Install Michael 4

Can someone please assist me in the installation of Michael 4. I cannot for the life of me accomplish this task. I have installed all of the exe and nothing. I see the CR files right there in the same folder as M6, but I can get the character to operate. I am using the default install library directory and the last folder is My Library. Why the heck is this software so complicated? I am using DAZ 4.8


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    Micahel 4 is an older figure, and in Poser Format (CR2).   It comes in a ZIP file, not an EXE installer, and you need to merge the folders inside 'Content' with your My Library folder (if that is what you are using as a library)

    Once installed, it can be found in Poser Formats > My Library > Figures > DAZ People.

    It is much simpler to install content using the DAZ Install Manager (DIM), that takes all of the guesswork out of it

  • amonra7amonra7 Posts: 5

    Thanks Jimmy for responding. Please forgive my lack of understanding, so how do I merge the libraries? Now the version of Michael I have does have the .exe M4Base, Powerloader, etc to install, unless I am misunderstanding. When I click on the install option it asks for the application fo Daz 3d and/or Poser (AllFFiles). When I tried to do Poser it asked me to locate the Poser.exe and I pointed it to the Smith Micro folder, but it says it could not find it and that it should be in the same location, so I got confused. I have Poser 10 if that makes a difference.

    How can I get the DIM installer to install it? I used that to install the Daz itself, but I do not see a way to import an exe or folder to let it run. Also, does all of the plugins, textures, features, clothing etc for M4 work or are applicable to M6?



  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    The poser and DS options in the exe installer will install the same files, but if you select DS it won't bother you with the search for Poser.exe (which was needed for older versions of Poser). You need to select the folder which holds the "Runtime" folder as your installation target. That same folder should be listed as a Poser content directory in DS.


    DIM won't install your exe, it should enable you to download the latest version of the corresponding zip from your product library and then install that.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    As for using M4 items with M6:

    - If you have the "M4 for Genesis 2 Male" product then you will be able to use M4 textures on M6, and you'll get an autofit clone to convert clothes

    - For morphs you'd need to convert them with the "Generation X2" program (you'll need the GenX2 Genesis 2 add-on too)

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    How can I get the DIM installer to install it? I used that to install the Daz itself, but I do not see a way to import an exe or folder to let it run

    Anything that you have ever bought from DAZ 3D should appear in your Product Library  (My Account), and DIM should pick all of these up, and show them in the Ready to Install tab.   It is a bad idea to use the old exe installers, as they haven't been used for a long time now, and M4 may have been updated.

  • mono8artmono8art Posts: 2
    Leana said:

    The poser and DS options in the exe installer will install the same files, but if you select DS it won't bother you with the search for Poser.exe (which was needed for older versions of Poser). You need to select the folder which holds the "Runtime" folder as your installation target. That same folder should be listed as a Poser content directory in DS.


    DIM won't install your exe, it should enable you to download the latest version of the corresponding zip from your product library and then install that.

    oh my god thank you for posting this...I've been going insane trying to get poser pro 2014 back up and running after I had to do a factory install....I have a lot of the older dazpeople and use them as simple models...

    this is awesome and seemed to have worked...I spent HOURS trying to figure this out and nothing was working.


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