Motorcycles, (also racing cars) and suitable helmets and gear.

whitedragonwhitedragon Posts: 12
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions

Hello, I've seen very little or nothing about motorcycling helmets for 3D characters.
Yea, I found M3 have some ATV package, but that's about it.

No motocross, no Moto-GP gear at all. Also motocross bikes, or RR-bikes, especially for Daz Studio, I couldn't find either.
Or "civil" motorcycles, some older material existing but very limited selection....

And then car racing. Many eras. Different helmets in different series, I'm sure there are thousands of images on net available for having ideas...
Also not many racing cars available. (I don't mean to violate owned trademarks, but shapes and colors and twisted logos are possible I think)

How does this sound?



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