Pose Controls Missing after Hard Drive Move

in New Users
Hey guys, a bit new to DAZ. I ran out of space on my hard drive, and decided to move all my models, clothing, etc. to another drive I had that had more space. I set it up, used the Content Directory Manager so it could find said content. Almost everything transferred over fine, no issues with models, clothing, etc. I can load all that up just fine. However, I did notice that when selecting a model, the "Pose Controls" option, is no longer there. The translation, rotation, and scale options are there, but no pose controls. Was wondering how to fix that. I don't really understand all the super technical stuff, so any help is appreciated.
That sounds as if the morphs and other proeprties were not transfered correctly - is it possible they had been installed to as eparate destination?
It seems like it, I just looked into the "Shaping" tab, and most of my body morphs are missing. I'm not exactly sure where they would've gone though. I just copied the "MyDAZ 3D Library" over to the new drive. No errors popped up, and I didn't deviate it towards any other
Oh, a quick update, the morphs I've applied to models loads up just fine... so they're not exactly missing (I think) but I can't access them outside of a model that has that particular morph. It's very strange...
So if you load an existing character it is shaped? Do its morphs thena ppear in the Shaping pane? What about the Parameters pane?
Yes, the morph does appear in the shaping pane. The parameters pane remains unchanged. It's like it only finds those morphs when they're already applied to a character, and won't find them normally.
If it helps, the expressions are missing from the pose controls as well (and to clarify, the Pose Control tab is no longer there). I tried applying an expression from the Content Library, and it doesn't change the model at all.
One possibility is that your morphs are inside a content diectory inside the main content diectory - if they wre saved that way, becuse you had both slected, then the path in the saved fiels might point to them. For example you might have /My Daz 3D Library/Content/Data/Daz 3d/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/... and if you ddi have both My Daz 3d Library adn Content seelcted as directories ("Nested" content directories) then the morphs wopudl load, but when saving it woudl probably have added the Content folder to the path it stoed - so now, with only My Daz 3D Library seelcted, it will fidn and load the morphs when told to but not on loading the base figure. The thing you need to do is look through your My Daz 3D Library and see if you have any nested folders like that, with a Data (and probably a Runtime) folder inside a sub-folder.
One possibility is that your morphs are inside a content diectory inside the main content diectory - if they wre saved that way, becuse you had both slected, then the path in the saved fiels might point to them. For example you might have /My Daz 3D Library/Content/Data/Daz 3d/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/... and if you ddi have both My Daz 3d Library adn Content seelcted as directories ("Nested" content directories) then the morphs wopudl load, but when saving it woudl probably have added the Content folder to the path it stoed - so now, with only My Daz 3D Library seelcted, it will fidn and load the morphs when told to but not on loading the base figure. The thing you need to do is look through your My Daz 3D Library and see if you have any nested folders like that, with a Data (and probably a Runtime) folder inside a sub-folder.
I'm not 100% how to determine what is and isn't a nested folder in this case. Going from /My DAZ 3D Library/Data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/ leads me to several folders bearing different names (of their creators I assume). Each one has their respective DSF files (and sometimes PNGs). They seem to be in order...
Does it have something to do with Documents maybe?
Okay, new quick update. I had initially named the folder I sent everything to as the "Grand DAZ Library" just to set it apart from the original. I just now made a different folder, named it DAZ 3D and moved everything there. Redid the content directory to the MY DAZ 3D Library in that folder, and now it seems like everything's fixed again. I have no idea why that worked, but I'm not complaining. I appreciate your help!