How to install new props (not from DAZ)

Ok, Guys,
I'm pretty new here so let me apologize in advance if this is a stupid question.....
Anywyas, I'm finding the way folders are arranged in DAZ not very intuitive (well, actually confusing)
That's not an issue with DAZ products thanks to the installer, but I bought a couple of props from independent content creators and I don't understand
what I should do with it (actually, a readme that came with the prop says: copy the "content" to the content folder...)
what the heck does that even mean? Yeah, I have a folder called "content" I unzipped, after downloading the prop, but there is not folder called 'content' in DAZ that I can see
(maybe the instructions are based on an older version of DAZ)
so anyways, what am I supposed to be doing here? How do we install stuff like props or hair from other sources in DAZ? Which folder am I supposed to put it in?
Any help would be really appreciated
Content folder in that context means the main, top level folder that holds the content...My Library, My Daz3D Library or whatever it is named.
You would take the contents of the folder you have just unzipped and merge them in that top level folder.
Well, I had installed it in the library file.... and I could see the folders with the content tab, but in that tab the folders looked empty
I figured out that if I import files instead I could see the product and add it to the scene....
so, it's great that I can at least use the product, but is there any way to teach DAZ to recognize the content from the tab, so
I don't have to use the import function every time I want to use the prop?
One vital thing that a lot of non-DAZ readmes get all confused about — "the content folder" is not "the folder named Content", it's "the folder (whatever its name) containing your content files". It doesn't help that DAZ has changed the name of this folder, and even where it's supposed to be, several times.
The folder named "Content" in the .zip is the same folder as whatever your content library folder is named.
Which items are you having problems with? If you're seeing the folders but not the contents, that suggests you have Poser files in a D|S-only location, or vice-versa. Did the installer have all the files in a Runtime folder inside the Content folder?