Cardio Dance Animation DS, DSA, BVH, PZ2
back in 2010 i needed a dance cycle so i watched a Cardio Xtreme video and animated this move
in later years i adjusted it and made other versions
This one is closest to the 2010 version, the hands are not firmly holding the hips
i corrected some poke-through issues and stabilized the feet some more
link to the animation files for this dance , free !
BVH, ds and dsa formats
Post edited by mCasual on
Note if you want to adapt this to high heels, get to know my mcjKeepOrient script, it can be done in 10 seconds !
( well not counting the re-posing of the feet, but you only do this for 1 frame and the mcjKeepOrient script does it for the 59 other keyframes
solid non-floaty feet