55th Bryce Contest ( Clocks / Overtime )



  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,080

    Hansmar, fun concenpt.  Love that you're truly over time now, lol.

  • @ Hansmar: really funny, but not for the Lady ;)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,535

    Hansmar - ah yes, overtime but it is not your fault. I like the idea of your third entry and how it is set up.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : excellent idea and funny too, very well done.

  • Hansmar: I agree with the others - well done.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,386

    Hansmar awesome modeling, lovely idea, superb render

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,893

    NGartplay, drachenlords, Horo, adbc, Yellow Pen, mermaid, Thank you all.

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 870
    edited December 2022

    This is my first entry for this challenge. It's simply called "Wrist watch". I hadn't any real idea, so I modeled a wrist watch with Bryce. Oddly two tiny little screws and a minute cog wheel remained. Weird!

    Except the screwdriver, which is made by ankherman (sharecg.com), all objects are modeled by myself. The table cloth material is made by Dave Savage.

    Update: There still seems to be troubles with uploading, doesn't it? I will upload my image as soon as it will be possible.
    Ah, it has worked now.

    Wrist Watch

    1000 x 750 - 656K
    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,535

    Electro-Elvis - yes, uploading works randomly. In other threads also people complain. My last successes were done in the morning, before 9.

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,132

    Horo said:

    Electro-Elvis - yes, uploading works randomly. In other threads also people complain. My last successes were done in the morning, before 9.

    Then  this could be the troubl e  /? 

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,080

    It took me multiple tries to upload an image to another thread.

  • Horo, ed3D, NGartplay: Thank you. I will stay tuned.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,080

    Can't wait to see it Electro.

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 399

       Entry #3  Time and Direction


    Time and Direction.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
  • NGartplay said:

    Can't wait to see it Electro.

    Thank you. Uploading has worked now, but don't expect too much ;-)

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Electro-Elvis : great Bryce modeling, excellent entry.

    S Ray : cool image, great idea.

  • @ Electro-Elvis:

    Fantastic Bryce modeling. Real good work.


    @ S Ray:

    Looks amazing. Cool Idea.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,535

    Elektro-Elvis - great modelling, nice result, well done entry.

    S Ray - looks a bit like a sun dial, very nice entry.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 2022

    My last entry : the tortoise and the hare.

    Not sure if the image is compatible with the contest theme. This is maybe a weird idea, the bunny is from sharecg (Drakelot) the Nija turtle is from Sketchfab (Solonmaun). 

    the tortoise and the hare.jpg
    900 x 450 - 52K
    Post edited by adbc on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,535

    adbc - reminds me of the tortoise vs hare race (Achilles); definitely a time theme. Great idea and style used here, great entry.

  • @adbc:
    Definitely fits the theme of time for me.
    At first glance, it almost resembles a screenshot from a computer game. Very good.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo, drachenlords : thank you.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,893

    S Ray: Nice detailed entry

    Electro-Elvis: Great Bryce modelling, well worth the wait. Don't you always find that at the end of construction some parts are still on the table?

    adbc, Nice cartoon-like entry, clearly time related to me.

  • ApocApoc Posts: 407

    Hello. Happy new years everyone! I hope you all had a good holiday season.

    Does anyone need more time for the contest?

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,386

    Electro-Elvis excellent modeling, very nicely lit entry

    S Ray very nice idea and entry

    Adbc love the cartoonish effect, beautiful entry

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,080
    edited January 2023

    Apoc, I'm thinking that everyone has gotten in but let's see if anyone else needs more time...hehehe.  Couldn't help myself :)

    Electro, amazing modeling in Bryce.  I like the few watch pieces left outside of the watch.

    S Ray, the sundial is a wonderful idea.  Never thought of it, clever.

    adbc, fun take on the tortoise and the hare...bugs bunny there...what's up doc?  The toonish look is so much fun.

    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • I would like to have another day please. Thanks! And happy new year to all!

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar, mermaid, NGartplay : thank you.

  • adbc, drachenlords, Horo, Hansmar, mermaid010, NGartplay: Thank you



  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 500
    edited January 2023

    Thanks for giving me another day. A pipe burst Christmas eve in my cave. Not too long after I got all the electronics out the ceiling collapsed. Currently set up on the dining room table!
    My entry: “The Watchman".
    Terrains by David B & Horo from their islands 2 sad.
    Clock island and log bridges by 1971s.
    Genesis 2 and outfit from DAZ3D
    Illuminated by the sun and Use Sky IBL.
    Rendered with normal AA, about 45 minutes.
    Thanks for looking!

    1511 x 850 - 476K
    Post edited by Dan Whiteside on
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