Are there Cybernetic Limbs other than ArcWar/ArcTek?

in The Commons
Are there any cybernetic/bionic limbs available for Genesis 8 other than the ArcWar/ArTek sets? I could have sworn that there was another set - and that I had even purchased them - yet I have not been able to find anything in my library or in the store. I found the modern prosthetic limbs, but what I remember was something sci-fi. I am beginning to think that I imagined it...
Were you thinking of these freebies? and
I have never seen those before, but they look very cool! I might be able to use those for something :)
What I am remembering was not quite such sleek tech. The prosthetics had more of a dystopian look.
This is more Cybernetic stuff:
This is more Dystopian:
Thanks! I might find that second one useful. Still not the cybernetics I am thinking of, however... I am almost convinced now that I hallucinated it.
There's also AfterLife Outfit or bionic arms or blade runner legs
My limbs are less actual cybernetic limbs and more custom sockets so you can place any robotic limbs on a character. The limb part was more of an afterthought.
I just wanted to attach Cyborg Generation 8 arms and legs to G8+ characters. Those terminator-like robots in the Cyborg Generation are built on G8F/M rigging so they are compatible. If you have them you can scavenge body parts for kitbashing.
I kitbashed some limb sockets using pieces of the G8 mannequin set and some other bits and bobs, so I could make images of the character with their cyber limbs removed. That's why I think what you came up with looks useful :)
Are you sure the ones you remember, were for G8?
Just adding this link might be useful. :)
This is definitely the style I was thinking of, but what I am remembering had leg pieces, too. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion! :)
This was also released since you started the thread:
Also for Cookie: