Released : Wet And Tanned Skins For Genesis 8.1 Bundle (Commercial)



  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,062

    Hi roger,

    First I’m very happy to see that you manage to have the results you expect in terms of skin look. I’m a bit disappointed that you have an issue with the Genitalia. Indeed, normally, it should be straight forward, and here is the normal procedure :

    1. Set up your wet and tanned look on Genesis 8.1 Male
    2. Once done,  load the genitalia geocraft and apply the genitalia material on it* (*if you have no specific material for the genitalia, you can select the Genitalia surface, CRTL+left click on the hierarchical material preset for the figure, and choose “only selected surfaces”, so that you don’t erase the work you did on the rest of the figure). At this stage the genitalia parts are supposed to be parented to your 8.1 figure and have their original materials.
    3. Once the genitalia are loaded and their material applied, you must select the genitalia SURFACE or FIGURE and run the G81WT !!!Transfer To GenitaliaM. In theory, it should apply the same shader as for the rest of the figure, with the same properties, and the maps adapted to the wet look maps you use for the body. TAKE CARE : if you installed your product with smart connect, or with Daz central, the map transfer will not work (because Daz renames the files with lower case letters in this case, this is why the script cannot identify the figure wet maps properly). IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO INSTALL WITH DIM, or to do a manual install.

    Please note that I also noticed that a function that I thought non case sensitive may be now case sensitive, and in this case the wet base bump map transfer will fail it you use map 1 for the wet look, the wet base bump map will not transfer properly on the genitalia wet base bump map (it is I think the only fail, and I'm gonna patch it, while trying to make it also compatible with daz connect installations in the patch to come).

    I just had a look with Michale 8.1, applied points 1 to 3 of the procedure, and it works perfectly.  If it does not work for you, can you tell me if you are using a Genesis 8 or 8.1 material (look if your torso surface is named body or torso, it should not be linked to that but one never knows)? Can you tell me what figure you are using?

    If it does not work, and only in this case while I try to figure out what is happening for you, another simple procedure you can do is:

    a. select your figure body/torso and make : file/save as/shader preset, and in the "three lines of the right" of the shader preset save options popup, choose unchek, uncheck all images.

    b. select the genitalia surface and apply the shader you just saved

    c. back on the body/torso click on the little image icon of the "Base Color" (the icon of the base color map in the surfaces editor tab), then choose "image editor". Note the image gamma use.

    d. the same way, apply the gamma you saw to the "Base Color" map of the genitalia.

    e. finally have a look at the maps used for the wet look, and pick the corresponding maps (they have the same name first letters) for the genitalia.

    Normally you should not have to do all this, because the script for the genitalia transfer copy the properties, the gamma, and load the images corresponding to the wet look of the figure (except the map 1, for which I must patch the script because of the lower case issue I mentioned before).

    Did using the method described points 1 to 3 solve your issue? If not can you tell me if it works using method "a. to e."? For now I had several feedbacks where the genitalia transfer worked as is should, but maybe there is a particular case of figure that I did not saw and which will require that I specifically include it in the transfer, this is why it is important for me to know if using the method described point 1 to 3 works for you.

  • Thanks for getting back to me!  I always use DIM for installations.  I tried what you suggested (1-3) but with no success.  So I deleted the gens, re-installed them and applied the mats, then the G81WT!!!! but it went black again.  I'm using PBR skins (G8M DD Aerys but it doesn't seem to make any difference) and it's a G8.1M character that I'm working on (originally Feng Erwin) although I have had the same problem with many other characters. I had a go at a to e but couldn't find the 'three lines of the right'.  So, back to first principles....I loaded a standard G8.1M character (without gens), DD Aerys PBR skins and applied your W&TS G81WT!!!! and a random tan (actually Option 11 level 4 base D).  To keep it simple, I installed the gens and their mats and applied the 'transfer to genitalia'....and the same result...blackout.  I attach a screen grap but best delete it before the puritans see it!  

    1920 x 1080 - 182K
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,062

    OK I saw your image. I'm going to buy the figure you mentioned, DD Aerys, to see if I have the same issue. I never saw that even during my development stages, so I'm really curious...

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,062
    edited June 2022

    Perfect, I manage to reproduce your issue and I have a clue where it comes from : In my script, when the figure uses a Genesis 8 UV set (as in your case), I am looking for the values on the "torso" surface and not on the "body" surface (for compatibility). On all the figures with a Genesis 8 UV set I had tested, even 8.1 figures, it worked, but it seems that for this and a few other figures, this is not the case (anymore? Never been the case?). I found a way to solve this, instead of analyzing UV sets, I work on figure names, but what is annoying me is that there was necessarily a reason that I used UVset instead of figure names to determine the surface to copy the properties from (but I don’t remember this reason, and this annoys me a lot!).

    Well anyway, try this new script for the genitalia transfer, this is patched with another way to determine from which surface the properties must be copied, for me, it solved the black surface issue, I hope it will solve it for you too, let me know if it works, on my side I'm gonna try to remember why I used the UVset instead of the figure name but it was probably important...

    This script is the new transfer to gentalia which should solve your problem, you can in theory place it in any content library you want.

    Thanks a lot for letting me know about this bug, it was important to solve that!

    Edit : for everybody, I'll submit the update in a reasonable delay, yet I'll have to make the same on the female transfer version too, and make sure the choice I made will not impact other cases of figure.

    G81WT !!!!Transfer To GenitaliaM_patch99.dse
    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • Many worked perfectly!  

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,062

    Glad to know! Thanks again for the bug report!

  • I wonder if it's possible for WTN81 to work alongside Breast Utilities 2? As far as I know BU2 is using a customised Uber shader.

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108

    I used this one one of my favorite characters for Genesis 8.1. It wokred well, except for one problem. It made my character semi-transparent. I tried to find the setting that was making him transparent, but couldn't. After serveral tries, I managed to re-appy the skin texture and render  a second image and then I was able to layer the two. But why does it make my character semi-transparent and how do I fix.

    It makes the character semi-transparent on the first steop, when you apply the :Applier." I tried it on a new scene.

    I also noticed that my character is Genesis 8,1 but uses the Iray Uber shader. Perhaps that has something to do with it. But is there some setting I can change so he won't be transparent? I tried adjusting the cutout. But that seemed to make no difference.


  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,062
    edited May 2023

    Wow after so many years quiet on this project, you're the first one to report an issue, and this is such a weird phenomenon !

    First, in theory, there was a rule for ALL genesis 8.1 figures which is that : PA MUST use PBRSkin as their main shader. Now, I am surprised that Daz accepted an IrayUber shader on a Genesis 8.1 figure. Maybe you bought it from another store? (if it is on Daz Store, can you tell me what figure it is?)

    Since Daz Studio software updates can put some handmade shaders in danger (and since I cannot check ALL my products as soon as a Daz Studio update is released), I took the time to check that it went fine on Rosa Maria 8.1, and on the 8.1 base female. I realised that my product had an update I was not aware of (I don't know why, maybe metadata because it's the only thing I'm not involved in). So I tried them before the update, and they worked fine for the tan/tan lines/wet looks. It seems to be the same with the updated version of wet and tanned skins for 8.1.

    What can happen from time to time is that a version of DS messes up hand made shaders (via shader mixer), and then in the next update or in another build this is fixed. I use none of the "classical" builds (there are other versions as mentioned in the changelog page), but if it comes from that, in my "future" version I have no issue.

    It can come from the IrayUber you have at start. When you use the "apply", actually not only a new shader is applied, but also some maps are transferred from PBRSkin properties to WNT81 shader properties, and some properties values might be adjusted. I have the feeling your main issue is that you start from IrayUber, and this is not optimized for that. If your IrayUber was using furthermore "SSS amount" instead of "SSS color" to set up the SSS it might be even more problematic. If I were you I would try to change the volume settings using low translucency weight (0.5), low transmitted measurement distance (0.1), "brown" transmitted color (with NO component -RGB - at 255) low scattering measurement distance (0.015), and that the SSS mode is chromatic with a color NOT being black or white (mid pink?). Said differently make sure all volume properties are similar to what you have in PBRSkin. Make sure also that your translucency color property is mapped.  I think, but I don't have a lot of details to be sure of this, that in your initial figure there is one setting in the translucency/transmission/SSS settings which either does not exist or is probably set up "not as usually" and that the applier cannot "translate" properly. Normally the applier can work on Genesis 8.1 user IrayUber, since it is the case of the "base" Genesis 8.1 males and females. And make aslo sure that the "Refraction Weight" is 0 in your initial shader (even if it should not matter in WNT81).

    Eventually if you want to solve this with me, what you can do you can try on another 8.1 figure which would basically use the PBRSkin shader; If it is not transparent, it very probably comes from your IrayUber setting, if it is, it very probably comes from your Daz Studio version.

    As far as I remember, Nothing in the WNT shader implied opacity, so there is not reason why the figure should become transparent, except if it comes from volume phenomena. So the first question is : does it work properply with other Genesis 8.1 figure (using PBRSkin, or even on Genesis 8.1 base female, which works for me tonight)?

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,108

    Thank you for your very detailed response.

    The character is Jaimie from Renderosity. He comes as Genesis 8 and 8,1. When you click on the main icon provided, he loads as 8,1 but with the Iray Uber texture. But after reading your response, I went back to check if there was an icon perhaps to load a PBR texture. Turns out there is. It was in a sub-folder marked PBR. Somehow I always over-looked that folder. Until now, I wouldn't have known that I might want to use it. He looked so good as he loads, that I never looked any further.

    But I went and applied it and then I ran the applier and did a spot render and he wasn't semi-transparent. Hurray! I'll do a full scene tonight or tomorrow to have a better look. But it looks like loading the PBR texture solves the problem.

    Thanks again.

  • LauritaLaurita Posts: 199

    I actually experienced this problem quite a few times but I think it is not a bug or even a problem in itself but it comes down to the used materials. Put the Translucency Weight slider down to zero and the problem should be solved. I guess (but never tried it actually) that the phenomenon won't occur if you use a dedicated translucency map.

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,062

     @KevinH : I'm happy this solved your problem!

    @Laurita : Yes there is obviously something in the volume settings that leads to this behavior when IrayUber shader is basically used (which should in theory not happen). Cutting the translucency weight to 0 will remove all volume phenomena and is a way to get rid off this issue, but will limit the effects of tan and tan lines options. Adding a map (or copying the base color to the translucency if there is no map) could help, but other volume properties should also be checked. If this becomes really problematic I will have a look at how/if I can solve this in the applier script. Thanks for these details.

  • glazedguitarglazedguitar Posts: 3
    edited September 2023

    I apologize if this is dumb question but is it possible to disable the wet map for specific body parts? Like if I wanted a character whose just got out of a pool but never submerged their head?

    I've tried zeroing values in the wet and drop layers under head and face. That kind of works but there is still clearly some glistening on the head/face that is there just from the applier.

    Post edited by glazedguitar on
  • Sorry for the delay, there is no more notifications... In theory you should be able to disable totally the head and face wet layer. The only modifications made on the wet look come from the two wet layers (the other gloss settings, initially existing in the figure shader are not, if I remember well, modified when you apply the new wet and tanned shader, except maybe if your initial shader is not PBRSkin). If the face is still too shiny after zeroing the strength of two wet layers, then the glistering aspect comes from the other "gloss" settings (already existing in PBRSkin initial shader). In this case, the solutions are very easy (first make sure that the two wet layers of the wet skin shader are zeroed) :

    - select head and face surfaces on the figure and go in the surfaces editor tab.

    - in the surfaces editor tab, in the "enter text to filter by..." line above all the properties, enter "rough" so that you can see all the "roughness" properties at once. Increase them until the head and face skin is not glistenning. (To be safer you can try then to enter "gloss" and make sure to lower any existing glossiness, but this is rather a general recommendation since I think there is no more glossiness property in the wet shader)

    - if it worked, great, if not, come back here, we'll have a deeper look.

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