Error Message: Unable to receive your submission at this time

I get this error whenever trying to reply to a thread I created earlier today. Happens with both Google Chrome and Firefox under Windows 7.
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I get this error whenever trying to reply to a thread I created earlier today. Happens with both Google Chrome and Firefox under Windows 7.
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It usually means that your message is too short.
Instead of 'Thanks', try making it a bit longer, as nuisance I know, but that's the way it is.
Either the message is too short, or it is a "generic" message that has been posted several times before, so the forum software tags it as spam.
Even adding a couple opf spaces or a line break can stop this happening
I'll demonstrate with another post
The spaces worked for me too Pam. You are really crafty :)
Except after a while, if everyone starts adding a couple of spaces after 'Thanks', that too will become 'tagged' and before you know it, a couple lines worth of spaces will be needed.
The we will need to be ever more inventive, like '* Thanks' '* Thanks *' '$ Thanks'
There must be hundreds of combinations, not to mention Ta, Thankee, Obliged etc etc.
We live in exciting times :cheese:
Thank you everybody. I was wondering what was going on, but now that you've explained it I'll make my replies a l i t t l e l o n g e r. :-)
Hitting the return bar after your last line one or more times will do it, too.