The quick, unpleasant answer is you can't control the monitors of all or even a tiny fraction of your viewers, and you are out of luck. The best you can do is perhaps get a bunch of feedback to guess at what the "average" user might be seeing, then tailor your image to that. (For me, the thumbnail makes it extremely difficult, but not impossible, to see what's going on. The full-size image is also extremely dark however I can see everything in it.)
If you have physical access to your target audience's monitors (friends, family, work, whatever), you can purchase color calibration devices which among other things will also recommend and/or adjust light settings. I have one, although there is still quite a bit of guesswork involved in brightness settings, and the change is very minor. You can also simply play around with your monitor's brightness settings manually if you feel your monitor is way off from the average monitor. And of course if you are in a circle of people who all do this (like maybe a bunch of professional photographers or graphics nuts) they may have already brought their monitors somewhat closer to each other's and your settings if they are all doing this already.
Just to add to the confusion, keep in mind that what you see will also depend on the light levels in your room, and that your eyes have recently adjusted to. Your dark picture will be much harder to see when the sun is shining in somebody's house during the day, and will be far easier to see at 3AM when all the lights but the monitor are off and somebody's eyes are fully dark-adapted.
I have HD monitors, thumbnail is solid black, click on image, can't hardly see anything, unless I brighten in PS. In the past, I ran dual monitors with different connections, dvi/hdmi and noticed a major difference between the two, with same exact settings.
Save your present monitor profile as Gaming and recalbrate your monitor for image viewing and save that as Images. Load the profile when you change from one to the other.
I recalibrate every few months as displays change over time as the monitor ages.
You may know this already, but knowing the make and model of your monitor, go to the manufacturers website, find your model, and you should be able to download a .pdf copy of the manual.
Then use the brightness and contrast sliders to get the best looking match for the greyscale chart. I then move down to the colour chart and see if any of the individual colours need tweaked to get rid of any colour cast. I then save that as my setup.icc. I then load that for my monitor profile.
Once the gamma is set to 2.2 you have to adjust the brightness and contrast using the grey scale chart in the first link and also the gamma chart at the bottom of link two to get it just right.
The quick, unpleasant answer is you can't control the monitors of all or even a tiny fraction of your viewers, and you are out of luck. The best you can do is perhaps get a bunch of feedback to guess at what the "average" user might be seeing, then tailor your image to that. (For me, the thumbnail makes it extremely difficult, but not impossible, to see what's going on. The full-size image is also extremely dark however I can see everything in it.)
If you have physical access to your target audience's monitors (friends, family, work, whatever), you can purchase color calibration devices which among other things will also recommend and/or adjust light settings. I have one, although there is still quite a bit of guesswork involved in brightness settings, and the change is very minor. You can also simply play around with your monitor's brightness settings manually if you feel your monitor is way off from the average monitor. And of course if you are in a circle of people who all do this (like maybe a bunch of professional photographers or graphics nuts) they may have already brought their monitors somewhat closer to each other's and your settings if they are all doing this already.
Just to add to the confusion, keep in mind that what you see will also depend on the light levels in your room, and that your eyes have recently adjusted to. Your dark picture will be much harder to see when the sun is shining in somebody's house during the day, and will be far easier to see at 3AM when all the lights but the monitor are off and somebody's eyes are fully dark-adapted.
I have HD monitors, thumbnail is solid black, click on image, can't hardly see anything, unless I brighten in PS. In the past, I ran dual monitors with different connections, dvi/hdmi and noticed a major difference between the two, with same exact settings.
It is dark but viewable on my calibrated monitor. It also loks very red.
Perhaps it is your monitor that is too bright and needs calibrated. Setting it to your game preference may not make images look right.
Save your present monitor profile as Gaming and recalbrate your monitor for image viewing and save that as Images. Load the profile when you change from one to the other.
I recalibrate every few months as displays change over time as the monitor ages.
You may know this already, but knowing the make and model of your monitor, go to the manufacturers website, find your model, and you should be able to download a .pdf copy of the manual.
I use the first link to set my monitor. The setting for gamma is 2.2 not 22.0
What I do is set the colour space to "Adobe RGB (1998)", you should have it in your monitor profiles, if not you can download it from here.
Then use the brightness and contrast sliders to get the best looking match for the greyscale chart. I then move down to the colour chart and see if any of the individual colours need tweaked to get rid of any colour cast. I then save that as my setup.icc. I then load that for my monitor profile.
Once the gamma is set to 2.2 you have to adjust the brightness and contrast using the grey scale chart in the first link and also the gamma chart at the bottom of link two to get it just right.