Big mess after allowing product update of 4.8 studio.

There was a product update for 4.8 in my install manager today and I allowed it. Zaammm, the studio I prefer was gone, and isn't available in workspaces. The only choice I get is a white screen with small black letters and some of the category headings are scambled, making them unreadable. Even the workspace available has a "Undefined" warning. I want to know if I can delete the 4.8 studio and reload 4.7 without losing my scenes, figures, props, wardrobe, ect. I took the first update to 4.8 and everything was fine, but now I just don't like this new one. I prefer the older workspace choices; I'm used to them. I've also been working on a scene I want for a book cover for over three months. I hesitate to open it, because I heard that Garibaldi hair won't render in Iray. I have 9 Garibaldi nodes in the scene, each crafted with blood sweat and (YES), tears. I don't want to open that scene in the new studio. So, can I delete it from my PC without losing products?

That looks like DS was still running when you installed the update. Close DS, make sure it has shut down completely (in Task Manager for Windows, I don't know what the equivalent is on Mac), then uninstall and reinstall it again.
I allowed an update of 4.8 just now, and the result was a disaster. My desktop scenes shortcuts say "No program is associated with this file. They now appear as blank white pages. When I first opened it after the update it went to my prefered workspace, but the studio would not render the image I chose. I closed the studio, and opened again hoping that would allow the update to complete. No such luck. My desktop icon for "Any" Daz studio disappeared. I searched "THIS PC" and found the only studio listed was the one updated. When I opened it, the only workspace was a white page that was listed as "Undefined." The studio doesn't even have track bars to move the categories or search anything below what appears when opened. A search of my recycle bin showed no deleted Daz studio 4.7.
My questions: Can I delete the new studio, and re-upload ONLY 4.7 without losing Figures, props, scenes, wardrobe, ect...? Is the page shown in the attachment a sign of corruption in the studio? Has the upload failed in some way? Is there some patch or extra I don't have?
I have very few items that are for 4.8 and wouldn't mind if they deleted, but I have over $1,500. for 4.7 and Genesis 2. I also have a scene that I've spent over three months working on that I do not want destroyed or corrupted. So, I'm afraid to open anything that does appear within the limited view of the new screen.
I wrote a post about his a few minutes ago, but I don't think it posted through the studio in the attachment. if it did, this is another post about the same thing and I'm sorry if you took the time to sort out the duplicate from the original post.
Thanks for answering.
I'm scared SH88les to delete anything I've worked on so long! Will the products and scenes still be there afterward? I'm worried about my "unassigned" category, which is where the most important scene is. Will I be able to RE- download the products from my product library if they go missing?
The only way to go back is to have the physical installer for 4.7. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the current version
Uninstalling and reinstalling the application won't affect your content, only the things installed by the application (a few scripts).
threads merged. Please don't start multi threads on the same question
By the way, you can re-download from your product library if at some point you need to, and of course you should backup your saved scenes in any event.
Frank, I apologized in the last sentence of the second post, knowing that it would be bothersome if the first had indeed posted. sorry about that.