Is there a guide to parenting and fitting?

Blando CalrissianBlando Calrissian Posts: 508
edited March 2022 in New Users

I've been using DAZ for a year, and I still run into endless troubles when it comes to parenting and fitting props to figures. Sometimes I manage to get it to work, and sometimes it never seems to work, even when the process being followed is the same.

What inspired this post was that I just spent a good 15-20 minutes trying to put a gun into a holster, kitbashing more or less, and could never get it to work. Parenting the gun to the holster was fine for moving the figure, but not for posing him (gun hovered in space). Fitting the gun to the holster or the figure just left it lying at his feet, fixed in place.

I gave up, again. It's always good to walk away for a while!!

Usually people post pics in this situation, but I'm looking for more of a general walk-thru than a specific solution to this specific problem, as frustrating as it has been. I was hoping for a Forum thread or a YouTube video (or even a simple "use Blender, dummy!") if such a thing exists.

Post edited by Blando Calrissian on


  • What I do in such cases: set the dressed character to its base pose, A or T. Load that gun and move it to the place you want, sometimes it's fiddeling. If it sits correct in the holster go to the scene tab, expand the character and drag the gun onto the nearest bodypart, let's say the right thigh and drop it there. It becomes a child of the thigh now and will move with it. If that not works try the same with the holster expanded and drop it to the tigh there. Maybe you have to correct the gun slightly afterwards. Hope that works for you... 

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