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That's not what happened though. It did clear the existing scene, but it did not load the contents of the selected scene assets. Only one scene was loaded, as far as I can tell. Similarly, if I select multiple scenes and right click and select "Merge into Scene", only one of the selected scenes is merged into the existing scene. The description you quoted does not seem to work with scene assets.
Great work around, thanks
The categorization system lets me create and assign subcategories in Default/Favorites, but that organization is not shown in the New Scene Favorites tab. Everything is lumped together at one level. That is going to make it pretty difficult to navigate, if I have more than a few favorite assets. VisualMenus is still by far my preferred way to quickly and easily access favorite assets, whole folders, or products.
Sorry, this was wrong - that is what comes of not checking I hae understood correctly. Only the item right-clicked on is loaded into the new scene. This is acknowledged as needing to be clearer.
Thanks for the clarification of how it is intended to work.
A couple of suggested options are disabling the command when there are multiple selections or have the command apply to the first file selected/listed, rather than the one right-clicked on. A few commands (e.g. delete and change parent in the Viewport context menu) list the item that will be acted on ("Delete Sphere"), I don't know if that is a third option that might work.
Et tu, Daz?
It's not enough that we shop in your store and chat on your forums, you've got to throw up an advert for yourselves every time I open a new scene?
Not even Microsoft does that.
It feels very disrespectful.
I remember I've seen a user posted a screenshot that he saw Ads in DIM months ago...(but I did not find any Ads in my DIM at that time). Now, it seems that Ads are not really satisfied to be just embedded in DIM.
Ah ya... indeed, DS is the one that is much more frequently used...
But now the new 'New' is gone, while the most annoying thing is scene saving with thumbnails: not working with 'save as Presets to overwrite existing files' and even wrong substring of scene name, etc. faint !
I'm gonna rollback to previous version...
Try being an animator on DAZ Studio...
Norton keeps trying to upsell me some system tool that claims to find driver updates that nothing else thuinks exist, charginf about $100 to potentially wreck my system, while Microsoft keeps plugging their Game Pass or the wretched GhatGPT at every log in. Minor ads on using New, which you can avoid by closing your eyes after hitting ctrl n until you have hit enter, seem a much lesser evil - especially as the software is free, unlike Windows or Norton security.
Another update to DS beta is out.
Yes. Please let us know if it fixes the issue as reported here.
When I am not logged in to DS, the File>New notifications panel shows this (see attached image). The link is Death 9? That sounds ominous. Clicking on the notification just goes to the store I don't see anything about Death 9 there. If I log in, I see the old tutorial notification. This same thing happened in DS before I updated to, so I don't think it is related to the DS application update today. Maybe it is a premature announcement of the next DS numbered character release.
A couple quick tests indicate that the software now works as orginally described. Thank the developer(s) for the quick fix. I'll try some more scenarios later.
I just saw the name with dot (*.xxx.png) issue was fixed... while haven't seen 'overwrite' issue was fixed.... Thanks but NM.. I've already rolled it back to version .80 .... Waiting for a 'better and neat' version if there will be...
After opening a scene from the Recents list, modifying it and resaving it, the next time I opened File>New, the old thumbnail for the resaved scene was still shown. I checked and verified that the thumbnail and tip file had been replaced when the file was resaved, but the new thumbnail is not shown in the reopened File>New. This is the complete scenario that I did:
So, in summary, the fact that the scene file was overwritten was entirely my fault, but the fact that the thumbnail in File>New is out of date and misleading looks like a Daz Studio error. If a Recents file is resaved, the thumbnail in Recents should be updated.
(Don't feel bad for me for overwriting my scene. My scene data is automatically synced with my Synology NAS, and I easily recovered the scene from the previous version on the NAS.)
Are the thumbnails shown correctly in Content Library ?
I don't save scenes in my library folder hierarchy. I save them to a separate folder location.
Oh... you don't have a user Lib. So how do you browse your saved scene files?
Nice !
No more 'Parameter Settings ...' in the Render Settings/Environment panel (see pics)
To show Parameters Settings in the Environment pane, make sure the Environment Options node is selected in the Scene pane.
He must've selected All or Env. group on the left or how could he see the properties and click the gear icon... And that's Render Settings pane rather than ...Options node in Scene pane...
But weird... Params. menu item lost...
What were your settings for thumbnails? Does the old thumbnail still exist, as well as the new?
Major brainfart here as I updated GoZ - but since I'm running it no longer works... Anyone have access to GoZ for beta installer?! I do not want to install and run the latest beta!
I see Parameter Settings in the Parameters pane, with the node selected, but not in Render Settings, regardless of selection state.
Only Daz may give you the file. You could use the General reelase for GoZ purposes, or just export OBJ/import into ZBrush/Export from ZBrush/Import to DS.
Thank you. I guess there is no workaround yet for Render settings part. (Hope it's a bug and not intended, Render Settings/Environment panel was neat)
I have... dated Nov of last year. But I have no way to share.