Error when importing a Daz G8F into Blender
There is an error message when I import a Daz G8F obj model into blender... does anyone know why to fix it?
I have set the model resolution to be low. When I import the obj in Blender, I only unchecked "Split by object" box in geometry and left everything else unchecked.
I am using the 3.21 version of Blender and my error message is a little different from this post
I have attached the obj file (in zip). If by any chance it can be loaded into your Blender, please let me know.
Post edited by tayloranderson2047 on
I don't know why the obj importer in blender expects a utf-8 file, obj should be ansi afaik. May be this has something to do with the new python in blender 3. Anyway you may try to resave the obj as utf-8 with notepad.
Sorry for my ignorance of this, but how to resave the obj as utf-8 with notepad?
Please try the following sequence shown in the attached images:
Your OBJ file loads in Blender 3.2.0 for me with no error, though the system console does report that the MTL file can't be found. Looking at your traceback, the issue is with loading an image file and it seems the filename isn't UTF-8 compatible. Perhaps it is an image referred to in the MTL file, in which case without that and the image referred to we can't hope to reproduce your error.
I suggest you make sure the images referred to in the MTL file have names that only use UTF-8 valid characters, or better still only ASCII characters, and see if that helps.
Sorry I am a little confused... I only exported the obj of G8F and there weren't supposed to be any images... what do you mean by images here? And by names I guess you meant the file names of images, if any?
When you are exporting an obj, you are also creating an MTL file (material file) that has simplified version of the materials for your object, with reference to the used image files.
To save the obj as utf-8 with notepad just open it with notepad and file > save as > "utf-8" encoding. You can also try "ansi" and "utf-8 with bom". But since @andya can open it with no errors it may also be an issue with the regional settings if you're in a japanese pc for example.
Thanks! But when I import I only import the obj (and I don't need the material)... How should I let Blender "forget" the information of that MTL file and only recognize the obj (the mesh and geometry)?
Oh I see, thanks!
I think if you just delete the MTL file you will get the behavior I get, i.e. imports the geometry OK but complains about not finding the MTL file in the system console.
You could also uncheck the checkboxes for Write Material Library when exporting from DS: I'm not sure, but I assume that would mean not creating an MTL file.