HEX export and or SAVE as not working



  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    Pro or Home?

    Hi Patience

    Win 7 Home Premium.

    I wouldn't say it was generally accepted that it ran better directly in the C;/ drive - that was advice given by one person - something to do with Hex wanting to write something to its install folder and being refused Admin rights, thereby causing it to crash. When I first got my new computer, I took that advice and installed it outside of the Program Files (X86) folder and it worked fine.

    Later on, because of DIM, I did a new install of everything Daz. DIM stalled it to the default folder Program Files (X86) before I remembered that advice, so I left to see what would happen - no problems whatsoever. IIRC, this was done using Admin rights and Win XP compatability - maybe not - definitely LAA.

  • LegalizeAdulthoodLegalizeAdulthood Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    I wouldn't say it was generally accepted that it ran better directly in the C;/ drive - that was advice given by one person - something to do with Hex wanting to write something to its install folder and being refused Admin rights, thereby causing it to crash.

    If this were a problem in the current version of Hexagon, then it would be the same for everyone currently using Hexagon on Windows 7 as well. I suspect this "advice" is really a holdover from someone using an ancient version of Hexagon and is no longer relevant.

    This just drives home the point of talking about which version of Hexagon you are using when saying what you've done to it. Problems were fixed from release to release and in particular this "run as administrator" thing I think is a holdover from some older version of Hexagon and not a problem in the current version.

    Otherwise, we end up dragging along all these "well, someone told me to..." stories that are no longer relevant and we aren't really helping anyone just confusing the matter even more.

  • NewYorkKnightNewYorkKnight Posts: 45
    edited December 1969

    Some pictures.

    Can try whichever compatibility edition you want to. I did not find that helpful on my computer system.

    Ok, I get the cut of the jib now. I'll make sure to try it. The version of Hex i have is 2.5.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    It's been awhile since I installed Hexagon but I seem to recall that one installation in the Program folder worked okay ... but then I tried it outside and it worked better [i.e. crashed less]. The laptop is "home" but the desktop is "Pro" and it does not always work the same as "Home" for program permission matters. However if you have yours inside and it is working, great. If it ain't broke, no fixie it.

    The advice when I first encountered it was yeah, old ... but hay, it certainly did not hurt anything.

  • LegalizeAdulthoodLegalizeAdulthood Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    Ok, I get the cut of the jib now. I'll make sure to try it. The version of Hex i have is 2.5.

    As the dialog shows you need or later. There is a version 2.5, which is not going to work.

  • NewYorkKnightNewYorkKnight Posts: 45
    edited December 1969

    When i looked it up, it says that it's . So this is where i get puzzled.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    As you claimed have the edition the message was asking about and now? So if you download a fresh installer, it will be the updated version. Running the installer will remove the old and install itself.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    When i looked it up, it says that it's . So this is where i get puzzled.

    Oh yes, well download a new one. There are a few of us, even over D/S editions who have attempted to communicate "how to count' editions, matter falls on deaf ears, they don't count like we do ;-)

  • LegalizeAdulthoodLegalizeAdulthood Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    I ran a filesystem/register snooper while launching Hexagon from 64-bit DAZ Studio. It read the file

    %APPDATA%\DAZ 3D\dzInstall.ini
    when launching Hexagon. Looking at this file in a text editor I see content like this:

    dzBryce7InstallDir=C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/Bryce7
    dzHexagon2InstallDir=C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/Hexagon2
    dzStudio4InstallDir-64=C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4

    During launching of Hexagon, DAZ Studio also wrote the value for dzHexagon2InstallDir into the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DAZ\Studio4\HexagonBridge\HexagonHomePath.

    Whether it prefers the registry key over the path in the dzInstall.ini on disk, I haven't done enough reverse engineering to find out.

    Those paths are all correct on my machine. Check to make sure that this file exists and the paths are correct on your machine. %APPDATA% is specific to your Windows login. (The exact values may not match what I show above because you may have installed DAZ Studio and/or Hexagon to different locations -- I chose the default -- and you may be using a 32-bit version of Studio.)

    If you installed things on another account, then this file won't have been written in the correct location. Specifically if you installed as Administrator this file may have been written into the Administrator's app data directory and not your current user's app directory. Yet another reason why I take a bunch of the "advice" around here with a grain of salt. The safest bet would be to only take suggestions from DAZ Customer Support instead of relying on the random hearsay in the forums here.

    As I say, I have been using Hexagon on Windows 7 for some time now without needing to install as administrator or run as administrator. Plenty of other people operate this way as well. Many times in this forum people who say that they needed to run as administrator for it to work neglect to say which version of Hexagon they are using, making it dubious advice at best and simply wrong at worst. While I do believe such people are operating with the best of intentions to try and help out others, when they give incomplete or conflicting advice, it just makes things worse IMO.

    The bottom line is that if you are having problems with Hexagon, you should be taking advantage of the free customer support provided by DAZ instead of relying on "well, someone on the forum told me..." no matter how well intentioned that person may be. That goes for me, too :-).

  • NewYorkKnightNewYorkKnight Posts: 45
    edited December 1969

    * head explodes * X_X

    Lol. But seriously, yeah i should have just applied for the refund when it didn't work. Like i said i can always use it for other stuff . I have a specific design in mind for my sword. The club as well. Oh well thanks anyway folks , i appreciate the effort.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    * head explodes * X_X

    Lol. But seriously, yeah i should have just applied for the refund when it didn't work. Like i said i can always use it for other stuff . I have a specific design in mind for my sword. The club as well. Oh well thanks anyway folks , i appreciate the effort.

    Well the bridge is certainly a nice to have item, even without it, Hexagon does export .obj files and D/S does import .obj files. And from those you can make props or figures as you please.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    The bottom line is that if you are having problems with Hexagon, you should be taking advantage of the free customer support provided by DAZ instead of relying on “well, someone on the forum told me…” no matter how well intentioned that person may be. That goes for me, too grin.

    Unfortunately Daz technical support is very seldom able to assist - there is a new post on the forum verifying this. Around maybe six months ago, my Studio-Bryce bridge stopped working, stating that it needs a version which I have installed. After much o-ing-and-froing with support, they finally admitted that this was a "known issue" and would be fixed in the next update. Three updates later, still not fixed.

    I could give many more examples. You have only been posting here for a short while, so probably don't know the hassles we have gone through over the years and have had to rely on each other for advice and feel our way around getting things to work.

    Long story short - the bridge only worked well with - if you have, or have had, any other version of Hex, it needs to be fully purged from your system, not simply uninstalled.. Before releasing, Daz had a Beta version of the same number. This needs to be purged and the stable version installed.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969


    As you claimed have the edition the message was asking about and now? So if you download a fresh installer, it will be the updated version. Running the installer will remove the old and install itself.

    That actually solves the mystery of why it never went to the installer in the first place. Hmm, the plot thins.When i bought it i looked for it in the dim and never found it . So maybe that has something to do with it.

  • LegalizeAdulthoodLegalizeAdulthood Posts: 115
    edited July 2015
    Roygee said:

    Unfortunately Daz technical support is very seldom able to assist - there is a new post on the forum verifying this. Around maybe six months ago, my Studio-Bryce bridge stopped working, stating that it needs a version which I have installed. After much o-ing-and-froing with support, they finally admitted that this was a "known issue" and would be fixed in the next update. Three updates later, still not fixed.

    Not sure what "updates" you are referring to (which versions of what software?), but I've used the Bryce/Studio bridge in the current version of 4.8 without difficulty. I'm not much of a Bryce user, so I can't say I tried it with everything but sending geometry from Bryce to Studio worked fine for me.

    Post edited by LegalizeAdulthood on
  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247


    Not sure what "updates" you are referring to (which versions of what software?)  

    Daz Studio updates.  Sending from Bryce to Studio is no problem, although I can't imagine why I'd need to do that.  Sending from Studio to Bryce is broken for me from about three versions of Studio ago - used to work fine, then stopped with one of the Studio 4.XX updates.  I get the message "The Bryce brdge requires Bryce v7.1.0.73 or higher".  I have Bryce 7 Pro, although the splash page does not give a version number, it is the latest. 

  • LegalizeAdulthoodLegalizeAdulthood Posts: 115
    edited July 2015
    Roygee said:

    Daz Studio updates.  Sending from Bryce to Studio is no problem, although I can't imagine why I'd need to do that.  Sending from Studio to Bryce is broken for me from about three versions of Studio ago [...]

    What version of DAZ Studio? Like I said, I've been able to send geometry back and forth in both directions with the latest 4.8 build.

    Post edited by LegalizeAdulthood on
  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247

    DS, as well as the last three/four previous versions  - Just noticed that you appear to be an employee of Daz - take a look at this - maybe you can help me out :)


  • LegalizeAdulthoodLegalizeAdulthood Posts: 115
    edited July 2015

    Meh, I'm just an ordinary user, I can't see your helpdesk tickets.

    If it makes a difference, I sent simple geometry back and forth on Windows; I don't have Bryce or Studio installed on a Mac.

    Post edited by LegalizeAdulthood on
  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247

    My apologies - misunderstood your location:)

    I've re-opened the ticket - see what they say after nearly a year of waiting!

  • I don't remember if you were on Windows or not.  If you are on Windows, you can run Process Monitor from Microsoft to monitor the access of files and registry. Then you can attempt the bridge operation and see what it is doing on your system to identify the version of Bryce on your machine.

    When I did this with the Hexagon bridge, it pointed to the program examining dzInstall.ini for the install location of Hexagon and I susepct that your problem is that this file contains an outdated path to some older version of Bryce or whatever.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247

    Thank for the advice - I'll be away from my home computer for a few days - will try hat on my return. 



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