Help, I keep deleting everything.

I'm sure you guessed I'm pretty new. Everytime I go and set up a figure, pose etc I'll be a hour or so into it and type something into the search in the parameter box on the right (I'm on a Mac by the way) I'll mispell something and hit delete thinking I'm clearing the search field and suddenly eveyrthing is gone. Until I can unlearn never hitting the delte key to undo bad spellign is there any way to bring what I was working on back? I've used other art programs and they always have had a button that can undo the last thing you did, or several things you did.  Does DAz have on and I'm jsut not seeing it?


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,444

    Yes, like many programs, there is an Undo command, CTRL-Z, and a Redo command, CTRL-Y (also on the edit menu, and one of the toolbars as backwards and forwards curving arrows). The Redo will put back the last object you accidentally deleted, and is several layers deep (don't know exactly how many, maybe a dozen?). When the focus is in a text field, though, the delete and backspace should stay in context, and not delete from the scene.

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