Combining multiple 3d objects from other programs into DAZ..can I do it?

I am a fine artist/illustrator. I use DAZ as one of many resource tools. I use DAZ studio for referencing figures, sometimes create characters in Sculptris, and make architectural backgrounds in Google sketchup. All of my creations are actually resources that I draw from at a later time. What I am wondering is if there is some way to combine elements from all of my resource programs into DAZ?
For example: I am currently working on creating a large scale drawing of a war scene. I have re-created the Alamo using Google sketchup, as well as creating and posing different figures fighting in the scene with both DAZ studio and Sculptris. Is there a way that I can import my figures and architecture from Sculptris and SketchUP into the scene with the Alamo in the background, so that I can "digitally" position them, pose them, light them, and then pan around the scene to decide what's the best point of view for my drawing?
All 3 programs are great, but I would like to be able to bring them all together. Seems like they ought to be able to be brought together, at least in some format. They are all 3d meshes, right?
Any help is welcomed. Thanks,
If it is just the mehes that you want to import to DAZ Studio, the easiest way would be to use Wavefront OBJ. I am sure that Sculptris can export in that format, but I don't know about Sketchup. The title of your post is a little confusing, you don't really want to combine 3D objects, but place them all into the same scene, is that correct?
Have you tried importing any of your mesh models into DAZ Studio?