West Park Lights
I was using the west park scene , normally I would use my own lights but I have never used the lights that come with this, but this latest render where I used west park, I did, and the scene is too dark, I couldn't find a way to adjust the lights.
Is there a way to adjust the lights ?
rather then move the figure, I moved the scene, could that had been what I did wrong ? that cause the "Not enough light".
using version 4.6 and this scene pretty much maxed what I can render before I crash, it was close.
want to try it again but need help with these lights. (I was looking at my downloads in the DIM and see there is a Tutorial for this scene, I look after I press Post Discussion, might find my answer there)
this was my render, if it was meant to be that dark, then I need to use other lights
thanks in Advance

Which version of DS is this? I'm not sure if you are saying it worked in 4.6, or that it was 4.6 that was causing issues.
DAZ Studio 4.6
After reading the Documentation again, I don't think 4.6 has any thing to do with it (Basing that on the release date of the product)
I think I'll need to download the tutorial again I looked in the Tutotrial folder and don't see it. I thought I read somewhere there was a tutorial for it, but now I can't find where I read that
ETA: what I was mostly wanting to know, was there a way to adjust the lights. These lights that came with the Package are something I never used before (I'm still looking for more info about it)
If I click the lights in the scene tab, they do not show up under the light tab to do any adjusting, except for moving them like in the Parameter tab
I'm thinking of creating a new Scene, with starting with west park scene, then adding from there, I may see/learn more going that route
I manually downloaded it just now, amd installed in "My Library" rather then "My DAZ Library"
did some google, and found a couple topics, How do I make a celing light look like it's lighting the scene? that helps some , and read Strip Light in West Park/East Park Settings added some more info for me.
it's something I toyed with a while ago, but had to abandon it due to this machine cannot handle it, I'll try again with this scene
Hi friend, it's been a long time since I used West park. I alway's had a very difficult time illuminating West park in DS prior to learning unbiased rendering. What helped was AoA and Uber lighting. So, depends how you desire to illuminate scene. I just did this quick render using 3Delight/AoA lights > Advanced ambient. Can't remember exactly how I how I work'd strip lights, but do remember changing strip light plastic to lower opacity value, probably 0. Add an UberAreaLight tube to simulate light from striplight. Did quick renders to illustrate, hope this helps.
Thanks all
yeah playing with it again, just popped in here to see any ideas, . . I liked the dark scene but wanted a little more light so no one is straining to see the figure in the scene.
I was thinking maybe just adding a back light of some kind.
I did do some test with the tube light, but without the figure in the scene, didn't look like what I was wanting
I have some ideas, just it takes an hour to see what the results look like . . after each change
just a bit of a update
I started new, this time I just moved the model, and not the scene, seems that was the problem
now I need to work with the render settings, to have a cleaner look, but this was much closer to what I was hopping to get
Again thanks . . . after this and you're help I have some other lighting ideas I wanna try with this scene