Do any of the horse models have rigged mouths for lip sync?
I have a client who wants a horse to lip sync. This is video of a real horse, not a cartoon. Their tests with traditional typpes of animation were disapointing.
The horse doesn't move its head much within any individual shot, but the head position is different in different shots. I am investigating the possibility of using a 3d horse model with a rigged mouth to do it, matching the head position from the source video and then compositing a masked render of the lip-synced mouth over the source.
So does anyone know if any of the horse models available in the store have rigged mouths? This one, Oso Horseman HD for Genesis 8.1 Male, is a character for Genesis 8.1 so I imagine the mouth would be rigged the same way the underlying figure would be, but I'm not sure.
Moved to Art Studio as it isn't strictly a Daz Studio question.
Yes, the Oso Horseman will have the morphs of the base male and add-ons, though how well the non-core morphs and bones will work for lip sync with such a radical reshaping I don't know.
This thread mentions using the default files with the older Millennium Horse
Diamond is a toon, but relatively realistic
if you don't have a configuration file (horse.dmc or something like it) you can edit the default.dmc in notepad
you may need to decompress it first by extracting with7zip
then replace the morphs referenced in it