Just bought Face transfer, still only 3 free face transfers left ?

in New Users
I thought it was a steal at 16 bucks, so i bought it.
I have a Win 64 system and i closed Daz and re-started it.
Still i get the forehead watermark.
Help would be much appreciated.
Did you enter the serial number in the appropriate box in Help>About Installed Plug-ins?
No i didnt. Funny i was thinking maybe you would show up and answer this. lol.
thanks. i'll go do that right now.
Actually it didnt show up in Daz install manager. I figured it would update itself then.
So where do i get that serial number from ?
Right i got it. Everything fixed. thanks Richard.
You can find the serial number in your account, the padlock icon (2nd from the right).
And there is no donwload, because Face Transfert is already part of DAZ, the serial just unlock the number of transfer.