DAZ Studio For Paid Mods?

Hi everyone I've been a DAZ member longer than I can remember I just never thought to join the forums which I need to. :smirk: Anyway in case none of you have heard the news but Valve has opened a paid mod service for mod developers starting with Elder Scrolls Skyrim. Basically it can be read here http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/aboutpaidcontent
My question is if the mods are paid for like with a game and there for are unable to be accessed and altered by the costumers who buy them can DAZ characters be used for it? Although I've seen that DAZ originally doesn't allow characters to be used in mods or any type of free open source product these mods aren't meant to be free and accessed like the mods that are free elsewhere. Also say if DAZ Genesis can be used for paid mods as long as the buyers don't have accessed to resell or use them separately in any way mods are normally meant to extend or present an experience for players especially in RPGs like Skyrim. Ya gotta admit though paid mods are an interesting way of making money like you made a full game in order to fully enter the game development industry.
We would need to consult on this, but I am sure that even if the answer was affirmative it would mean the purchase of the relevant Game developer licences, http://www.daz3d.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=license one for DAZ Original products, and one for each of the PAs whose products you used. And not all PAs have licenses, so their products cannot be used.
Sorry about the late reply but I have found out that paid mods were ceased on Steam and there's no way to even ask for a possible donation for the hard work to make mods. However there's a website called Nexus that's all about mods for games especially Skyrim. Unlike Steam Nexus not only have an option for donations but they also give mod developers the option of whether the content in the mods can be accessed or it can be completely restricted and thus would basically force players and other modders to enjoy the content without being able to alter it in other words. So anyway my question is are the developer licenses still required even for a mod that could possibly receive donations? Donations aren't always guaranteed of course.
Basically Game mods are a No No.