Daz + member.. why one price on product page and a higher price in cart ?

as in here.


Thank you.

632 x 338 - 39K
1022 x 792 - 1M


  • From what i can gather, i put them in the cart exactly as the price went up, but again shouldnt both the page and the cart be the same ?

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,444

    Not if you don't refresh them at the same time. The price in the cart would be whatever is in effect in the catalog at the instant it is added. Neither the Product page nor Shopping Cart update automatically at any later time, but the price you pay is whatever it is at the moment you check out. You need to watch the clock on those Flash sales.

  • FedermannFedermann Posts: 111

    I am pretty sure that when you would have refreshed the product page it would have shown you the higher price. I often have items in my cart that on checkout are not on sale any longer and nearly always I then proceed to empty my cart after bookmarking the items  that I take an interest in (by opening the product pages via the items in the cart; product pages that always show the current higher price) or better yet adding them as startup tabs in my browser and then wait a couple of weeks (checking them daily in my browser)  until those items have regained their previous sale value (or a value slightly lower or higher). You probably know you can pretty much always cancel a purchase and get a refund or store credit, so it is not likely you should feel duped after a purchase that you now regret as long as you make that request within 30 days or so. Sometimes a build your own bundle like those 8 items for $2.99 sales that feature items that are NOT very likely to return in such a heavily discounted bundle any time soon, in those cases we have to wait quite a bit longer or perhaps the opportunity won't return at all, The only certainty is that even those (individual) items will go on sale at some point in time, possibly around  the $1.50 level.

  • Also at 2am east, when the new sale day first starts, its not uncommon for the cart to not reflect the new sale. It seems What ever they use to change store prices takes a bit. If its happening at the start of the new days sales then leave in cart and come back in an hour. this is for the days sales. I get it any time i add things to my cart right at the next day update. You should not get this on flash sales Its more common to have a checkout issue during those from my experince.

  • I also once had an item lose the store discount everytime I added a coupon making the purchase more expensive with the cuopon used.

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