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It is explained in the Highlights thread. It is always a good idea to read about the changes in a new release. There is a menu item to show the Key Graph now.
The only thing people want with the daz update is an iray 2023 update. If they have priority with Face transfer 2 and the inclusion of some unnecessary icons in the layout, that's fine, but what does it cost to launch iray 2023.0.6? , if the DS4 iray is already breaking several things inside the DS4?
We all know they won't release DS5 because Releasing FT2 now kills any hope that DS5 is anywhere near. DS5 will have a new SDK and so will break existing plug-ins, so it wouldn't be released as a DS4 plugin if DS5 was near completion.
So again I ask the question why hold back the launch of the new iray if a large part of Daz is already It's all buggy with the old iray, if iray 2023.0.6 is going to break again, so be it, but at least we'll have a faster iray with more features for newer Nvidia cards.
Huh? Maybe that is the only thng you want, but other people have been clamoring for other things, like animation bug fixes and improvements and better G9 bending.
I'm a simple man. All I want in DS is sculpting: 2.5D & 3D, optimized usage of at least 24 CPU threads, CAD NURBS & Mesh modeling, a node system, and 3D texture painting. In short all I want is for DAZ to eliminate Zbrush, Substance Painter and everything else... for free. I am so easy to please
I wish I could remember the name of the product I purchased that really helped with "better G9 bending." It's great. I installed it and instantly G9 was usable without having to do anything.
Thanks man.
I agree with you; I also want the DAZ to finally update with Iray. Due to not doing so, the rendering speed of Daz is lacking in comparison to other 3D software programs.
This beta is testing updates to There is a 4.22.1.x branch in the private beta, which on the last few versions may well be 4.23.0.x on general reelase, and that presumably wil have an Iray update. Face Transfer 2 is low risk, Iray update is not. You may not agree with the team's approach to risk management, but their actions are considered and taken in the light of past experience and (general) user reactions
or for one or more resons, such as breaking other things?
There seem to be a lot of "funnily enough" and "intersting" bits dotted in there - what exactly are you imaging daz is conspiring to do, and what possible beenfit could they derive from it?
As a reminder, the purpose of this thead is to get discussion or and reports of isues with the actual 4.22.0.x beta so that it can be completed, turned into a general relase, and allow daz to go on to the next version of DS (4.22.1.x or whatever). Getting sidetracked by other wishes is not going to expedite that, if it ends up delaying the required feedback on the version that has actually been released it may actually hinder it.
Daz recompiles the in-house plug-ins for every release, and surely knows how to adjust the code - I don't see any reason to think this would block, or indicate a a lack of progress towards, DS5.
It isn't a different version, it is additional files on top of the existing version.
That's even more puzzling to me. If the new files are additional files, wouldn't they be ignored by the General Release code and cause no harm to those users? Why not just update the normal Genesis 9 Starter Essentials then, so everyone can get the files they need by updating Genesis 9 Starter Essentials with DIM?
If they became official parts of the main package they could not then be removed safely, if necesary (or if they proved unnecesary by being replaced). That is what happened, by accident, with the Genesis 9 Starter Essentials and broke some content until it was fixed. Keeping them separate theya re not tied in the same way, and the end user is likely to have the zip if needed anyway (it will take up less space than multiple copies of the Genesis 9 Starter Essentials).
Thanks for the continued explanations. I guess you will just have to keep answering questions about missing files for a longer time. It's too bad that purchasers of the Face Transfer 2 start off with a bad impression, because of that issue. At least Rob provided the files for people who read his thread.
I just created a strand-based hair and saw the icon of SBH item in Scene pane, is it a new icon or something ? I don't remember I've seen such an icon before...vaguely
Confirmed. I can reproduce this icon problem as reported.
Also, strand based hairs previously created and saved load now with the same incorrect icon.
Okeydokey, I saw the "new icon" when I loaded the old scene file with tailor-made SBH. Thanks barbult!
I'll submit a ticket ~~
Oh, dear. The SBH problem in is even worse. The styling tools' behavior doesn't match the associated icon. It is like the icons are offset by one, perhaps. This same kind of problem happened with SBH editing in a release long ago. I guess the developers don't regression test when they change/add icons to Daz Studio.
I'll submit a ticket on this part of the problem, although all my technical support tickets get no response these days. CS is either months behind or have chosen to ignore me.
Either way, it is useless, but I keep trying. I only get the automated responses and then ... nothing.
Incorrect SBH editing icons in (note the "create new Strand-Based-Hair" icon has been pushed into the first editing icon spot.)
Correct SBH editing icons in General Release (the last General Release I have installed.)
Edit: Request #448487 submitted.
I had the very same issue as you had... the functions of these tools are totally messed up, Comb turns into Cut... etc. etc, hoho ~~ maybe just because of that "hair icon" which appears at the wrong place... Thanks for sending the ticket.
No worry... I think they will see the tickets and follow them up. Mine has been done ~~
Yes, that's a good suggestion and it is the conclusion I came to as well. With the new (temporary) CMS directory and the .duf files the problems DS reports go away.
In general FT2 seems a little better than FT1. It manages to remove Sammy Hagar's face fuzz just fine. It does a good nose job; I don't think it's quite right (I think he has a more "Roman" nose) but I couldn't find a profile picture of him that I actually believe; publicity photos are frequently fixed up to suit the vanity of the subject and/or the expectations of their admirers. I tried patti smith instead (the cover of Horses) and her famous nose does not come through the process unstraightened (see the cover of the following album, "Radio Ethiopia", for the real thing.)
In principle FaceGen pro, which allows mutliple input photos and includes left and right profiles (in the version I have) should be better but it's a lot more work and it can't handle hair. This is all off topic but I thought I'd provide a brief summary so that people who try the "trial" version when it is available have an idea of things to test.
I did notice that FT2 can't handle a 3/4 profile, at least in the example I tried the head came out somewhat more like Quasimodo than the original subject. z-axis rotations seem ok but x or y axis don't work. This is presumably a limitation of the 3rd party software which is apparently designed for producing "avatars" for vidoe conferencing, or something like that (I didn't get a clear picture of their business model).
See the latst change log entry:
I saw this in Private Build Channel. Thanks! BTW, how's one able to get the Private Build ?
i encounter a bug with genesis 8 since i made the pro update when posing the big toes moves 10 and -10 to the side and the big toe 2 is bending 7% and -7% even with the t pose its annoying to change that all the time i hope you guys will fix it
You need to put in a ticket so it can be looked at.
i tested a bit again looks like it was idk a one time thing but if that happends again i will write a ticket thx for the information
None of this answers my question. Now keep in mind you actually just asked me to explain what I am imagining Daz is conspiring to do. So please remember you literally asked for this. <.<
You continue to suggest that Daz is holding back Iray 2023 because it might break something. But there is no proof this is actually why, because there is no indication anyone has been testing Iray. Iray 2023 only showed up very recently in the private beta channel, we are talking NOVEMBER. Iray 2023 released in June. The beta for it was available before that.
At the very least, please answer this one question. I would really like to know.
Who is testing Iray around here? And what if, just what if Iray 2023 actually fixes some of the things that Iray 2022 broke? (Spoiler, it does fix at least one, keep reading.)
But there is more. What if Iray 2023 indeed breaks more things? What, is Daz going to cut ties with Nvidia over that? Oh please.
There is no conspiracy. It is about money, Richard. It is always about money. Face Transfer 2 is a paid product, so rushing it out the door first is going to generate some money. It has nothing to do with risk, stop pretending it does. If risk was a factor, history would be different. When Iray ships a new feature that Daz can monetize, they jump on that, too, whether or not Iray breaks something in the process.
Remember when VDB released? Daz celebrated VDB and made huge deal out of it, selling numerous products for Iray. That just so happened to require an update to Iray. Oh, and wasn't this when the problems began?
Or how about dforce strand based hair? That was also a celebrated release. That required an update to Iray.
These updates also broke things in the process. Did that stop Daz from pushing the updates out? Of course not. They went full steam ahead.
There is no product you can tie to Iray 2023. So there is no rush to get Iray 2023 into Daz like other times. Playing it safe is just an excuse. Again, if you were playing safe, Iray 2023 would have shown up somewhere in a build for people to actually test. The excuse of playing it safe just doesn't fly if you have nobody testing it.
You have users wanting an Iray update. Begging for an update. The beta exists for a reason. Maybe let users test it. You guys have said it yourself, customers don't have to download the beta. It is entirely optional. Like a beta should be.
And versions are just a number. There is no meaning behind 4.22 and however many digits you want to put after it. You can call it anything, just like Genesis skipped from 3 to 8. The names have no meaning. You can give them names like Google used to do. Like Daz Studio Donut. Daz Studio Eclair. It doesn't matter. Any release can be considered major or minor, it is symantics. Frankly there is no point to whether Iray gets updated in a major or minor version of DS. That is purely a management decision, and if Iray breaks stuff, it only delays what would happen anyway.
And hey, who knows, maybe Iray 2023 actually fixes some issues, like the OOT texture bug. But how would they know? Have they even tried it? Has anybody using the private beta for a few days tried to render OOT hair without an update to the hair product? Maybe Iray 2023 fixes the purple render issue seen a few posts back? Maybe Iray 2023 makes it easier to add ghost lights back? Wait...actually I can answer that one, because this is in the doc now.
This comes from Iray's documentation:
In other words, instead of the new contrived method of creating a ghost light in Daz Studio 4.22 which requires the user to visit the forum to discover, you just use a simple slider. That's it. You type in a number in the "ghost light factor" box. Numbers above 1 make the source less visible, and the reflection power of the light cast. But it gets better, because this new feature allows you to add a ghost light property to other objects in the scene that are not lights! You can create sort of a "ghost light relay" with this new feature. Just think of the cool stuff that might be possible with this! This opens the door to some really wild and surreal imagery that was never possible in Iray before. This is huge.
Doesn't that sound easy? Doesn't it sound awesome? Am I missing something? Because it sure sounds easy to me. It sounds like an actual genuine improvement to the ghost lights we have right now. It sounds like an actual fix to the problem that Iray 2022 created. It not only fixes ghost lights, but adds an entirely new feature to ghost lights that most Daz users probably never thought of. They managed to improve ghost lights. I never expected this, but this concept blows me away. I am truly excited about the new possibilities, and I hope anybody reading this far (honestly, probably very few people) are as excited about this new ghost light feature as I am.
See...I can say positive things sometimes.
So I would kind of like to have this feature, and it is very annoying that Daz decided to hold Iray 2023 back from its user base.
This is just one of the many fixes that Iray 2023 promises to deliver, along with real performance improvements to make rendering faster. This isn't just about speed. These are good things, Richard, not bad things. And think of it this way, Daz can sell a product of new ghost light presets that take advantage of this new feature. So Daz can make some money off this. Maybe that is how I should approach this.
Give us Iray 2023 so you sell new ghost light products.
I said that daz was not updating iray mid-version because of the assessed risk, not because of actual issues. Though they may well have internal development versions on which they test things without those chnages making into the publicly known, if not publicly avaialble, beta channels (after all, they are descibed as betas not alphas)
and the VDB versions were tested, judging by the logs - and erhaps the consequencs are what sparked the caution now.
and, like VDBs, this was not a within-version update. Although I think a lot of the change logs on that, as on the original integration of Iray, were not made publicly available (as may well be the case for whatever new features are being worked on for DS 5).
But the curent beta cycle has fixes that need testing, Daz wants them tested so it isn't going to risk cinfouding the issue with what theya ssess to be a potentially risky Iray update.
Version numbers are intended to reflect a hierarchy of degrees of change - the further to the left the number changes, the bigger the change.
It might make the handling more graceful, but as I understand it the sahder should not have been assigning a map to transmitted colour 9and was ignoring the map anyway) so I doubt any radical change would happen (but you can always check nVidia's change logs).
Err - that is the fix implemented in DS - the Create Advanced Iray Node Properties can add the slider for you. As far as I am aware this is something Daz lobbied for, not soemthing nVida chose to add on a whim and Daz adopted to fix the old products that were broken.
I am pleased to confirm that the Strand-Based hair creation and editing icons look correct again in Public Build.
or there is the button to the right of Keys: in the control bar at the bottom of the pane in your screenshot.
Right you are. I saw the mention of a new button in the highlights thread, but I couldn't find it on the interface. Thanks for pointing out the location. I even see that the button is highlighted when the corresponding menu option is selected.