Morph problems

I managed to make morphs by myself with blender but now I have this little problem. If I load many morphs to a figure the mouth of the figure I use gets more and more open and it looks stupid. Does anybody know how to make it away that the mouth is opening?
Sorry if I have some misspellings in the texst thats because my nativ language is german.
Please give some more information.
What figure are you sending to Blender to morph? What parts of the figure are you morphing?
If there is just a little bit of mouth opening in each one, that will probably accumulate when all the morphs are applied. Can you give more information on what morphs you have created, and how you are using them?
Can you show an image of what you are seeing?
There isn't an easy fix.
The best way is to either make each morph a shape key and split the head/body into separate morphs, in Blender or make each one separately, from scratch on a fresh copy of the base figure you are using.
What's causing it is the additive effect of morphing on top of a morph and not controlling how much influence your sculpting brush has on the surrounding geometry. After a while the little, almost not noticeable movements add up into a lost goldfish look in Studio.