How to make hair fit

in New Users
I'm using YT Justin - Genesis and trying to fit Duke hair which also is in Genesis. And getting weird stuff happening around the eyes, the hair 'breaks up into I used auto fit thingee and it didn't help. Is there a simple way to make the hair fit? I have no clue how to post a pic of it on here.
Seems to be fitting ok for me here using "Duke Hair.duf", on Genesis.duf, right out of the box. (And you don't need to use autofit for an accessory that's already for the figure you are going to apply it to.)
You could try redownloading it in case you have an older version and there was an update or the download got corrupted somehow, but I'm betting that's not the issue. Are you seeing the problem in the final render, or just the viewport before rendering? I know there's something flaky in the viewport with objects that use transpariency (hair, for example) so sometimes the back of the object displays in front of the front of the object and it's really hard to see what's going on, you have to just ignore the viewport and try the render to see what it will really look like, possibly you could be seeing something like that?
To post a picture, click the underlined "Attach a file" link right below the edit box and above the "Post Comment" button. (Note that occasionally it doesn't work yet and shows a broken link, maybe just try a few times if that happens).
You must be using the wrong hair, you cannot use Autofit for the Genesis Duke Hair, but there is one for generation 4 here : is that the one you are using?
After you load YT Justin, go to the Content Library pane, DAZ Studio Formats > My DAZ 3D library > People > Genesis > Hair > Duke and load the hair from there, that one is made for Genesis and fits as usual.
Select the hair in the scene, go to the Parameters tab, use the little box that looks like a lined piece of paper and select Show Hidden. Then in list of parameters, look for Justin and dial it back to 0. That should stop the wierd stuff around the eyes.
Thanks guys. I tried to just click on the hair and let it load, same result. I went into the Parameters tab and dialed it back and the character went back to a near adult, but the hair fit! lol
I have no idea what hair it is, it says Duke Hair - can't find Duke hair in my product files, it comes with Genesis Essentials I'll see if I can post a pic
You need to dial back the morph in the hair...and it will most likely be hidden.
I played with all the buttons I could find and it didn't help. It doesn't fit on any of the Young teen boys, but it fits all the girls.
You need to select the 'Hair' in the Parameters pane, NOT the figure. Then you need to click on the Parameters pane drop-down menu, and then tick 'Show Hidden Properties' that will alow you to click on Currently Used and see the morphs used in the Hair. Dial the Justin morph in the hair back to zero, not the figure.
Thak you Jimmy - I'll see if I can find that.
Sigh. Went to Scene - picked Duke hair. Went to Parameter - At the top it says Duke hair - nothing says - Show Hidden - I did find Currently Used - Clicked on it, all that is there is Fit to Genesis - tried that, nothing. Under that Duke Hair. Then I have General, Transforms etc. Nothing says Justin. I played with all the sliders anyway and nothing changes the problem.
You need to click on the drop-down menu for the Parameters pane to click Show Hidden ..., like below.
Ok, I finally found it, sorry for being dense. It sort of helped but it still has some problems.