Making animation with poses and prebuilt animations

I`ve being thinking of how to do animations on daz studio and i realize that some people uses prebuilt animations and others change the parameters and uses poses to make an animation.
My question is, Why can`t i use animation (added in animate2 screen) plus some Poses? If i have one animation and then i want to add a pose to my character, that pose doesnt appear. It just works the animation added in animate2 screen.
My problem is that i want to use the animations of animate2 but for some things i will have to make an animation with the help of poses and changing parameters.
Post edited by hugo_perez_glez on
Animate's action line and the Timeline are 2 different lines.
After selecting the animate's actions on the animate line, it can be baked [or sent however you want to say it] to the timeline. Then on the timeline one can add in various poses, etc.
Keep in mind that very few if any "full" movie clips are rendered in one go.
One can render each action [generally speaking as a series of stills] with its own merits ... then in a movie making software glue everything together in that program.
Oh yeah thanks,
i founded the bake option, thank you!