content buying noob question

JamesTKirkJamesTKirk Posts: 8
edited December 1969 in New Users


I just wondered if I need to Have Micheal 6 installed for the Micheal 6 HD addon to work?

The fact that some of the content available say they are for Genesis 2 but then also say for micheal 6, it confuses me.


James T


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    edited May 2015

    M6 HD add-on adds details to the M6 shape, so it's rather useless without M6 (though it will probably work to an extent).

    As for content listing M6 as required, a few pointers:
    - If a character lists M6 as required it means it uses either the M6 shape at some degree (which means you need it if you want the morph to look the same as in the promos) or the M6 UVs (so you need it for the texture to work). So M6 is actually required if you want the product to work as intended.

    - For hair or clothes it basically means "works with M6" rather than "M6 is required". That usually means that you have morphs crafted specially to support the M6 shape, but the clothes or hair will work on default G2M.

    - For poses it means the poses were made for that shape. They will probably work on G2M but require adjustments.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • JamesTKirkJamesTKirk Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Leana,

    That has cleared that up.

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