Clothes aren't show up

in New Users
Hello all.
I have just started using the software (using freebies from the net and free things fron the marketplace).
I am using the genesis model for male/female but i can't dress the model.
almost every cloth i try is not showing up.
tutorials works and environments as well.
That sounds as if you are using material settings for the clothes, not the clothes themselves. A lot of freebies are new materials to change the appearance of a model, not complete sets in themselves. Are you using DAZ Studio? Are the clothes appearing Poser Formats or DAZ Studio Formats?
If you installed these items yourself, are you sure that you put them into the correct folder inside My DAZ 3D Library?
Are you also sure that you are not just trying to load a Material and not a clothing item?
Can you please post a screenshot of what you re seeing in the Content Library pane, and give an example of one of the freebies that you cannot use?
I am using daz studio.
for example: one of the suit i am using is powergirl (from here), it show the suits and in the scripts option it let me select it but nothing happen.
maybe it's for the poser?
if so, i can i change to it and why can't it import it to daz?
That is a texture set for the V4 bodysuit. It needs to be applied the article of clothing...the V4 Bodysuit.