Where can I find the rules for posting images in the Gallery?

SFAMSFAM Posts: 50

I assume there are rules about what can be posted to the Gallery, but I can't find this info.  I saw some info about posting images containing nudity, but surely there's rules about how much DAZ 3D content an image should contain?  Or how much manipulation the DAZ 3D content has received in Photoshop or similar?  I have some images that are virtually 100% FlowScape or Photohop, save for a single instance of DAZ 3D characture or asset - is this aceeptable to post in the Gallery?  I suspect not.


Thanks for directing me to this info!  (and I hope I've posted this to the correct Forum area)


  • AFAIK there are no special rules about the content used for your renders, even if all the content used comes from another store. Postwork in Photoshop or Gimp is allowed without restrictions. I even posted promotional images for items I sell in another store (but without a link). Avoid nudity, hate and violence, that's all.

    You can use the "Daz 3D Items Used" funcionality but it's not mandatory.


  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 519


    We have a section under the ToS that lists Gallery Information!

  • FedermannFedermann Posts: 111

    Makes you wonder if any fantasy fight scene is allowed. The phrase "Images that may be considered as an attack on a person or their beliefs will be reviewed for their appropriateness in the gallery." could be interpreted to wholesale preclude those kinds of fantasy scenes, esp. considering they would also be deemed to be ‘gratuitously violent’ almost on principle.

    Anyway, I am kind of disappointed that depictions of animal abuse are not specifically prohibited, not sure if there is consensus that such abuse is always considered “gratuitously violent”. The caution concerning depictions of children is understandable but in its current formulation pretty much unworkable. Ah well, I guess there are other galleries to be considered, many DAZ heavy weights at this forum already have a link  to a certain external gallery in their signatures.

  • SFAMSFAM Posts: 50

    Thank you to all who replied to my question about Gallery posting rules with your helpful and insightful info!

    And the ambiguity of the ToS regarding image violence left me with many questions, as well.  A great deal of classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy art is based on aggressive action between opponents, sometimes resulting in surmised death or intense physical damage.  Virtually the entire catalog of fantasy-based artists, like Frank Frazetta and Boris Vallejo (two of my fave inspiring talents) depict such violent conflicts.  I understand displaying art with a sense of good-taste and reasonable social responsibility, but the the line seems to run a little thin in this area at times.  For example, an image of a warrior flying in mid-air bring a battle axe down on vitals seems to hang on a question of timing, sometimes only microseconds, as a swinging axe is one level, but then as said axe begins to make contact with its target a new level is breached, and then as blood and guts are splattered across the image another level is achieved, and finally in a sort of artistic denouement the fallen foe is displayed with its.vital bits and fluids dripping and pooling on the ground.  And I image each viewer's sense of taste and acceptance is as unique and individual as any point of opinion.  And where do such rules lie?  One can only imagine until the rules are tested.

    Happy Halloween!  :D


  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,904

    I've always interpreted the prohibition against violent imagery to mean "no gore". Think of the difference between PG13 and R movies. 

  • SFAMSFAM Posts: 50

    Gordig said:

    I've always interpreted the prohibition against violent imagery to mean "no gore". Think of the difference between PG13 and R movies. 

     I generally agree with that view.  But in the timeline I explored above (berserker warrior's axe coming down on an opponents head) is an image of the axe just an inch above his victim's head OK?  As it touches his head?  As it begins to slice into his head?  As his head splits open?  As the whole top part of his body splits open? Or as the blood splatters from the wound? (sorry for the gruesome description!)  Does gore start with the appearance of the fluids? Or does it begin when the axe contacts his head, or somewhere in between?  Just an odd artistic consideration.

    The above scenario is not really within my usual style, but I do have an image of a warrior returning from battle carrying her dragon victim's severed head with a few small traces of dripping blood.  I think it's done "tastefully" (I don't really care for gore)  But I couldn't see a fresh battle win displayed free of ANY blood!?  And does this enter the realm of animal abuse!?  I hate to think so, but I could understand someone who felt it did!?

  • FedermannFedermann Posts: 111

    SFAM said:

    Gordig said:

    I've always interpreted the prohibition against violent imagery to mean "no gore". Think of the difference between PG13 and R movies. 

     I generally agree with that view.  But in the timeline I explored above (berserker warrior's axe coming down on an opponents head) is an image of the axe just an inch above his victim's head OK?  As it touches his head?  As it begins to slice into his head?  As his head splits open?  As the whole top part of his body splits open? Or as the blood splatters from the wound? (sorry for the gruesome description!)  Does gore start with the appearance of the fluids? Or does it begin when the axe contacts his head, or somewhere in between?  Just an odd artistic consideration.

    The above scenario is not really within my usual style, but I do have an image of a warrior returning from battle carrying her dragon victim's severed head with a few small traces of dripping blood.  I think it's done "tastefully" (I don't really care for gore)  But I couldn't see a fresh battle win displayed free of ANY blood!?  And does this enter the realm of animal abuse!?  I hate to think so, but I could understand someone who felt it did!?

    I am glad you raised this issue in this forum I was wondering about the same things. I would love to have a little gallery portfolio on DAZ even though its self-promotional value would probably be near zero.  I do not object to the clearly formulated terms in the TOS but I do not want to experience censorship springing from the various at the discretion of  DAZ staff clauses from the ToS where clear rules/terms/definitions are lacking. In just a small set of  rules within the "Gallery and Posted Image Conduct" section, at least four are explicitly qualified as to be "reviewed by the staff" and in another rule this review is implied. I totally accept this is DAZ's prerogative and I am aware that the internet can be a vile place in need of supervision and control. Ultimately, I must decide for myself whether I desire to publish renders that are innocuous enough to be ToS compliant, at this point that would be quite a challenge for me!

  • Regarding violence: In one of my render stories I once blew up planet Earth and wiped out the entire human race without tripping the threshold!

  • FedermannFedermann Posts: 111

    Matt_Brown said:

    Regarding violence: In one of my render stories I once blew up planet Earth and wiped out the entire human race without tripping the threshold!

    LoL Maybe wholesale destruction trumps gratuitous violence!? I like your gallery esp. gumshoe and all things in the vein of 'Total Recall'. Perhaps complying with the ToS doesn't necessarily equal artistic capitulation but I am still not sure whether it is the right fit for me. BTW I just found out that navigating the gallery (like yours) is pretty cumbersome, once you have clicked on an image to see it enlarged you can't navigate to the next image, you have to return to the gallery root in order to continue, quite a hassle imo. That's not winning a GUI contest any time soon.

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