Lisa’s Curious Botanicals: Mushrooms

in New Users
I don't see it in my menu. I can only see it when I use import. Can someone help me install it,so I see it in my menu. It is a zip file.
What menu? Do you mean a content pane, if so which (and where) - only the Content Library under Daz Studuo Formats, Poser Formats, and Other Import Formats gives a direct view of files on disc.
I couldn't find it in the Content library under DAZ/Poser formats. I tried Smart content .too
If it is from Hivewire or Renderosity (or if you got it from a Daz purchase but manually installed) then it won't show in database driven views unless you import the metadata. Daz Studio Formats or Poser Formats directly show the files on disc, check the location from the read me (or zip structure).
I installed the Poser version and nothing shows up in the files
Using Content Package Assist and then installing through DIM helps with seeing it in the products section.
Please use the Snipping Tool/Snip and Sketch (depending on Windows version) tot ake a proper screen shot rather than trying to take a photo.
That is not isntalled correctly - the Runtime folder should not be nested as deep as that, it shoudl be merged with the Runtiem in the root content directory. It looks as if that is in fact the Poser version - once placed correctly you will not see the Runtiem folder at all and the files you are trying to get to will be in Poser Formats>content directory name>Figures>Lisa's Botanicals>Curious whatever.
I used content manager and the content showed up
The path I used was c:\content\Lisasbotanicals