Is this a bug, the product I am using, or just me?

I am honestly too new to tell if the problem is a Daz bug, a bug with Dusk, or me doing something wrong with rigging/erc freezing///

I made a morph of a figure- lets say it scaled the figure down by 50%. I import the morph successfully into Daz via morph loader pro, and use rig to shape on all bones, with all vertices groups as influences. I erc freeze the morph and save it as a morph resource. Later, when testing, I realized the eyes are not quite turning right in the sockets, so I use rig to shape on just on each eye bone, with the eye mesh as the sole influence. It rigs nicely. I erc freeze and resave as a resource once more. But when I close and re-open Daz, the erc freeze did not "stick". I tried using "memorize rigging", I tried all the different variants of options for the rig to shape function... the second erc freeze does all sorts of different things, sometimes it merely reverts to what I had before I re-rigged the eye, sometimes the eye bones disappear entirely from the figure, sometimes when I re-open the file, the eye bones are dropped down to the zero point on the y axis, or off in space somewhere. I had one person test and say they had the same result. Is anyone else willing to see if this happens to them on a genesis or genesis 2 figure, or dusk, or see if they have the trouble with their morphs? I would like to be able to add new erc freezes to an existing morph and this is keeping it from happening. I am fortunate in that I can probably simply re-rig my eyeballs before erc freezing and only do one erc freeze on a double set of re-rig to shapes for the figure, but this makes updating a morph with additional or changed rigging impossible.

TY for the help!


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    I'm kind of busy this week/weekend so I can't really test...but I haven't had that problem on the set I'm working on for Genesis.

    But, after you ERC freeze are you actually resaving the morph or saving it as a 'Save modified asset'?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,855
    edited December 1969

    I suspect the links are set to save with the wrong thing - the rigging, not the morph. After (quickly, since it's just a test) redoing the rigging changes and the ERC Freeze find the morph in the Property Hierarchy, then under Sub-components find the rigging changes and under their attributes see what the link is set to save with. If it's the rigging proeprty, not the morph, then that is the issue - redo the changes properly and before saving change the setting to tell the ERC link to save with your morph.

  • edited December 1969

    the quick answer @mjc before I try out Richards ideas... I selected the whole morph and saved with the same file name and morph name as the old morph, which I thought ought to overwrite the file in my library? I was not saving a modified asset.. not sure how to do that, and not sure which is correct~

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    If it was saved (I usually go with a number or letter to indicate a revision, instead of over the original...filenameA or filename01), then it's likely to be what Richard was saying.

  • Disregard italicized section
    In my original Daz file that I am working in to do the update to the morph, when I look at the list of erc freeze properties for the morph, both before and after saving, it is showing the eye properties twice. Once for the first erc freeze and later down for the second. (I think this is the problem??) I think I understand what you are saying- this duplication is the issue and I need to get rid of it by giving the rigging changes the second time to a morph a with new name. But I dont know how to create a new morph name in my parameters tab that I can save the new correct eye rigging to... I only know how to create a new morph by either importing and using morph loader pro or by using the deformer tool. I tried deleting the original properties from my list of properties to be erc frozen the second time so as to eliminate the duplication issue, but after hitting accept and looking at it again, they had re-appeared. When I open a new file and apply the morph that had been saved with duplicate files to a fresh character, the duplication seems to eliminate the eye bones from my list of morph properties... no longer listed. The eyes show up in their original position. So I guess the real issue is I need to know how to create a new morph name in my parameters tab to save the updated rigging to? (I screenshotted all of this but hopefully the words work well enough without pictures!)

    Okay, thank you for disregarding the above, I was looking in the wrong place and I think it is irrelevant. I wasn't understanding the directions but on the fiftieth read, I think I get it. After I have did all my fixing of the rigging and erc saved so it looked right, I did as directed find the morph in the Property Hierarchy, then under Sub-components find the rigging changes and under their attributes see what the link is set to save with.
    Now. I am not sure what is meant by "find what the link is set to save with". What I AM seeing is the name of my morph, which has an M symbol next to it. I see all my rigging changes, which have an R next to them. Under the attribute for each bone of the rigging, it says save with, and then my morph name. I am assuming that is as it should be?

    One thing I did notice is that when I did the erc freeze and saved the erc frozen morph and it "works" the next time I open the file... before I ever get so far as to check, I notice that immediately after erc freezing, the things I changed disappear from the list ad are no longer "options". When it doesn't save the changes, my addon changes were not dissappearing from my list after the erc freeze in this way. If I went in to erc freeze again they were still there like the erc freeze itself did not work. . So when I look at my eye values according to the directions above (as they are listed in my parameters//morph name/property hierarchy/subcomponent rigging change value) (which I am not sure how to check for the correct values) these eye values may well be the unsaved versions.

    One thing I tried because I had seen it in an old tutorial was "memorize figure rigging". Note to self. Bad idea. I had to delete and reload my entire base character.

    The other thing that is not working right is the bones are not following the morph. The rig to shape only works when the morph is dialed in 100%...
    I have been wrestling with this issue for more than 3 weeks, 2-4 hours a day, at least 3-4 days of those weeks. It has eaten up a LOT of my life and kept me not only from moving forward with this project, but from doing other things. I would really like to put it behind me!

    Post edited by Whitehart Creative Arts 3-D (fionathegood) on
  • edited December 1969

    After re-loading my entire base figure, deleting all my morphs and starting from scratch, I can verify that when the eyes are moved off the x/z axis, the eye bones when re-rigged will not erc freeze. This is the problem... not sure if its the figure or a daz issue. Need to see what happens if I make a head morph for a gen2 figure.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,855
    edited December 1969

    How are you rerigging? If you restore the figure rigging do the eyes go back to normal? If not then make sure you aren't memorising the changes - that wills top ERC Freeze from seeing them as a change to be controlled.

  • edited December 1969

    I have an idea and I am going to try it and write as I try and maybe it will work. Going to document each step sentence by sentence. That way if it works or it doesn't myself and everyone else knows exactly what I did and did not do.

    Use Morph Loader Pro to bring a morph created in blender to Daz. I am using the default for the type of morph which is Modifier/Shape. Apply the morph to 100%. (This brings the original figure to approximately 50% of its original size.) I then use the joint editor. I select a bone on the figure, hit edit, and open "adjust rigging to shape". I make sure the name of the figure is selected in my "scene" tab". All the bones to adjust are selected except he eyes (by now I know they don't rig right if I do them with the rest of the figure so I might as well leave them out), all the Influencing Face Groups are selected, and Adjust End Points, Adjust Center Points and Adjust Orientation are all selected. I click accept and this brings all my bones down to the correct relative size and orientation, except the eyes. I then select just each eye bone on my figure, and "use adjust rigging to shape" on the right eye with only the right eye as an influence, and then again on the left with only a left eye as an influence. This makes things look good.

    Then with my figure selected in the scene tab, and my morph dialed in to 100%, I go to my parameters tab, choose my morph, turn on "edit" mode, and select erc freeze. From the additional properties at the bottom, I do not use any. (I do not use restore figure or restore figure rigging) This does a weird inversion of my figures bones so that they are tiny and inverted when the morph is dialed in fully, the bones at 1/2 size when it is dialed in at 0%. So I do a restore figure rigging... and that puts all the bones, including the eye bones that look good, back where they belong in the morph. (not back to the original, but back to how I wanted them morphed, this is good!) I try to erc freeze again but there is nothing in the list to freeze, but I freeze anyways for good measure.

    And then I do the save file as morph asset. I also save as a scene. I exit Daz, and restart.

    And now it works. Looks exactly like I wanted it to.... the difference between this time and the last 1000 times.. all the other times I tried to do 2 sets of rigging on the eyes. I rigged the whole thing including the eyes, and then re-rigged the eyes with just the eye bones and then erc saved- that didn't work. I tried to erc freeze but the erc freeze wouldnt do anything and when I re-opened my file, my eyes went back to their original place. ANd I tried to rig the whole thing, erc save, and then rig the eyes, and erc save, and that didnt work either, the eyes also went back to the original place also, so the answer must be that since I knew the eyes were not going to rig unless I did them separately, do not rig them as part of the whole, leave them out, then rig them by themselves, then freeze the whole. I still do not know how to add something to a morph. But frankly, my stupid*insert list of expletives* eyes work, I have a way to make them work next time, and I will get out of everyone's hair.

    40 hours of my life are gone. But I have eyes...

    I am going to go do it again just in case it was a fluke!

    Yup, if it works once its a fluke, if it works twice... and it worked twice. Now to remake all the morphs with bad eyes that I deleted when I re-installed my figure. WOOT!

    Thanks for the help, folks.

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