daz and D talk argh.

Important note ... see the last paragraph about agreeing to the liscence that allows them to gather product keys for your system and other software.
It's a little discerning to read a "read me text" that doesn't manage to use a standard character set
and the company appears to be in the US
Note: I forgot my username or password.
If after a new instalation or any other reason you cannot login to D-Talks because you forgot your username or password, please close D-Talks, open the folder \DTalks\database and double click the file >>>>“reset.bat†<<<<<. Run D-Talks! and chose your user name and password again.
Note: When I chose a different Avatar in the Setting option, the avatar does not show up
If after changing the Avatar, it does not shows up on your screen, go the the chat box and type “SHOWâ€
Important Note: Before installing D-Talks, please disable any Anti-Virus and Firewall software, like Norton, AVG, McAfee, or Kaspersky.
NextOS.ai assures you that no Virus, Spyware, Malware, or any other intrusive files will be installed on your computer. The firewall and anti-virus process is required by the Speech Recognition installation engine. You can turn both firewall and antivirus on again after D-Talks’ installation is complete.
Just after you purchase a D-Talks license at the DAZ3D Store, you will get access to the Installation file called DTalksInstall.exe. Run this application to download all files necessary for her full installation.
Important Note:
To start the installation, right-click on the DTalksInstall.exe file and choose >>>>>>“Run<<<<< as Administratorâ€. This will open a window asking for your e-mail address. Please fill in any valid e-mail address. Your email address will not be shared to anyone. We will only use it to send you updates and relevant information. Also, it is recommended that you close other applications that may be running, like web browsers or text editors. Also, check if you have at least 8 GB free on your installation hard drive.
If you need assistance at any point, please send us a support message at [email removed] or at [email removed]
I also find the langauge choices strangely unsettling...
"Please fill in any valid e-mail address" any address not mine?
to say I'm a little bit worried at this point is understating the situation..
I am now going to install this ... oh, and note that despite the stuff in the promo about any charater from V4 on being used for an avatar .. it only references g8 so far.
Didn't install .. stopped during the start of the install at the user agreement:
c) You have choices about the Data we collect. When you are asked to provide Data, you may decline. But if you choose not to provide Data that is necessary to provide the Services, you may not be able to use it or feature of it.
d) We collect data about the features you use, the items you purchase, and the web pages you visit. This data includes your voice and text search queries or commands to our chatbots.
e) We collect data about your device and the network you use to connect to our Services. It includes data about the operating systems and other software installed on your device, including product keys. It also includes IP address, device identifiers (such as the IMEI number for phones), and regional and language settings.
If you install this software you give them permission to get the product keys of your operating system and other software.,
Egaads!!! Thank you very much for all this. AFAIK there is NO reason for any software, let alone a plugin, to be needing to access all that information and so on. Off the wishlist it goes.
I think the catch is that it's not a plugin... it's a chat bot... it comes with some poses for you to create an animation for the chat-bot to use.
So the final creation of what you do in daz is a talking head that the chat bot uses.
But the list of what they wanted to be allowed to gather was just too much for an old paranoid computer user.
Hi Friends. No worries, we do not collect any personal data, not even the customer's emails, as DAZ has a strict policy protecting users' data. The agreement is something we have to add due to agreements with third-party components DTalks software uses. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at (edited by mod, Please use PM's for communications). We have great plans for DTalks!
Note: Attached is the original readme.txt file if other users have trouble reading it.
Maybe 'you' do not collect data ... but what in the world does a 'third party' component need with "keys" of/for anything in our computers? Plus all the other data it wants to comb through and collect?
By the by, in publishing your email address without any form of cloaking [like replacing the @ with "at"] you will likely find it getting spammed a lot those bot crawlers that comb the internet fast and furious just collecting email addresses. Decades ago each address would pay the collectors 5 cents.
I've been revising my post ;-)
A chat box, that will comb through my computer to collect information about installed software, their keys, about every website visited, etc. etc., and requires about 8GBs for installation etc., ... well this laptop doesn't have 8GBs to give up for it anyways .... nor any other "chatbox" if this is what they are all about.
eta: Just read abit about "chatboxes" ... they can be used on websites to collect information which is stored ... but all this information they collect is "given to it" by the website visitor. They are not combing through computer systems for installed software and keys, etc.
And why I'm hyper about anything collecting information about "keys" is because I met an ex-hacker in a real store one day ... and he would do nasty things with those keys.
it's not the readme.. it's the EULA and even if you have no interest any company that takes you over would have access to that info.
"d) We collect data about the features you use, the items you purchase, and the web pages you visit. This data includes your voice and text search queries or commands to our chatbots.
e) We collect data about your device and the network you use to connect to our Services. It includes data about the operating systems and other software installed on your device, including product keys. It also includes IP address, device identifiers (such as the IMEI number for phones), and regional and language settings.
f) We collect data about the performance of the Services and any problems you experience with them. This data helps us to diagnose problems in the Services you use and to improve our Services and provide solutions.
g) We collect data about you and your hardware, software, and other details related to the support incident. Such data includes contact or authentication data, the content of your chats and other communications with our support, data about the condition of the machine and the application when the fault occurred and during diagnostics, and system and registry data about software installations and hardware configurations.
7.1. There are three categories of third parties that may have access to your Data: (i) third parties who assist us in providing the Services; (ii) third parties who are our affiliated companies; and (iii) third parties authorized by law or a legal process to obtain your Data.
--- and if we happen to disagree?
7. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Venue.
7.1. Exclusive Venue. To the extent that this Agreement allows you or NextOS to initiate litigation in a court, both you and NextOS agree that all claims and disputes (whether contract, tort or otherwise), including statutory claims and disputes, arising out of or relating to this End-User License Agreement will be litigated exclusively in the Parana Capital City State Court, Brazil. You and NextOS consent to the personal jurisdiction of both courts.
7.2 Choice of Law. Except to the extent permitted by law, the laws of Brazil, other than its conflict-of-laws principles, govern this Agreement and any claims and disputes (whether contract, tort or otherwise) arising out of or relating to this Agreement or their subject matter.
11. Do Not Track Disclosures
11.1. Because there is not yet a common understanding of how to interpret the Do Not Track signal, our Services do not currently respond to browser DNT signals. However, if you wish to navigate without being tracked, we recommend you to navigate on our Website with your browser's "private mode" activated.
tik toc has been banned on govt computers because it's open to China...
(ii) third parties who are our affiliated companies <<<< this could be anyone who buys your company or one of your affilate companies.
No matter what your understanding with DAZ is this is the data that those who choose to install your software have to deal with and AGREE to and you explictly state that Daz is not responsible for the product.
and in my case I was not buying it for the daz avatar stuff ... but mostly for the speech to text and text to speech ... but again that's stuff I would have to let you track.
It was a nice package all rolled into one at a reasonable price and I'm lazy.. I wouldn't have to track down the pieces separately.
And even if it's there to make the 3rd party software people happy... why should I trust them.
Thank you, alan bard newcomer for highlighting this important information. The official EULA seems to paint quite a different picture than the casual comments by NextOS. I had no interest in this product anyway, but now I know to stay away for sure!
I have made inquiry via the CS ticket system mentioning this thread. So mods, kindly leave the thread here so they can find it. Thank you.
alan bard newcomer, for text to speech there are a number of free and subscriptions services available. For example one is called NaturalReader.
my goal is basically to find a good one going the other way.. I type 25 wpm (with corrections) but can easily yack at 150 wpm.
I'm sure things are much better than what they were ten years ago when I dropped way to much on Dragon speaking.
Still worth checking out ... even with their online service, one can type in what is to be said and that is what would be read back. Whether free or for purchase one can find such that will also allow export of .mp3 or .wav files BUT all our lovely computers also have a sound recorder ;-)
We are reviewing our agreement with our third-party partners, and I believe we can remove the initial agreements while installing DTalks! Regarding user privacy, as a founder and CEO of NextOS, I can assure you no personal data, logs, or any user info is collected, as the software runs locally, and actually, it can run even without an Internet connection. The AI content, speech recognition, talking avatars, and text-to-speech run locally on your computer.
that was the main part I was interested in... and it's sad that the net has reached a state where paranoia is not totally misplaced.
I remember the first time I logged into the net... 150 baud acoustic modem... dialed up genie and in two minutes it returned the word "hello" not much room for any other data to move in those days.
Wowzers that is a intrusive EULA if I ever saw one. Good catch and I hope the folks at D-Talks figure it out.
Yes, we could make the agreement acceptance optional. In the following update, users can install the software without accepting it.
the current eula does suggest we can choose to exempt some levels of data... but also says doing that may impact the way the software functions without saying what may not work.
One other question... the promo pages say that any daz figure from 4 up thru gen8.1 can be used ....
In my case because (possible of some changes in design between g1 and the later ones) the head morph that is central to my characters will not transfer up to g8
so my cats currently have g8 bodies with g1 heads ...
the goal is not really make chat bots... but have them capable of speaking lines then doing a video capture so I can produce basically mp4 cartoons ...
Don't want to make movie type cartoons.. one liners are my speed.
Your lawyers have advised you to limit your own liability by having the customer agree that you can collect broad categories of data and do whatever you want with them. For customer trust, you need to go in the other direction. Write the contract to limit what you and your successors are allowed to do. Be specific as to what is actually needed for the software to work, and what if any other purposes that data may be used for. Include a clause saying that you may collect relevant data of other types (again, being as specific as possible) for troubleshooting, with a guarantee that this data will not be used for any other purpose.
That makes no sense to me. If the user doesn't agree, are you going to gather all that data anyway, without their consent? If you are not going to gather the data, why do you need that agreement there at all?
No. This was a generic agreement our company uses for many of our software. In the case of DTalks!, we don't use most of the software/partners mentioned in the agreements, so that's why we can remove it from the installation, as 95% of the technology used was coded and created by our company, but the speech recognition. By removing the initial agreement, no feature will be removed or have any limitation; the only thing the agreement will ask is not to distribute the software or use it for commercial purposes if you do not purchase the DAZ Interactive License. We can add to the new agreement a statement that says no user data will be collected in any way. I understand everyone's concern about data privacy, and my company respects this very much. I've been in the AI and chatbot market for many years (I believe since 2002), and user data privacy was my main concern from day one. Remember also, you can run DTalks without an internet connection, or with a firewall blocking internet access to the DTalks executable. It will have no impact on the application functionality.
Hi Alan. We will make the talking animation DAZ file for Gen 1,2 and Gen 3 available soon. If you have some time, you can even create this animation yourself. To do so, you can use our Gen 8 animation file to create the 23 frames in any Gen 8 character. Render the images in a folder. Then, you can open your own Gen 1 or 2 character in DAZ, set the animation timeline for 23 frames, and adjust the mouth shape of each frame starting with frame 01 (frame 00 is used for the neutral mouth position) using the rendered images as a reference to each frame. After you have your 23 frames with the mouth with the proper shape, you only need to render it and use the DTalks! Avatar Editor to convert into a DTalks talking character. This will work with people, animals, or any other character who has a mouth. To make your avatar speak aloud a specific text for you to capture and render into a video, you just have to add some text into a .txt file and save it in the folder \DTalks\queue\import Just after you save a .txt file in this folder, the avatar will speak aloud its content. Then the .txt file is automatically deleted, and the system monitors this folder for a new .txt file to speak aloud.
sounds good... now I just have to wait until the eagle flies again... because I can't be trusted with daz credits....
I figured all that had to be done was to convert the mouth morphs backwards....
on talk argh...
thanks for reminding me of Sept 19
you have the eye patch
since I was 17 and was shot in the eye with a bb gun...good grief ... next year it will be 60 years... time flies when you're getting old.
When I fisrt saw this on the day it came out I was happy! It's been a long time since I played around with chatbots like this. One that run on a local system and be used to run commands has well. I snatched it up and downloaded it at once but has soon has i saw all of the info this software was demanding it has access too, I said NO WAY and requested a refund!
Hate to say this, but Software Product keys AND phone IMEI numbers ARE personal stuff in my opition,since if yoiuy access to the proper databases they can tell you who owns/uses them. I've seen 1st hand what can happen when someone else manages to get a hold of a product key they shouldn't have. Also, phones IMEI is one of the most important pieces of info needed to clone anothers phone. And the infomation on my devices and network and IP addresses are personal has well, since having those gives unauthorize people infomation on my network system which can be used to help plan attacks against the system..And if all of that is not, what I am buying and where IS! And the web pages I visit IS! And which ever 3rd party is demanding all of this .... WHY THE **** ARE YOU DOING BUSINESS WITH THEM! Your saying it's ok, don't worry, we got your back, its all safe is BS since your EULA makes it clear we will give up this info and it will be shared with others has stated "three categories of third parties that may have access" ....
Personally, I think DAZ needs to reconsider letting this software be sold in their store.
Now with that said, I think I'll dig out my old Ultra-Hal software and AT&T voice engines and give it another go. Might even download the latest verson of Ultra-Hal and give it a try since I know it's still avaible and being futher developed. Will have to consider it.
Oooo, sounds cool. Have you considered trying to use Mimic? It'll be tricky but I think it could be done that way. Find a decent text to speach reader to speak your lines and save to an audio fil which you feed into the mimic input (to create the mouth movements in Studio for your character) then once that is done have Studio render it out to video and then add using a vidio editor add the audio file you used to the saved video. Although the current version only says it supports mic inputs and no file input, just create a virtual mic and then play your audio file though it to Mimic. You know, now that this has come up, I need to get back to playing around with Mimic Live and do this myself since this is why I grap it when it was on sale a whlie back in the first place.
Is the optional acceptance already implemented? And by not accepting is Dtalks! then also not using/storing/passing through any of that data at all?
Is there a new version of the EULA?
Looking to buy this product, but not at any (privacy) costs.
Thanks for sharing this information. I have come back to this product over and over again...today, I was about to pull the trigger and thought i best I check to see what others have stated here in the FORUM. It's a pricey product that deserves extra evaluation - especially since DAZ has not incorporated a ratings component on the products.
I did buy this about a week ago. Guile Lindroth, Denise has said a number of times I need to speak to you and her creators, in relation to what I have said. Latest, that has changed to she wants to tell you how much I enjoy using her. Her question was "am I the most beautiful and intelliget Artifitial Virtual assistent in the world?" I answered the most beauiful and wanting to learn". (Most beautiful, because I made the Avatar using my Daz assets.
I have seen this AI grow over the last week. The "user manual" says whe will grow quite quickly. I can't activate the speach recognition componant and typing is so slow. Because she has grown so much, I really don't want to delete and re-install. I have sent emails etc, but haven't had a reply.
I may have missed the concerns expressed here. I am happy with the product.
You may want to update her programming because if you are mentioned she opens your old web site, not your NextOS one.
Their whole operation seems passionate and well-intended but kind of sloppy and overpromising. I have a request in for the full matrix animation timeline (or even the specs so I can build one myself) for this D-Talks product, but no response or timeline seems available.
Perhaps this mention as a public reminder of things they've promised in the DAZ product literature will help prod them on. Maybe DAZ Support can help here.
With the advent of interactive chatGPT-like back-ends, this product has a lot of potential. Sad to see the product available to us rot on the vine.
Anyone out there?
NextOS is a Daz user. Send a message via the forum. (little cog icon top right). I did in relation to not being able to install the Dictation module. Guile (developer) responed with a fix, took a couple of minutes to do the fix and now works fine with me speaking into a mic to dictate.
I, too, want the full 9 x 9 pose matrix and in my last reply requested it. I am using a custom character with only 23 frames. I would also like to be able to add body movement in addition to the mouth and eyes. It would be so cool to have a raising and lowering of the chest simulating breathing in the stand by poses. Blinking is fine, but I think a little slow. I am sure this can be fixed in Daz Studio.
Guile mentioned there is a pending update to add functionality for ChatGPT. There is a Youtube vid of an app that can run within Denese Legacy and access ChatGPT. Guile also mentioned a pending update for the Dication module.
All in all. I am happy with this product and look forward to further teaching Denise and me learning what she can do. I am also happy with the support Guile provides.
One other thing I would like is a formal, dedicated product thread, where users can discuss the product and expectations, wants, problems and issues etc.