fbx exporting importing DAZ->3dsxmax->DAZ

working with latest Daz 3d and 3dsmax 16 edu. Pretty new to this, got 3dgrapics lecture and got hooked, want to create stuff and animate people. Got Daz because its free and seems to be a good base to learn how to animate stuff, downloaded some basic models some free stuff from this site to get started.
Want to edit some clothes play around with hair and stuff. Exported gen2 base male using File Export autodesk fbx 2014 binary (no 2016..!?) left every other setting on its default value. Imported to 3dsmax, worked flawless, got some wicked looking hinges, probably bones for animation and stuff. Played around with some of the stuff learned in the first lecture at uni. Changed some vertices, not much. Export as fbx, left every setting on default. Import fbx to daz. Errors:
Rigging Limitations: bones without root skeleton
Rigging Limitations: pre and post rotation must match in current implementation
Transform differences: no uniform scale detected. Results will likely be different.
Meh, well. Base2 male laying on his stomach, navigated around, changes I made to vertices are there so that's a success.
Each and every morph option is gone. Nodes are in the scene selection but messed up, cant select them on the model, cant select hands or upper arm for example, so thats a fail.
How do I fix this? I googled for a long time, all I can find about import exporting to 3dsmax are very old videos, old daz versions even older 3dsmax version, only obj file export no fbx.
3DS Max and DAZ Studio use a completely different rigging system, so I wouldn't expect figures rigged in DS to work in MAX at all. Most of the top 3D packages use differrent rigging systems, like Maya, Lightwave, Cintema 4D and Poser as well. I think you would need to export as OBJ and import to MAX and re-rig the figure.
Maybe someone else can who uses 3DS Max can be more help, so keep checking back.
Hi JimmyC,
thank you for your input! I would be totally happy (for now :) ) without doing anything to the rigging or bones system of the models, as long as I can just modify stuff following the lectures I got and then play around animating them with DAZ to keep motivated, not much off a fan of just building a lot of boxes. :P
So If there are any tweaks on how to import and export files from DAZ to 3ds max and back to modify the look, the vertices without changing anything about the rigging I would really appreciate your input.
If you are wanting to make a morph export as an .obj file then import back with MorphLoader.
This for morphs, yep. Depending on how much you change, you wan to know how to adjust the rigging to fit the new shape. it's only a few clicks. Daz's auto rigging is very powerful/useful tool. I use it a lot.
It's strange but you can export an FBX of a daz figure and it mostly work in UE or Unity. Not perfectly like it works in DS, some joints will look a bit messy in some poses. But passable good for many game type stuffs. However that FBX won't work right in Max at all or some other programs. Strange stuff. DAE format is also a pain. The struggle is real.
Hi larsmidnat, thanks for your response.
so basically what you're saying if I understood correctly: Exporting to 3ds max and importing again to daz (even if i just want to make cosmetic changes to models) without learning how to "re rigg" (manually or the auto rigg function you mentioned) is not possivble?
I spent this morning trying to export and import files from Daz to 3ds max without making any changes to them at all with various different settings. I cant even get a file I once imported to 3ds max and havent touched to properly work in Daz like the original file. Again the model is there, but all the morphs and probably the rigging is gone. Thats a bummer. Would have been too easy I guess.
Solution: Time to learn rigging, do this in Daz because doing in 3ds max would result in loss of all rigging information importing into Daz again, right?
Hi, nope not for now. I just want the model I modified in 3ds max to work in Daz the way it did before. I did not modify any rigging or morphs.
If you modified the mesh in 3DS Max, then you reimport the mesh (OBJ) and Morph Loader Pro creates a morph for the changes, that is how it works. You cannot change the model in Max then reimport it to DS and expect it to work otherwise. Morphs are just changes to the mesh, DS knows the origin of every vertex in the model, and the morph information allows DS to change to the new shape that you made in Max.
Thanks for you input. I think Im just going to use 3ds max and scrap Daz3d. It just seemed to be a nice way to already have premade models to work with to see quick results but it seems very limited in what it can do. Better just learn how to do anything in 3ds max, seems to be they way more sophisticated program.
Daz isn't a parrellel to 3DS max, but it is very useful for it's intended purpose, which is quick character creation. I used to frown heavily on use of Poser/Daz years ago, but eventually I saw the value.
Once you learn max you can come back and find how daz fits in. Daz has its uses, you just need to get a grasp of your tools to see how that plays out. You could craft your figure with Daz, send over to max and re-rig. Could save you countless hours modelling from scatch :) But you need to learn how to rig in Max first.
For people who actually plan to be more than consumers, I encourage them to spend most of their early career outside of the dazsphere. Once you have mastered your tools you can come back and the picture should be much clearer.
Once you figure out how long it takes to make stuff from scratch, even after you have a lot of practice, you may find leveraging stock asset useful at times. But once you get Daz assets shaped and textured how you like in Daz, no need to stay in DS :)
Hi larsmidnatt,
makes sense, thanks. I think thats exactly what Im going to do. most of my lecture is for 3ds max since my uni got their edu license I'm just going to focus on learning what it can about 3ds max and when i get the whole picture maybe come back to look at other tools. daz3d just looked very alluring with all the pre made stuff but I think I understand their business model now, bait with accessibility, charge everything that is needed to do real work. ;))
Thanks for your input and please excuse my poor english Im from venezuela.
Your English is fine, no worries.
Enjoy your studies :)