Ferret textures for AM Weasel WIP
in Art Studio
I'm starting with a standard ferret. It's a bit hard to find pictures of all parts, so please let me know where I mess up.
Got the basic colors (if not the correct shades) roughed in.
Getting a better idea of where different body parts are to fix the seam lines and stuff
People will be very pleased wth it when it's available. They've been asking for ferrets for years.
It'd be easier if I actually knew how to use 3d painting programs, but I'll manage one way or another (if anybody knows a good cheap or free tutorial for Blender, preferably not video, I'd be grateful). I'm planning on doing at least three colormorphs and possibly some variations
How are the ferrets coming?
We've had ferrets for years... sable is probably the most common marking, albinos, and whites with dark eyes are also very common. In places like Japan there's a lot of breeding for unsual colorzations. We once had three albinos .. my wife coor-coded their tails with food dye to quickly tell them apart.
Here's soneone who has a ferret colorizaiton chart.