Parenting Problems (in Daz, not Kid Drama)

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,388

When using interactive poses or trying to place a bunch of props(coffee table with a bowl, coffee cup, magazine) I'll frequently parent them together and then move them to where I want them in the scene. Suddenly, that doesn't work anymore. Parenting sticks them right on top of each other. Okay, I can work with that, so I do. Then when I unparent, the item or character reverts back to the ZERO position in the screen. Did I toggle off/on some button and didn't realize it?


  • You have turned Parent In Place off. If you use the chnage parent dialogue it's a check-box at the bottom, if you drag-and-drop in the Scene pane it's a menu item in the pane's option menu (the lined/hamburger button or right-click the tab).

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,388

    Ugh! Thank you Richard! I do tend to Drag/Drop in the Scene pane and I'd have NEVER found the fix. Thank you so much! I didn't realize how often I parent things until it broke.

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