No compatible figures means that the animation wont work?

I`d like to buy but i see that it doesnt have compatible figures. This means that the animations i have or i can buy wont work in this trolls characters? Or they will work but not as good as in a Genesis charater?
What do you recomend to me, i like the skin of this trolls but if i have to do the animations manually it will be tons of work for me. Would it best for me to start with some character that was compatible with Genesis to have the animations already?
Thanks in advance.
? It does not have compatible figures because it IS a figure. The bundle includes this:
I have no idea how the available animations/poses work with it. Something for the larger figures might work fine. Depends all what's in your collection.
There are also morphs available for the Genesis figure if you prefer.
Thanks for fast reply Patience55,
I understand now, so there are morphs for genesis but also other charaters. Seems too basic but i am new and this is not my native language, what makes more difficult to understand all the basics of the program Daz Studio.
Well i suppose i will begin the easiest way, which becomes buying a morph because i have animations and clothes for genesis, but not for other creatures.
Greetings and thank you again for helping.
Animations say for V4 will usually work on M4 and vice versa.
They will work "sometimes" on Genesis with tweaking [fixing] some areas, esp. the feet.
What makes the difference are the "bones". If all the characters have the same bones basically set up the same way, the animations and poses will work to some degree. There are some free animations over at which may be useful.
Thank you for the information Patience55, i will take a look at the Web, thanks.