Strand-based hair - need testers
Looking for someone who can try out my SBH I am working on. I am having a hell of a time getting it to work right, and would love if someone else could test it and give feedback on maybe what I'm doing wrong.
It looks great initially, but it's when I save the hair cap and the SBH vanishes when you turn PR view on - but then if you reset the x,y,z Parameters it works.
Any volunteers?
800 x 800 - 697K
Post edited by perlk on
He perlk,
What would I have to do as a tester? I know nothing about SBH except how to buy it from DAZ, install it with DAZ Central and put it on the model's head. That's as far as my knowledge goes. If you could explain to me what this job entails, I would be able to tell if I can help...
I'm in the same boat as AOBB, willing to help but I am not experienced with SBH.
But then again it would be a good learning oportunity for me.
What version of Daz Studio are you using. There were some parenting issues in early versions of the Strand-Based hair that seem to be resolved for me in DS Public beta.
This is good to know. I'm using 4.20 Pro, but not Beta. Will that make a difference, do you think?
@AOBB and @Websoul - All you need to do is install it, apply it to G8F, and then try posing your model as you normally would. I just want to make sure that the hair sticks to her head.
I can see from your render that it looks like she just took off a hat of some sort but otherwise, it looks great! I like it.
I have messed with SBH a little. There is a radio button you press on / off to get SBH to "follow" the model when you pose the model and the SBH doesn't follow. In the "Parameters" tab for the SBH turn On the "Apply Transformation" radio button at the top to get it to transform on the X, Y, Z and turn the radio button back off if need be (sometimes, not all the time in my experience).
I'd love to help out and test this for you.
I can test it too if you wish.
Thanks @Websoul and @Unseen - PMs sent!
In that case, perlk, I can do it too. Would you send me the files?
@AOBB - done!
@Unseen - thank you! I got them. I'm thinking I might ditch this version and remake on G8F's head, so the hair fits will work for the G8F morphs.
Or maybe it won't. SBH is a huge headache.
Thanks, perlk! Already sent you a response with results as a PM. The hair looks good to me (in a nutshell).
Fabulous, thank you! I might release it with the caveat that it may not work for all model shapes, and if people have problems, they can have their money back :-)
I think I was wrong about the strand-based hair parenting problem being fixed in 4.20. I think I was simply lucky once. Today it fails for me again if I parent the strand-based hair to the scalp, save the hair, and reload it.
This is what does seem to work for me:
With this method, I can load the saved wearable preset on any morphed G8F and it will follow the morphs. Fit may not be exactly perfect, just like any other autofollow scalp doesn't follow perfectly. I generally add morphs to my scalps to adjust forehead depth, etc. Sometimes I even create FHMs for extreme shapes.
Oops, I didn't mean to name my scalp "scalp scalp" but it doesn't matter what the name is.
Super helpful - thank you @barbult. I'm about 80% of the way there. I think my problem is I fit the scalp to G8F AND parented it, maybe that's what was causing the hair to have the Y and Z translate parameters get changed randomly?
If you parent the hair to the scalp instead of fitting, it does get wonky.
It sucks that it is THAT hard
@barbult - you are a freakin' genius. Not parenting but fitting to hair cap OR G8F worked a treat.
parenting = wonky for me, too.
Congratulations on your success!!! I'm glad to have helped.
Thanks! Also, for @Unseen - I discovered that "Apply Transformation" needs to be turned on under Parameters on the SBH for it to fit smaller models. I tried it with Young Mckenzie and had the same trouble you had with smaller models.
It'll make my first free item to have an "instructions" null item in the content library.
i've used SBH extensively.
SBH items (or groups of SBH items) should be unparented or else it will get double transformations. (the Haircap itself ofc should be parented.)
I think the 'Apply Transformations' parameter is a bit buggy. Generally after fitting, 'apply transformations' should be changed to 'On', but if i remember corectly it's not always a case of having it 'turned on/off' that causes issues. Sometimes you have to just toggle it to whatever setting it currently isn't set to in order to get the hair to follow it's fitted scene item.
SBH are not readily shareable because Daz in their infinite wisdom chose not to create a support asset type for it so only thing you can do when sharing as an asset is to first load the wearable haircap as a normal 'wearable/attachment' type asset, and then load the SBH in a separate step as a 'set' type asset, and then manually edit the 'fit to...' parameter to be the hair cap. (and then sometimes toggle the 'Apply Transformations' parameter if it's buggy?). Perhaps someone could write a script to do this all on a single load, but at moment its laborious. Good luck trying to explain this to Daz users.
The only SBH items i've seen in Daz store (but i could be wrong) are the body hair that comes with the G8M Roderick.
There is also some freebies on Deviantart.
When I save the Strand-Based hair as I described above, I can load the saved wearable on any G8F character, and the scalp and hair load in the correct place, properly fit to the G8F character, and autofollow the G8F head morphs. There is no manual work involved.
oh lol i didnt read that post.
I see you have the haircap unparented too. I guess that is the thing that makes it work - a gamechanger. you probably explained this to me before at some point but i forgot.
Thank you very much for the suggestion. So the cap should be unparented and the hair should be parented to the cap and the Apply Transformation property turned on? I tried but the hair still loads at the wrong place with smaller characters... I don't know if I am doing anything wrong...
I'll upload a new file and you can try it again.
The hair should NOT be parented to the cap.
Yes - don't parent the cap, use the "Fit To" button to fit it, but don't parent it when it asks you if you want to parent it.
Also - I created the promo and loaded several models. I had to make sure "Apply Transformation" button was clicked for the right hair to stick to the right cap on the right model.
Thank you so much for your help,barbult and perlk! Now everything works after having fit the hair to the cap in the parameters tab..I was still parenting the hair to the cap at some point and it's why it didn't work.
You were pointing at the moon and I was examining the finger! :)
Thank you again! :)