Video rendering help

in New Users
Good day, my name is Anton, I am new to the animation scene and i am teaching myself, I am struggaling with the rendering of my movie, When i render the movie witch is only 10sec long the 2 characters are pixelated, no backround/ shadows just 2 characters and a few lights. But when i render a still image exactly the same settings just moved from movie to still image, everything is fine nothing pixelated, what am i doing wrong, please need help.
I am running daz studio 4.8 pro iray. system: intel i5-4690k (overclocked to 3.9ghz) 16gb corsair vengence ddr3 ram, gigabyte g1 sniper motherboard, msi gtx650 ti boost graphics card, windows 8.1
Please any help.
What are you rendering to (AVI?), and in what render engine, 3Delight or Iray?
Most animators do NOT render to 'movie', but create a still image sequence, and then use other software (usually free) to link them all together in a movie format.
Good day, I am rendering in Iray and Avi, I just did a image series and there is also no pixelation just in movie.
What is the best program to use for the still image sequence.
There are many of them, and it is probably a matter of personal preference which one you use. If you are on Windows, you can get Movie Maker free from the Microsoft website, or you could Google 'free video editing software', and there are lots of choices. There are many tutorials for Movie Maker on the web.
Thank you, is there a way to render without it pixelating? or not? Movie wise.