V4 skin treatments for Iray?

in New Users
Hi all,
I was wondering if there is any way or good tutorial on how to treat a V4's skin so that it looks as good as the G2Fs and G3Fs in Iray renders?
You could select a surface on G2F or G3F, File>Save as>Shader preset, then select the skin surfaces on V4, hold down the ctrl(Win)/cmd(Mac) key and double-click the preset, then choose Ignore for Maps in the dialogue so you get settings but not the actual textures. However, the V4 set may not havea ll of the maps that the more recent sets have so you may still not get an exact match.
You can work through this thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/54239/
What's written there for G2 in post number 1 is basically the same for V4. Basically, you need to convert your surfaces to Iray, and then start fiddling around with the surface settngs until you get something that looks good for you.
Alternately, you can load G2F, and use the Iray G2F shader on them. You can then look at the surface settings, see what they did, and see how you can transfer this to V4.
Wow thanks for the great ideas folks,
I'll experiment with these methods. Anything to make my characters look more or less uniform as opposed to the mannequins and oily ones LOL.
One thing you can do is save a shader preset once you get a skin looking the way you want. I have actually saved a few different shader presets for skin, since the color of the base textures, and the lighting your using, will have an effect on what the render will look like.
Easy to do, too. Once you get the skin all tweaked, select one, and only one, of the skin surfaces (I usually use the torso). Click File->Save As->Shader Preset. Pick a folder (I created my own folders under the "Shader Presets" folder in My Library), and give it a file name. A box will come up where you can choose what parameters of the surface you want to save. By default, all parameters are checked. Right-click in the box, and there's an option to uncheck images. Sorry, not in front of my PC right now, so don't remember the exact wording of the option. It's obvious though.
You don't have to uncheck the images, but it makes applying the same preset to other characters (and other skin surfaces such as head or legs) easier.
I think enterprising 3d professionals watch these forums or something ;)