slew of questions! Some newb, some not so newb, and some out there

Winter ThrowbackWinter Throwback Posts: 26
edited December 1969 in New Users

First, a bit about myself, my DAZ3D I initially loaded WRONG. I DL'd and opened 2 different DAZ3D programs, one inside the other and ended up working inside the second one. Then, I somehow ended up inside the POSER hierarchy within the program so I have no idea how the DAZ3D hierarchy and trees function (total newb at that). In fact, I've damaged those hierarchies with numerous accidental DL's and copy pastes, deletes, cut and pastes so that the DAZ side of my house is basically trashes. However, my PS style side of the house is up and running with very few problems.

Que the problems list:

Hi! I'm back after 2 years of being a newb and working in a dark corner of some 1960's sc-fi lair basement. During that time I've learned some things, forgotten some things, and moved on. I've also come across more and more troubles in other areas and have come back with a list of things I've got questions about:

Things I am trying to fix in my DAZ program life:

Having to physically point the short cut at the item in question (getaway gloves): Means I click on V4, go over to the item, click the picture then it pops up a window saying “Can't find so-and-so pls find it for me” and the window shows plainly “gloves”. I then click gloves and it continues loading.

What is Magnetize clothing, and how does it work? I have no idea what this option does or why I'm told to use it, I seem to work w/o it okay?

Why do some clickable shortcuts break entirely if I do not leave mats, morphs, parts EXACTLY where they auto installed when others are fine when I move them to other folders? Couple of parts from hair to clothing require me to leave them where they fell out into the parts list or they wont work at all. This means I have hair sitting in my props area along with mallets, chainsaws, and atomic age rocketships, instead of sitting in the hair folder. How can I fix this?

How can I fix "Broken Foot / Toe" effects? I have poses that are for flat shoes or bare feet that put a high heeled shoe wearing foot at +/- 30 points of bend. Some injection (injected) morphs are supposed to "eliminate" this by putting the V4 foot into high heel shoe pose, basically compensating for the new shoe but it doesn't work all the time and doesn't work on 90% of poses.

"Zeroing" the face with preset poses...not all “zeroes” zero out all parts, some zero out some parts, and some are just wonky. This has resulted in a "broken / disconnected" lower jaw on V4.2 during some poses, forcing me to manually position the jaw. Any way I can prevent this? Create my own "reset" button so I KNOW it resets w/o disconnecting the jaw?

Creating my own poses: when I try to save and copy paste poses from one character to another I get a copy of the morphs and dials, any adjustments. A cups become D cups, trimmed nails are wicked long, and human smiles become vampire grins. How do I make a pose that literally ONLY affects the physical pose of the torso, head and limbs rather than every dial on a V4?

Some pieces (like hairs and clothings) don't auto to the selected V4 and instead just appear on their own, unparented. Is there a way to edit the clickable shortcut to auto adhere to the V4 like other hair / clothes?

How do I get around the DL properties of If I can just get the generic files I can happily place them where I want, how I want, but even then sometimes they wont pop up.

Things that don't work:

Cliffhanger - suddenly it no longer exists in my Daz3D as a clickable shortcut, possibly moved/deleted? Even when I just re-DL'd and in the PS format it still didn't work.

Soldiers of Magic: Serpio

The previous 3 appear to be DS style only downloads? How do I find them, make them work? Can I move them into the poser library to make them function?

Fantasy and Sci-Fi Effects - Since I work out of the POSER form / Library of DAZ3D anything that is a DS format doesn't appear to work. With Poser style the "beams" don't load properly and come out black in renders. It is a simple fix to go to the actors tab and change the color from black to white but it is annoying to do after every new color update

Fix my tabs! OMG My tabs keep lag jumping all over the place. How can I put them back in the basic 4x4 shape and then lock them in place. Sometimes they jump out of dock and muddle around. What's the shortcut to move a tab (so I can put it back where I want it instead of having content library at the bottom for pose/animate while everywhere else it's 3rd) and then lock the stupid things into place so lag wont keep docking, moving, undocking tabs on me??

Abandoned Hospital - product ( - When I try to move the hospital over so I can work in a specific room the objects do not all move at the same rate, giving a black hole / duct tape wall effect of a crap ton of stuff smooshed up against one side. Any ideas?


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited June 2015

    Welcome back. :-)
    I still consider myself a newbie after 2 years, so there's a lot I still don't know and understand.
    Some of your problems might come from copying-pasting around. Also, if your content installation is at a different location than where DS would look, you have to add this location to the content directories under "Preferences".
    Have you checked the first post of this thread?

    How can I fix “Broken Foot / Toe” effects? I have poses that are for flat shoes or bare feet that put a high heeled shoe wearing foot at +/- 30 points of bend. Some injection (injected) morphs are supposed to “eliminate” this by putting the V4 foot into high heel shoe pose, basically compensating for the new shoe but it doesn’t work all the time and doesn’t work on 90% of poses.

    When are you applying the foot-morph? I usually use the pose-morph first, and afterwards the foot-pose morph, as otherwise, the pose with kick out the foot-pose morph.

    Also, I'd seriously consider a fresh install. Which version of DS are you currently using?
    DS uses both the "Poser" and DS files, so you can't simply delete one or the other. Also, if you have a lot of older content, in the DS-part you will mostly have texture-settings, rather than objects. So if you'll click on the DS part, it will throw an error or do nothing. You'll have to load the object from the "Poser content" section first.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited December 1969

    cs2147 said:

    I'm not quite sure what you mean, but it does sound as if the content is not isntalled correctly (or the locations in the user file are not set correctly).

    What is Magnetize clothing, and how does it work? I have no idea what this option does or why I'm told to use it, I seem to work w/o it okay?

    Victoria 4, and a few other figures, use magnets (DForms in DS) to adjust the shape a bit as they are posed. The magnetise feature in DS, or the poses that came with the figure for use in Poser, make sure those magnets also affect clothing so that it adjusts in the same way. For most other figures it is not needed, and in DS you don't need to use the special poses even when it is needed.

    Why do some clickable shortcuts break entirely if I do not leave mats, morphs, parts EXACTLY where they auto installed when others are fine when I move them to other folders? Couple of parts from hair to clothing require me to leave them where they fell out into the parts list or they wont work at all. This means I have hair sitting in my props area along with mallets, chainsaws, and atomic age rocketships, instead of sitting in the hair folder. How can I fix this?

    I don't know, there isn't sufficient information. It sounds as if some file is set to be found in the library folder - some Poser-format content does that with the geometry - in which case "fixing" it would require moving the OBJ file to a new location and editing the library file to point to it.

    "Zeroing" the face with preset poses...not all “zeroes” zero out all parts, some zero out some parts, and some are just wonky. This has resulted in a "broken / disconnected" lower jaw on V4.2 during some poses, forcing me to manually position the jaw. Any way I can prevent this? Create my own "reset" button so I KNOW it resets w/o disconnecting the jaw?

    Which Zero options are you using? Have you tried using the restore options instead?

    Creating my own poses: when I try to save and copy paste poses from one character to another I get a copy of the morphs and dials, any adjustments. A cups become D cups, trimmed nails are wicked long, and human smiles become vampire grins. How do I make a pose that literally ONLY affects the physical pose of the torso, head and limbs rather than every dial on a V4?

    Is this Poser or DAZ Studio? Which figure? Victoria 4 doesn't have its properties neatly categorised by type so in DS you may need to either fix that or use the options dialogue when saving a pose to be selective - use the lined button half-way down on the right for some geenral settings, then fine tune in the tree occupying the lower part of the dialogue.

    Soldiers of Magic: Serpio

    The previous 3 appear to be DS style only downloads? How do I find them, make them work? Can I move them into the poser library to make them function?

    Fantasy and Sci-Fi Effects - Since I work out of the POSER form / Library of DAZ3D anything that is a DS format doesn't appear to work. With Poser style the "beams" don't load properly and come out black in renders. It is a simple fix to go to the actors tab and change the color from black to white but it is annoying to do after every new color update

    If you create a blank Poser-format file (.pz2, say) with the same name as the item and place all three files (.daz/.ds/.duf, .png thumbnail and the Poser file) in a Poser library folder DS will load the native file. However, given your existing problems I think that would be a risky idea. I do have a free script that will automate this, but given your issues with content organisation I think you would do well to get things working in their default locations first.

    Fix my tabs! OMG My tabs keep lag jumping all over the place. How can I put them back in the basic 4x4 shape and then lock them in place. Sometimes they jump out of dock and muddle around. What's the shortcut to move a tab (so I can put it back where I want it instead of having content library at the bottom for pose/animate while everywhere else it's 3rd) and then lock the stupid things into place so lag wont keep docking, moving, undocking tabs on me??

    Window>Workspace>Select Layout. There's also a Lock Docking/Undocking command in the Workspace menu.

    Abandoned Hospital - product ( - When I try to move the hospital over so I can work in a specific room the objects do not all move at the same rate, giving a black hole / duct tape wall effect of a crap ton of stuff smooshed up against one side. Any ideas?

    Look in the Scene pane - are the items all parented to a single master item? If so, make sure you use that to move. If not, select all of them (click, shift-click to select a range or use ctrl-click to add/remove items) then go to Create>New Group and use the group locator to move.

  • Winter ThrowbackWinter Throwback Posts: 26
    edited December 1969

    Been busy lately.

    I'll get on chking this stuff tonight.

  • Winter ThrowbackWinter Throwback Posts: 26
    edited December 1969 Pro Edition 32 bit?

    Which Zero options are you using? Have you tried using the restore options instead?

    Where do I find the "restore" command?

    Edit -- > Copy Figure
    Paste -- > Paste to Figure creates a body dial and pose equal to the original. Small boobs become big boobs, plain teeth become vampire teeth, dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria.

    Edit -- > Copy selected items
    Paste --> Paste to Figure " " " "

    Edit -- > copy Figure
    Paste -- > Paste Figure pose *winner winner chicken dinner* Ignores generic X,Y,Z and poses only the HIPS x, y, z

    Edit -- > Copy Figure
    Paste -- > Paste Figure shape pastes the dial settings of morphs, but not pose settings (breast size, teeth size, etc) Also appears to paste character morphs such as character faces etc. Doesn't cause any X,Y,Z movement whatsoever.

    Edit -- > copy Figure
    Paste -- > Paste to Selected item (s) Pastes hip + generic X,Y,Z (not abdomen through head and feet etc), pastes morphs, NOT poses (Not a cheerleader but same x,y,z location as the copied cheerleader).

    Edit -- > copy Figure
    Paste -- > Paste Pose to Selected item (s) Places character at global(?) X,Y,Z, but not pose, not morphs. Nails target's feet to the floor at the Source's global/generic X,Y,Z location but doesn't move them according to HIP x,y,z. Shouldn't POSE to target be doing the pose?

    Edit -- > copy Figure
    Paste -- > Paste to Shape to Selected item (s) pastes the morphs, not the Global X,Y,Z or any sub X,Y,Z's.

    Question: Why both? What's the diff between a Figure and an Item?

    Edit -- > Figure -- > Restore Figure Pose: Restore Figure pose takes out injected morphs(Thank you thank you thank you, been trying to figure out how to do that w/o having to re-load a new character) but doesn't affect dials? Seems legit! ALSO returns the figure to the generic 0,0,0, CROSS-formation

    What is a "Channel" in "Deselect all Channels"?
    No Morphs removes morph injections but still alters dials AND Pose?
    w/morphs doesn't copy injected morphs but copies dials
    Select Transforms copies the pose but not dials such as nails, breasts, teeth, etc. Possible winner for creating poses?
    Select Modifies copies pose + dial mods

    What is a DSF Pose file and why doesn't it alter the pose of a character when I load it?

    Pose Preset appears to be the way to create poses for re-between characters, correct? A conga line of different shapes and sizes, not all clones bodies.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited December 1969

    I'm sorry but I had some trouble sorting the questions from that post - I'm sure there's some missing information in the following, but addressing a couple of your queries:

    The figure commands work on all bones, the item commands work on only the selected item.

    A channel is a property. A preset will not store the actual morph data, just the values on the slider - if a morph hasn't been saved as an asset, so that it is available on all instances of the figure, then a preset won't be able to bring it in but it will work on a copy of the figure that was saved with the morph.

  • Winter ThrowbackWinter Throwback Posts: 26
    edited December 1969

    Thanks RH, I'll play with things a bit more and start looking into things.

    You said in a previous answer that I should save things as a .pz2 extension but I don't have the ability to do that, I think. Any ideas?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited December 1969

    cs2147 said:
    Thanks RH, I'll play with things a bit more and start looking into things.

    You said in a previous answer that I should save things as a .pz2 extension but I don't have the ability to do that, I think. Any ideas?

    No, if you place a native DAZ Studio file - a .duf file, or an older .dsa etc. script prset - in a Poser library folder and add a pseudo pz2 (just a plain, empty text file with a pz2 extension) then DS will show the file in the Content Library, with a scroll at top-right of the thumbnail, and will load the DS file. The pz2 is just a placeholder, its contents (if any) are irrelevant. It's a way to have DS native content in the Poser library.

  • Winter ThrowbackWinter Throwback Posts: 26
    edited December 1969

    RH, from the sound of it you're trying to help with the DAZ3D stuff that doesn't want to load for me from the POSER side of the house, like the flaming phantom skulls and the super beam (like the genesis super beam which will not load at all).

    From what I gather what you're telling me to do is:

    DL the components "normally" so they go to DAZ3D's side of the house

    COPY (not delete or cut) the components to where I want them in the POSER side of the house (I utilize a folders for melee and ranged and then SFX so in this case, SFX)

    Open notepad, leave it blank, save it as a pz2 file with the same name as the item and drop that into the same folder as the item.

    This will work?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited December 1969

    cs2147 said:
    RH, from the sound of it you're trying to help with the DAZ3D stuff that doesn't want to load for me from the POSER side of the house, like the flaming phantom skulls and the super beam (like the genesis super beam which will not load at all).

    From what I gather what you're telling me to do is:

    DL the components "normally" so they go to DAZ3D's side of the house

    COPY (not delete or cut) the components to where I want them in the POSER side of the house (I utilize a folders for melee and ranged and then SFX so in this case, SFX)

    Open notepad, leave it blank, save it as a pz2 file with the same name as the item and drop that into the same folder as the item.

    This will work?

    Yes, but when saving make sure you set the Save as typo to All files (*.*) or it will actually save as name.pz2.txt, which won't work.

  • Winter ThrowbackWinter Throwback Posts: 26
    edited December 1969

    Sorry for the delay, job interviews :)

    Okay, I was able to create click-able icons in the POSER side of the house by using notepad to save as a pz2 file type, however, while the screen flashes like it's loading or doing something, nothing happens.

    I was also able to add the pz2 file extractor (PFE) to my DAZ3D so I can start creating common poses that will work for myself.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited December 1969

    Did the files work as plain DAZ Studio files? From the description it sounds as if you have a preset file of some kind that doesn't apply to the selected item.

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