphs
    4. Run TL G8F & G8M and Disable all the morphs
    5. Run Scene Configurator and Load the saved config from #3

    Step 5 should be Run Turbo Loader Configurations script 

    • Save Scene
    • Close Daz
    • Open Daz

    7 and 8 (close and open daz) are not necessary.  From the manual, "You need to reload a scene or start a scene from scratch for the new morph configuration to work. Daz Studio keeps all loaded morphs in memory until the next time you load or create a scene. "  BUT IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO RESTART DAZ.  Loading a new scene is enough.

    1. Open the Scene.duf
    2. Enjoy fast load
  • @Riversoft Art, Thank you for the top notch after sales support for all your products. Its such a pleasure coming to the forums and finding solutions, tips and tricks directly from the developer. Thanks again for all your hard work!

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516

    JonnyBravo2010 said:

    @Riversoft Art, Thank you for the top notch after sales support for all your products. Its such a pleasure coming to the forums and finding solutions, tips and tricks directly from the developer. Thanks again for all your hard work!

    You're very welcome!  I really appreciate the kind words and your support of my work.

  • joealotofthingsjoealotofthings Posts: 4
    edited August 13
    I posted here as I was redirected to do so after posting on another section. . After attempted uninstall of Turbo Loader G8/G8.1 no G8 face control. I need to start with the fact that I did attempt to correct this myself over a three day period of time looking up in Bing/Google and Daz forum. I am unable to get this corrected on my own and need assistance. . To help expidite loading of G8 female base model I purchased Turbo Loader G8/G8.1. I ran configuration and added Icons and Menu to my Daz Studio. Then ran the scan recommended by in instructions. A total of 8,000+ morphs were found. A lot of the morphs (4460) were on C drive and the rest on E drive. (Note: A couple of years back I started adding and moving characters to E drive to save space on my 2tb NVME C drive. Because these were not installed by Install Manager but were downloaded from Daz as Zip / Rend as Zip and a few others as zip files I just unzipped and placed in correct folder.) . I selected a good deal of the C drive morphs and only E drive morphs that were packaged body morphs adjustments (as an example Body Factory was a selected moph). I started to notice right away problems with reloading previous work that had to deal with any morph in E drive. Daz looked for the address as a relative address and not absolute (something I missed in the instructions). I then made sure all morphs were on (enebled) and uninstalled TL. The relative issues remained not being seen as E drive. After the first uninstall I cleared the morph list and executed so no references would be left by TL. . It was at this point I noticed that my Daz 8 dials/controls for face were not showing when I loaded Daz 8 base female or any of my previous created items featuring a Daz 8 female. Any expressions in my Poses/Expressions were no longer working. Over the next couple of dayys I uninstalled Daz 8 female / reinstalled a couple of times with and without the powerpose. I removed from Content Directory Manager the entire referrence to E drive and perfoemed a database vacuum. I installed and uninstalled a couple of more time TL without success. I even upgraded my 2tb NVME to a 4tb and moved everything to C drive also without success. . I did notice that when uninstalling Turbo Loader the references for the icons remained and had to be manually removed under customize. Also a turbo loader folder remained on my C drive under ProgramData/Daz 3D/Turbo Loader with the follwing sub-folders Cache and Genesis 8 & 8.1 Female. Cache contained 2 files each over a meg titled Genesis8Female.txt and Genesis8_1Female.txt. Genesis 8 & 8.1 Female contained a sub-folder Enabled Only with a file . InitialConfiguration.txt. I deleted the files which also did not prove helpful. BTW: I mentioned above after the first uninstall I cleared the morph list. When doing this no InitialConfiguration.txt was found. After uninstalling I deleted the remaining Turbo Loader Folder and sub-folders. . I have done mutiple searches for files under "Turbo", "Loader", "RiverSoft" and have come up with no additional files. . I have no idea where I originally screwed up causing my G8 female to no longer have face contrls. I need someone to brainstorm where something might have gone wrong and why I can no longer use/ and no longer see any controls for G8. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. . btw: I am not saying TL did anything incorrectly as I do believe I was in error with TL somewhere as mentioned above.
    Post edited by joealotofthings on
  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,516

    joealotofthings said:

    I posted here as I was redirected to do so after posting on another section. . After attempted uninstall of Turbo Loader G8/G8.1 no G8 face control. I need to start with the fact that I did attempt to correct this myself over a three day period of time looking up in Bing/Google and Daz forum. I am unable to get this corrected on my own and need assistance. . To help expidite loading of G8 female base model I purchased Turbo Loader G8/G8.1. I ran configuration and added Icons and Menu to my Daz Studio. Then ran the scan recommended by in instructions. A total of 8,000+ morphs were found. A lot of the morphs (4460) were on C drive and the rest on E drive. (Note: A couple of years back I started adding and moving characters to E drive to save space on my 2tb NVME C drive. Because these were not installed by Install Manager but were downloaded from Daz as Zip / Rend as Zip and a few others as zip files I just unzipped and placed in correct folder.) . I selected a good deal of the C drive morphs and only E drive morphs that were packaged body morphs adjustments (as an example Body Factory was a selected moph). I started to notice right away problems with reloading previous work that had to deal with any morph in E drive. Daz looked for the address as a relative address and not absolute (something I missed in the instructions). I then made sure all morphs were on (enebled) and uninstalled TL. The relative issues remained not being seen as E drive. After the first uninstall I cleared the morph list and executed so no references would be left by TL. . It was at this point I noticed that my Daz 8 dials/controls for face were not showing when I loaded Daz 8 base female or any of my previous created items featuring a Daz 8 female. Any expressions in my Poses/Expressions were no longer working. Over the next couple of dayys I uninstalled Daz 8 female / reinstalled a couple of times with and without the powerpose. I removed from Content Directory Manager the entire referrence to E drive and perfoemed a database vacuum. I installed and uninstalled a couple of more time TL without success. I even upgraded my 2tb NVME to a 4tb and moved everything to C drive also without success. . I did notice that when uninstalling Turbo Loader the references for the icons remained and had to be manually removed under customize. Also a turbo loader folder remained on my C drive under ProgramData/Daz 3D/Turbo Loader with the follwing sub-folders Cache and Genesis 8 & 8.1 Female. Cache contained 2 files each over a meg titled Genesis8Female.txt and Genesis8_1Female.txt. Genesis 8 & 8.1 Female contained a sub-folder Enabled Only with a file . InitialConfiguration.txt. I deleted the files which also did not prove helpful. BTW: I mentioned above after the first uninstall I cleared the morph list. When doing this no InitialConfiguration.txt was found. After uninstalling I deleted the remaining Turbo Loader Folder and sub-folders. . I have done mutiple searches for files under "Turbo", "Loader", "RiverSoft" and have come up with no additional files. . I have no idea where I originally screwed up causing my G8 female to no longer have face contrls. I need someone to brainstorm where something might have gone wrong and why I can no longer use/ and no longer see any controls for G8. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. . btw: I am not saying TL did anything incorrectly as I do believe I was in error with TL somewhere as mentioned above.

    If you want to get everything back, load one of the Turbo Loader Manager scripts, Options tab, "Reset Content Directories" will do what you want. 

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