Any Idea What Happened?

I placed the base G3F in a scene, clothed it with G2F clothing. When I rendered it, everything was in the render, clothing, hair, setting & skydome except the figure! Anyone have any idea what happened, cause I don't. I was able to render the figure in a blank scene by itself without any clothing.
What G2F clothing exactly did you use, and I can try it too.
Did you accidently click on the eye in front of the figure, thusly making her invisible?
I'm not sure, but I'll check it out. But wouldn't she be invisible in the workspace as well?
What renderer?
If it's 3Delight, there will be an option, on the root of the figure, in the Parameters, 'Visible in Render'. It will still show the figure in the viewport, but it won't render.
Wasn't there also a bug (something about specific shaders and motion blur) that caused figures not to render?
I didn't use anything other than default settings. Besides, I am still pretty much a novice with Daz, so you are speaking Greek to me. lol!