Trouble with 3Delight

After creating a scene that has windows, I want to add a green environment to fall in back of the windows so I can save the still and use it in another program to place what I want to be seen out of the windows.  All I get is black when using 3Delight.  Iray works, but Delight does not.  How can I get the background to stay green?





[email protected]


  • How are you adding it? The Render Settings environment map is Iray-only.

  • RanzzleeRanzzlee Posts: 41

     With 3Delight, as with some Filament renders/scenes, you need a physical background. You need a scene with trees or some tree assets that are placed outside the window and then you must put the proper light outside the window so it can be seen

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    GaryWAVE said:

    After creating a scene that has windows, I want to add a green environment to fall in back of the windows so I can save the still and use it in another program to place what I want to be seen out of the windows.  All I get is black when using 3Delight.  Iray works, but Delight does not.  How can I get the background to stay green?





    [email protected]

    If you want a solid green background, add a (Physical) skydome or create a primitive sphere, remove all maps, turn off diffuse strength and turn ambient strength to 100%, set ambient color to the color of your liking. Possibly turn off shadows on the sphere/dome if you use distant lights etc.

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