Couple of questions from a newbie...

in New Users
Hello all. I have a couple of quick questions and hope someone can point me in the right direction. (And I have googled both of these but the info seems vague at best)
1. Can you create new Genesis figures using just the morph dials (hope I am using the right terminology)? I would like to create a couple of characters based on models that I would like to work with.
2. If I want to make textures for existing clothes/costumes, is there a good resource or tutorial for that? I would like to create some textures to suite my needs for other renders using existing clothes/costumes.
Thank you all in advance!
I'm probably not the best one to answer this one
yes, if you have the morph dials needed. and some time
there may be some spots one may need to use a deform.
Question 1, yes, you can dial your own characters from all Genesis base characters. You need to have the morph packs to get the full morphability.
Which of the Genesis generations do you intend to morph?
Question 2, I'm not sure about the turorial, but many clothes have "templates". You can find them in your product library if you look at the piece of clothing.
Basically, you use the template in your image editor (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.) and add the new layout to it. you then can load it into the diffuse slot of your clothe's surface.
Thank you lee_Ihs and XaatXuun. Honestly, I am not sure which Genesis figure I intend to morph. Do you or anyone else feel that one morphs better than the other?
Thanks again!
They all have advantages and disadvantages. Do you intend to do this for yourself, ot to make a sellable character?
as already mentioned, they each have their advantages and disadvantages.
Genesis1 may have more morph packs available Free and Paid then Genesis2 and Genesis3, That's probably Genesis1 only advantage over the others
on a personal experience I like Genesis3 more then Genesis2, but I don't have the same amount of Morph packs like I do with Genesis1, so my preference is Genesis1, and there's the fact that I have a more then decade old machine, so daz4.6 is about as far as I can use in version, so I'm limited
if it was me, and I had a newer machine,and the $$ to get new content .. I would go with the New Genesis3, and any new morph packs as they become available
Genesis, as the generation numnbers show, is a growing line, with Genesis 3 having the latest technology.
Creating new textures. I do have a tutorial of sorts here.
Thank you all again for the tips.
lee_Ihs - This would just be stuff for me. I dont think I am anywhere close to being in a place to make characters to sell. There are just a couple of human models I wanted to get the look of for some of my own renders.
XaatXuun - Yeah, I tend to like the newer characters better, but will work with whichever offers the most flexibility in terms of morph options. I think I will try to go with the G3 and whatever morphs I can get to start with.
Chohole - Thanks for the tips and the tutorial link. Greatly appreciated!!!