Daz hair that works in C4D?
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I'm struggling to find a hair that properly exports to C4d. I'm spending hours trying to get the Daz hair to render properly in C4d. The hair never properly translates into the ALPHA channel. The hair is always in blocky stips. can anyone please share some hair products from the Daz store that are guaranteed to render in C4D?
All hair should eventually work in C4D. I’m used to exporting OBJs and FBXs, so I’ve always had to go find my own textures. Transmapped hair might need the alphas loaded. If you’re using the bridge you should get a lot of the other maps. Most maps are quite easy to find but hair alphas are sometimes shared among different styles or at least no well-labelled.
What I do is usually keep DAZ Studio open so I can look at the hair material there to find the alpha. It might be under ‘opacity’ or ‘cutout’. And if you can’t find it, some hair styles use similar alphas, so try one from some other style. I almost never use their initial hair color anyway.
Also… if you HAVE alphas and you’re STILL getting more chunkiness than you think you should: check the Ray Depth in your C4D Render Options. Depending on the hair style, you can end up with tons of overlapping alphas, which to C4D are just as ‘bad’ as transparency. I have mine cut back to 10 for data viz stuff, but I have to up to 30+ for some DAZ hair.
Or… don’t want to mess with trans maps? Use strand-based hair. Just make sure that you first turn Generate and Preview PR hairs ON, and then set Viewport Line Tesselation to 3 if you can handle a lot of polys, or a worst 1. It may look like a boatload of polygons… but I’ve had some render way faster than any transmapped hair.
The problem isn't the hair, it's the way materials transfer across programs and render engines. As stated above, you can just plug the cutout opacity maps into the alpha slot in your C4D materials.
You can also export dForce hair as splines, allowing you to use C4D's hair system.
Yes! I forgot about that! I did Underbelly's arm hair on Dasan I think. I either completely forgot to turn on preview or something went wrong, but all I got was splines, so I ran with it. It didn't look all that bad, but then I didn't give him a close up. But I didn't get very far trying to make a Newfoundland from... the wolf? Something for which I have hair splines. I think it's going to take more individual follicles than I was willing to deal with... then I found out the dog in question didn't look much like a newfie anyway, so I gave up. I did export the dog hair as polys initially, but I'm often underwhelmed with animal hair. By the time it reaches C4D it's usually sparse in spots, particularly around the most important part for me - the face. There were a lot more facial splines or... I think C4D was using my length parameter and ignoring the spline length. So it made up for the super, super short face hair.