DAZ and Zbrush
ok so i want to make my own clothes just for research purposes.
I use the genesis base female to not get any errors with the clothing BUT i still get em once am done making the said clothe part in Zbrush i go back to DAZ with goz make the new object and use transfer utility. when i pose the model with the clothe part lets say gloves big cat like one's ) the fingers of the glove get kind of messed up. my solution to that was i go back to zbrush click GOZ with good glove made model and create a fix morph for it BUT it seems like i cannot create ANY ZBRUSH morph for that object any more no matter what i do but it used to do it .
any one know what the problem might be?
Two possible reasons (off the top of my head, there could be more)...
One is that you are changing the geometry...either subdividing it (either in Studio or Zbrush) or adding new polygons. The second is that you are not preserving the vertex order. Both will cause MorphLoader to fail.
When you send the item back to Zbrush have you made sure the mesh resolution is at zero in the parameters tab?
when creating fixes of this nature I normally accept the options for export deformations and resolution and then when importing back make sure that you have the right boxes ticked. Sorry can't be more precise I'm doing this on my android in bed. If this doesn't help I can type something more precise up tomorrow after work.