Daz Studio and Linux



  • GumpOtaku said:
    Kitsumo said:

    Has anyone written a guide to getting DS set up on Linux? I know no single solution is going to work for everyone, but I just need something to point me in the right direction. I'm planning to try setting up DS this weekend. Last time, I got DS running but no GPU support for iray. I didn't even try dforce.


    There's a guide, but it's in small chunks throughout this thread.

    I considered pulling together all the bits into one, but I'm not sure I'm qualified, I've not gotten Iray on GPU or dForce working yet.

    Any installation commands on the 'Linux side will vary according to what distro you are using, and whether or not you decide to use Codeweavers, PlayonLinux, or just Wine with winetricks to set up Wine.

    Anyway, I've put together a rought draft, consider it Daz on Linux Install Guide ver 0.1 (draft).

    Anyone here want to add/change redo entirely, please do so and repost it.

    Just wanna point out that if you're on the latest Ubuntu kernel (18.08) then the PostgreSQL version on the repositories is different than the one mentioned in the tutorial. this version will not work for the CMS setup, because DS will still not connect after all steps are completed. If I am doing this wrong, someone please tell me.

    I've update the Guide (see below) - the orginal was a very rough draft to kick off with, but this forum is a little quiet just now.

    I found the CMS instructions I'd hastily pasted in not very clear so I've swapped them out for another set.

    I have a clean Mint install on a machine. I'm gonna try this.


    If you've not done it already, I'd apreciate you checking the necessity of specifying citext with a schema version, or can we 'get away' with leaving it off with just 'public' it's another rolling issue with the install instructions that people are tripping over every few months.

    I'm not seeing any other psql pages specifying inclusion of schema version.

  • IllenaIllena Posts: 0
    0. Use winetricks to get the followings: vcrun2005, vcrun2010, d3dx9 (possibly corefonts and tahoma as well.)1. Install PostgreSQL (all packagemanagement is not the same, deb bases may also need postgresql-contrib)sudo pacman -S postgresql1.1 Set PW for your new postgres user (remember to note the password you give)sudo passwd postgres1.2 Initialize postgresqlsudo -u postgres -iinitdb --locale $LANG -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'2. Setup DAZ Studio Content DBsudo -u postgres psqlCREATE ROLE dzcms LOGINSUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEDB CREATEROLE REPLICATION;CREATE DATABASE "Content"WITH OWNER = dzcmsENCODING = 'UTF8'TABLESPACE = pg_defaultCONNECTION LIMIT = -1;\c ContentCREATE EXTENSION citextSCHEMA publicVERSION "1.4";ALTER ROLE dzcmsSET search_path = dzcontent, public;3. This step shouldn't be required as Arch sets the local connections to trust by default, but it won't hurt to check. Arch puts the config data of postgres at "/var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf"Not sure if that's an Archlinux thing or due to it using postgres version 10.xTo double check: sudo nano /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.confand make sure that both IPv4 and IPv6 local connections are set to trust:# IPv4 local connections:host all all trust# IPv6 local connections:host all all ::1/128 trust4. Restart PostgreSQLsudo systemctl restart postgresql.service5. Install DAZ Studio using wine as "Windows 7." I did not encounter any troubles using W7 settings. FAIK 4.10 causes trouble trying to install it in XP. I also tried installing it in Windows 10 but the installer came up a single grey slate with no buttons or checkboxes. Switching it to Windows 10 after the install went through seems to work though. I didn't test that beyond simply starting DAZ using that option so far. I might explore it a bit more soon as I sorted out my other troubles (see below).6. Setup DAZ Studio CMS connection before starting DAZ Studio.Create the file .wine/drive_c/users/<your_linux_user_name>/Application Data/DAZ 3D/cms/cmscfg.json  - (Check this path is correct for your system first)with the following contents:{  "Port" : 5432,  "ConnectionURI" : "postgresql://dzcmslocalhost:5432/Content"}7. Start DAZ Studio. Everything should work fine.

    Let me know how you get on.

    The change in citext version worked as it didn't put out any errors, but CMS still doesn't work.

    I've got one error while doing initdb.

    I did install postgresql and postgresql-contrib from Mint distro's system repo through software manager.

    I also did do the Step 3 and changed the Peer column values from md5 to trust in the pg_hba.conf file.

    I followed rest of steps to the note and they worked out nicely, no errors or anything.

    CMS still didn't work, I think it might be related to that initdb error, I don't know how to get around it, please have a look and let me know if I've made any other mistakes.

    margaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo passwd postgres[sudo] password for margaret:          Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfullymargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo -u postgres -ipostgres@margaret-PC:~$ initdb --locale $LANG -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'initdb: command not foundpostgres@margaret-PC:~$ logoutmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo -u postgres psqlpsql (10.7 (Ubuntu 10.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.1))Type "help" for help.postgres=# CREATE ROLE dzcms LOGINpostgres-# SUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEDB CREATEROLE REPLICATION;CREATE ROLEpostgres=# CREATE DATABASE "Content"postgres-# WITH OWNER = dzcmspostgres-# ENCODING = 'UTF8'postgres-# TABLESPACE = pg_defaultpostgres-# CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;\c ContentCREATE DATABASEpostgres=# \c ContentYou are now connected to database "Content" as user "postgres".Content=# Content=# CREATE EXTENSION citextContent-# SCHEMA publicContent-# VERSION "1.4";CREATE EXTENSIONContent=# ALTER ROLE dzcmsContent-# SET search_path = dzcontent, public;ALTER ROLEContent=# \qmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo nano /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.confmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ ^Cmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.confmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.confmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql.servicemargaret@margaret-PC:~$ 


  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567
    edited April 2019
    dpa43047 said:
    0. Use winetricks to get the followings: vcrun2005, vcrun2010, d3dx9 (possibly corefonts and tahoma as well.)1. Install PostgreSQL (all packagemanagement is not the same, deb bases may also need postgresql-contrib)sudo pacman -S postgresql1.1 Set PW for your new postgres user (remember to note the password you give)sudo passwd postgres1.2 Initialize postgresqlsudo -u postgres -iinitdb --locale $LANG -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'2. Setup DAZ Studio Content DBsudo -u postgres psqlCREATE ROLE dzcms LOGINSUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEDB CREATEROLE REPLICATION;CREATE DATABASE "Content"WITH OWNER = dzcmsENCODING = 'UTF8'TABLESPACE = pg_defaultCONNECTION LIMIT = -1;\c ContentCREATE EXTENSION citextSCHEMA publicVERSION "1.4";ALTER ROLE dzcmsSET search_path = dzcontent, public;3. This step shouldn't be required as Arch sets the local connections to trust by default, but it won't hurt to check. Arch puts the config data of postgres at "/var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf"Not sure if that's an Archlinux thing or due to it using postgres version 10.xTo double check: sudo nano /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.confand make sure that both IPv4 and IPv6 local connections are set to trust:# IPv4 local connections:host all all trust# IPv6 local connections:host all all ::1/128 trust4. Restart PostgreSQLsudo systemctl restart postgresql.service5. Install DAZ Studio using wine as "Windows 7." I did not encounter any troubles using W7 settings. FAIK 4.10 causes trouble trying to install it in XP. I also tried installing it in Windows 10 but the installer came up a single grey slate with no buttons or checkboxes. Switching it to Windows 10 after the install went through seems to work though. I didn't test that beyond simply starting DAZ using that option so far. I might explore it a bit more soon as I sorted out my other troubles (see below).6. Setup DAZ Studio CMS connection before starting DAZ Studio.Create the file .wine/drive_c/users/<your_linux_user_name>/Application Data/DAZ 3D/cms/cmscfg.json  - (Check this path is correct for your system first)with the following contents:{  "Port" : 5432,  "ConnectionURI" : "postgresql://dzcmslocalhost:5432/Content"}7. Start DAZ Studio. Everything should work fine.

    Let me know how you get on.

    The change in citext version worked as it didn't put out any errors, but CMS still doesn't work.

    I've got one error while doing initdb.

    I did install postgresql and postgresql-contrib from Mint distro's system repo through software manager.

    I also did do the Step 3 and changed the Peer column values from md5 to trust in the pg_hba.conf file.

    I followed rest of steps to the note and they worked out nicely, no errors or anything.

    CMS still didn't work, I think it might be related to that initdb error, I don't know how to get around it, please have a look and let me know if I've made any other mistakes.

    margaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo passwd postgres[sudo] password for margaret:          Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfullymargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo -u postgres -ipostgres@margaret-PC:~$ initdb --locale $LANG -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'initdb: command not foundpostgres@margaret-PC:~$ logoutmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo -u postgres psqlpsql (10.7 (Ubuntu 10.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.1))Type "help" for help.postgres=# CREATE ROLE dzcms LOGINpostgres-# SUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEDB CREATEROLE REPLICATION;CREATE ROLEpostgres=# CREATE DATABASE "Content"postgres-# WITH OWNER = dzcmspostgres-# ENCODING = 'UTF8'postgres-# TABLESPACE = pg_defaultpostgres-# CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;\c ContentCREATE DATABASEpostgres=# \c ContentYou are now connected to database "Content" as user "postgres".Content=# Content=# CREATE EXTENSION citextContent-# SCHEMA publicContent-# VERSION "1.4";CREATE EXTENSIONContent=# ALTER ROLE dzcmsContent-# SET search_path = dzcontent, public;ALTER ROLEContent=# \qmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo nano /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.confmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ ^Cmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.confmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.confmargaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql.servicemargaret@margaret-PC:~$ 


    I'm not very familiar with postgres, I'm afraid, however...

    After doing a little digging.... it appears that initdb is not installed under user executable path in Debian and Ubuntu...


    The post installation script creates an initial cluster for you (see documentation: /usr/share/doc/postgresql-common/README.Debian.gz)

    - (confusing) Anyway, I'd not worry, the initdb is done for you...(hopefully).

    Your creation of the Content db went ok by the looks of it

    You could check

    #> sudo -iu postgres

    postgres=> psql -d Content

    Content=# \du

    .....should have a little table that'll list dzcms and postgres under roles - mine says littke other than a little table...

    Role name | List of roles Attribtures | Member of

    dzcms | Superuser, Create Role, Create DB, Replication | {}

    postgres | (as above), Bypass RLS | {}

    (it's not any more helpful than that, I think it just passes onto the wine platform version)

    Content=# \q


    Then Exit or logout to your user.

    Check you've changed the cmscfg.json file under the wine prefix - otherwise the Wine bound program doesn't know to talk to the right port to connect.

    (initially this failed to work for me, I had to add a link to the cmscfg file in Wine/64bit_prefix/drive_c/ProgramData/DAZ 3D/CMS/

    as well as Wine/64bit_prefix/drive_c/users/[linuxusername]/Application Data/DAZ 3D/CMS/) - although others seemed to get it to work with the latter only - only the 64bit install needs it)

    Finally check postgres is running as a service....

    systemctl status postgresql.service

    Mint and Ubuntu sometimes start/enable services when you install (Arch doesn't) i assumed restart would be ok due to that, but worth checking.

    #> sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service

    which tells you system you want it launched when you boot up: and

    #> sudo systemctl start postgresl.service

    which starts the service immediately.

    Might be worth doing some reading on Systemd (systemctl basic commands at least) all sorts of cool automation can be done with it, plus you'll be able to put some of these commands in perspective, rather than just being greek.

    You can usually do a #> man <command>


    #> help <command>

    if faced with confusion... (wouldn't have helped with the initdb issue though).

    Let me know if any of these help whittle it down.

    Reference used:



    Post edited by GafftheHorse on
  • IllenaIllena Posts: 0


    I'm not very familiar with postgres, I'm afraid, however...

    After doing a little digging.... it appears that initdb is not installed under user executable path in Debian and Ubuntu...


    The post installation script creates an initial cluster for you (see documentation: /usr/share/doc/postgresql-common/README.Debian.gz)

    - (confusing) Anyway, I'd not worry, the initdb is done for you...(hopefully).

    Your creation of the Content db went ok by the looks of it

    You could check

    #> sudo -iu postgres

    postgres=> psql -d Content

    Content=# \du

    .....should have a little table that'll list dzcms and postgres under roles - mine says littke other than a little table...

    Role name | List of roles Attribtures | Member of

    dzcms | Superuser, Create Role, Create DB, Replication | {}

    postgres | (as above), Bypass RLS | {}

    (it's not any more helpful than that, I think it just passes onto the wine platform version)

    Content=# \q


    Then Exit or logout to your user.

    Check you've changed the cmscfg.json file under the wine prefix - otherwise the Wine bound program doesn't know to talk to the right port to connect.

    (initially this failed to work for me, I had to add a link to the cmscfg file in Wine/64bit_prefix/drive_c/ProgramData/DAZ 3D/CMS/

    as well as Wine/64bit_prefix/drive_c/users/[linuxusername]/Application Data/DAZ 3D/CMS/) - although others seemed to get it to work with the latter only - only the 64bit install needs it)

    Finally check postgres is running as a service....

    systemctl status postgresql.service

    Mint and Ubuntu sometimes start/enable services when you install (Arch doesn't) i assumed restart would be ok due to that, but worth checking.

    #> sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service

    which tells you system you want it launched when you boot up: and

    #> sudo systemctl start postgresl.service

    which starts the service immediately.

    Might be worth doing some reading on Systemd (systemctl basic commands at least) all sorts of cool automation can be done with it, plus you'll be able to put some of these commands in perspective, rather than just being greek.

    You can usually do a #> man <command>


    #> help <command>

    if faced with confusion... (wouldn't have helped with the initdb issue though).

    Let me know if any of these help whittle it down.

    Reference used:



    Hello, I tried your instructions, you were right about the database creation.

    margaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo -iu postgrespostgres@margaret-PC:~$ psql -d Contentpsql (10.7 (Ubuntu 10.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.1))Type "help" for help.Content=# \du                                   List of roles Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of-----------+------------------------------------------------------------+----------- dzcms     | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication             | {} postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}Content=# \qpostgres@margaret-PC:~$ logout


    My cmscfg.json file locations and contents:

    /home/margaret/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/DAZ/drive_c/users/margaret/Application Data/DAZ 3D/cms/cmscfg.json
    /home/margaret/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/DAZ/drive_c/ProgramData/DAZ 3D/cms/cmscfg.json

    {  "Port" : 5432,  "ConnectionURI" : "postgresql://dzcmslocalhost:5432/Content"}

    I think I haven't mentioned I'm using PlayOnLinux, could that be creating any complications?

    margaret@margaret-PC:~$ systemctl status postgresql.service● postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)   Active: active (exited) since Sun 2019-04-07 12:55:01 MDT; 10min ago  Process: 917 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 917 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Apr 07 12:55:01 margaret-PC systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL RDBMS...Apr 07 12:55:01 margaret-PC systemd[1]: Started PostgreSQL RDBMS.margaret@margaret-PC:~$ sudo systemctl start postgresl.service[sudo] password for margaret:          Failed to start postgresl.service: Unit postgresl.service not found.

    I think the service is active, it's just that DAZ Studio can't seem to connect to it as it's throwing a Resource Error (A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection couldn't be established) .

    You're right I should read onto Systemd commands and usage, currently everything seems greek to me.

    Thanks for the help.

    One more thing, I'm seeing massive delays in my posting and the post coming up here, it's saying it's being moderated or something, are you noticing any such delays or is it just a thing new users experience more often?



  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567
    edited April 2019

    I think you've got postgres on Linux setup ok, there's just some issue on the wine / windows side,

    I used to get the 'A valid Postgres CMS connected could not be established' error too, very frustrating. Used to have connection ok on Daz 32bit, but not 64bit (which is why I put a link to cmscfg.json in ProgramData - that worked for me, but no one else seems to need it)

    No, Playonlinux should not be an issue - used to use it myself before version 4, then setup stopped workin in POL3 and I didn't like POL4 or it's Java dependancies- I miss the ease of using multiple wine versions, but I now just set up manually from the cli, and use a script to launch. Most my old prefixes were setup originally on POL and moved.

    I'm not really familiar with POL 4 (or 5) unfortunately.

    - check the Preferences in Daz Studio, see if the cmscfg.json is being picked up

    Edit > Preferences > CMS Settings

    - check the POL log for any errors thrown by the daz startup process

    - check the Daz log

    Help > Troubleshooting > view log file

    You could try setting up a new prefix and installing daz again on it - specifically install the postgres CMS that comes with DAZ


    .....offering a dozen white doves to Annoya, goddess of things stuck in drawers couldn't hurt either at this point.

    The post delay is probably 'cause we're using code boxes...

    Post edited by GafftheHorse on
  • I've been putting off getting Daz3D running on my Mint computer, but decided today was the day. I had already followed much of the tutorial posted by an earlier user and just needed to learn a few more things before  finishing it off. For the last bit, I followed the recently posted intructions for modifying the cmscfg.json file. I still didn't have any luck getting the CMS to connect, but I knew I was one step closer because the log file game me an error - "2019-04-10 12:01:43.881 WARNING: dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): db init error: could not translate host name "dzcmslocalhost" to address: Unknown host"

    So I poked around to see what the problem was with dzcmslocalhost. It turns out that there is a typo in the instructions. It should be dzcms@localhost. I am hoping that this helps someone.

    Thanks to all that put the work into creating these instructions. I am mostly a copy & paste type of person when it comes to the command line, but I now have Daz3D running in Linux!

  • I've been putting off getting Daz3D running on my Mint computer, but decided today was the day. I had already followed much of the tutorial posted by an earlier user and just needed to learn a few more things before  finishing it off. For the last bit, I followed the recently posted intructions for modifying the cmscfg.json file. I still didn't have any luck getting the CMS to connect, but I knew I was one step closer because the log file game me an error - "2019-04-10 12:01:43.881 WARNING: dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): db init error: could not translate host name "dzcmslocalhost" to address: Unknown host"

    So I poked around to see what the problem was with dzcmslocalhost. It turns out that there is a typo in the instructions. It should be dzcms@localhost. I am hoping that this helps someone.

    Thanks to all that put the work into creating these instructions. I am mostly a copy & paste type of person when it comes to the command line, but I now have Daz3D running in Linux!

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    I'm afraid when I posted that, I was scanning for old postgres version numbers that might trip people up.

    Since other versions seem to have other differences (the one featured in Install Intructions Ver has "ConnectionURI" : "postgresql://daz3d:mynewpassword@localhost:5432/dazcontent") I've included the one I'm using and which works (for me, on Archlinux) below.

    (just replace <username> with your linux home username.)

    {	"Port" : 5432,	"ConnectionURI" : "postgresql://dzcms@localhost:5432/Content",	"DatabaseClusterPath" : "C:/users/&lt;username&gt;/Application Data/DAZ 3D/cms"}

    I'll try to find time to redo the Install Instruction Guide ver .02 and post at weekend hopefully.

  • Chanteur-de-VentChanteur-de-Vent Posts: 567
    edited April 2019

    Just dropping by to say I managed a valid Dforce connection with some help of a friend. Haven't checked the forum for some months, maybe it's the same instruction.

    Anyhow, on Antergos (arch based) I did the following:

    1. install Open CL (for dForce) on linux:

    A. Get the snapshot of (ncurses5-compat-libs) on Arch website - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ncurses5-compat-libs/

    B. Apply the following commands, line by line

    git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/intel-opencl.gitcd intel-opencl/makepkg -sicd ..git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/intel-opencl-runtime.gitcd intel-opencl-runtimemakepkg -sicd ..git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/intel-opencl-sdk.gitcd intel-opencl-sdk/makepkg -si

    C.Check if everything is working with 


    Should give an output, if it's not working, will give something like 0 platforms found. 

    2.Fix the open cl on wine side:
    A. Go to winecfg of DAZ Wine bottle - Libraries - override opencl (native)
    To run winecfg, do something like this:

    env WINEPREFIX="&lt;path to your wine bottle&gt;" winecfg


    Post edited by Chanteur-de-Vent on
  • Just dropping by to say I managed a valid Dforce connection with some help of a friend. Haven't checked the forum for some months, maybe it's the same instruction.

    Anyhow, on Antergos (arch based) I did the following:

    1. install Open CL (for dForce) on linux:

    A. Get the snapshot of (ncurses5-compat-libs) on Arch website - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ncurses5-compat-libs/

    B. Apply the following commands, line by line

    git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/intel-opencl.gitcd intel-opencl/makepkg -sicd ..git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/intel-opencl-runtime.gitcd intel-opencl-runtimemakepkg -sicd ..git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/intel-opencl-sdk.gitcd intel-opencl-sdk/makepkg -si

    C.Check if everything is working with 


    Should give an output, if it's not working, will give something like 0 platforms found. 

    2.Fix the open cl on wine side:
    A. Go to winecfg of DAZ Wine bottle - Libraries - override opencl (native)
    To run winecfg, do something like this:

    env WINEPREFIX="&lt;path to your wine bottle&gt;" winecfg

    intel-opencl is the legacy version of intel-opencl-runtime - you don't need both, they both provide the required opencl-driver

    Surely you only need use the legacy in place of intel-opencl-runtime if your architecture contains pre-Broadwell chips?

    Otherwise you just need to install intel-open-runtime - compilation of intel-opencl is superfluous as it'll be replaced by the result of the second compilation.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited April 2019

    Given the Parts used to make Daz Studio can be used in multiple platforms, including Linux, it should not be that hard to get a Linux version going. Especially since they have a Mac Version, and Mac and Linux are like OS siblings with a Unix parent.

    The Mac isn't an Unix Parent, but a Unix, albeit somewhat different than others.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • IllenaIllena Posts: 0

    I've been putting off getting Daz3D running on my Mint computer, but decided today was the day. I had already followed much of the tutorial posted by an earlier user and just needed to learn a few more things before  finishing it off. For the last bit, I followed the recently posted intructions for modifying the cmscfg.json file. I still didn't have any luck getting the CMS to connect, but I knew I was one step closer because the log file game me an error - "2019-04-10 12:01:43.881 WARNING: dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): db init error: could not translate host name "dzcmslocalhost" to address: Unknown host"

    So I poked around to see what the problem was with dzcmslocalhost. It turns out that there is a typo in the instructions. It should be dzcms@localhost. I am hoping that this helps someone.

    Thanks to all that put the work into creating these instructions. I am mostly a copy & paste type of person when it comes to the command line, but I now have Daz3D running in Linux!

    Thanks, that worked.

    Thanks a lot for trying this out and mentioning this here. smiley

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    I'm afraid when I posted that, I was scanning for old postgres version numbers that might trip people up.

    Since other versions seem to have other differences (the one featured in Install Intructions Ver has "ConnectionURI" : "postgresql://daz3d:mynewpassword@localhost:5432/dazcontent") I've included the one I'm using and which works (for me, on Archlinux) below.

    (just replace <username> with your linux home username.)

    {	"Port" : 5432,	"ConnectionURI" : "postgresql://dzcms@localhost:5432/Content",	"DatabaseClusterPath" : "C:/users/&lt;username&gt;/Application Data/DAZ 3D/cms"}

    I'll try to find time to redo the Install Instruction Guide ver .02 and post at weekend hopefully.

    Thank you for helping me through this.

    I also went through the pgAdmin III way and that also worked perfectly, it previously didn't work because pgAdmin III has a password bug.

    Process through pgAdmin is as simple as through the CLI, right click on a database and create new, right click on a extension and create one, hit appropriate tick boxes, etc.

    Thanks. smiley

  • CauriBCauriB Posts: 101

    I am running DAZ Studio 4.10 and 4.11 on Ubuntu with wine-staging, while rendering with my GPU (GTX 1070) works fine in 4.10, I only can use the CPU in 4.11, everything else including smart content and dForce works fine. When I use the new strand hair feature, the hair renders white, even though I applied a texture map to it, only when I change the actual color it renders in the applied color. Is there a way to get CUDA working under Ubuntu in 4.11? Does the white hair problem also happen under a Windows setup?

  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567
    CauriB said:

    I am running DAZ Studio 4.10 and 4.11 on Ubuntu with wine-staging, while rendering with my GPU (GTX 1070) works fine in 4.10, I only can use the CPU in 4.11, everything else including smart content and dForce works fine. When I use the new strand hair feature, the hair renders white, even though I applied a texture map to it, only when I change the actual color it renders in the applied color. Is there a way to get CUDA working under Ubuntu in 4.11? Does the white hair problem also happen under a Windows setup?


    Possibly the same for me on 4.10 vs. 4.11 - I do a lot of huge scenes that regularly blows the memory limit for GPU rendering (and I've 8GB). CUDA works for me as I can do Dynamic cloth (Opencl works through Cuda on Nvidia). I don't currently have GPU rendering under the BETA, just CPU.

    I've messed about with Strand hair a little, I don't know much about it, maybe it doesn't work with traditional hair texture maps?

    I'm on Archlinux, GTX-1080.

    P.S. Do you use Genesis 8? I'm getting skinny waif hips on all Genesis 8 on the Beta - I'm not sure if it's my install that gone wrong, or it's a running on wine problem.

  • CauriBCauriB Posts: 101



    Possibly the same for me on 4.10 vs. 4.11 - I do a lot of huge scenes that regularly blows the memory limit for GPU rendering (and I've 8GB). CUDA works for me as I can do Dynamic cloth (Opencl works through Cuda on Nvidia). I don't currently have GPU rendering under the BETA, just CPU.

    I've messed about with Strand hair a little, I don't know much about it, maybe it doesn't work with traditional hair texture maps?

    I'm on Archlinux, GTX-1080.

    P.S. Do you use Genesis 8? I'm getting skinny waif hips on all Genesis 8 on the Beta - I'm not sure if it's my install that gone wrong, or it's a running on wine problem.

    I use Genesis 8, all characters work fine, no skinny hips. I am on Ubuntu 19.04 with wine-staging 4.9, AMD Ryzen 7 1700, GTX-1070, 16 Gigs of RAM. This is a quick render of Mrs. Chow in 4.11.

    Chow Yoga.jpg
    632 x 1024 - 457K
  • Azure_ZeroAzure_Zero Posts: 65

    Nice, folks are getting Daz to run in Linux, though I would really like a native version from Daz itself.

    Thought I'd need to start spending days with Play-On-Linux, Lutris, and or Wine Tricks to get the WINE to work right with Daz.

    Though I am also really hoping the ReactOS project gets further along so I can use the much less compatibility layer friendly Windows programs in a OS that is Not MS Windows.


  • CauriBCauriB Posts: 101

    The thing with the hair rendering white was my fault, I didn't realize, that there was a special shader for the hair, as I didn't update my dForce starter essentials, hair now renders as it should blush

  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567

    CauriB :

    CauriB said:

    I use Genesis 8, all characters work fine, no skinny hips. I am on Ubuntu 19.04 with wine-staging 4.9, AMD Ryzen 7 1700, GTX-1070, 16 Gigs of RAM. This is a quick render of Mrs. Chow in 4.11.

    Ah, cheers for that. So it is my wine prefix after all, I should recreate it and re-install.

    Azure_Zeo :


    Nice, folks are getting Daz to run in Linux, though I would really like a native version from Daz itself.

    Thought I'd need to start spending days with Play-On-Linux, Lutris, and or Wine Tricks to get the WINE to work right with Daz.

    Though I am also really hoping the ReactOS project gets further along so I can use the much less compatibility layer friendly Windows programs in a OS that is Not MS Windows.

    I doubt there's very much chance of a 'Linux version. Too little a potential audience and Daz are a relatively small team

    Daz works with Wine fairly well, unlike many games no reall workarounds are needed (apart from setting up a postgresql db for cms on the linux side) - I'm not even sure the winetricks installs of net frameworks are needed as the Daz installer does them too.

    Reactos and Wine are cooperating and sharing info, but I think Wine are further along

  • GumpOtakuGumpOtaku Posts: 106
    edited July 2019

    How to Set up A DAZ Studio Content Drive in Debian\Ubuntu (useful for those with small capacity SSDs)


    Creating the Drive

    • Open Gparted. open a terminal and enter <strong>sudo apt install gparted</strong> to install if it's not in the System section of your Start Menu, although almost every Debian\Ubuntu based distro has this pre-installed.
    •  Select your 1TB drive in the drive dropdown on the right side.
    • Select Partition, then New. leave everything else alone, but select how much space you want the Content drive to be. Get all of the free space you can, or specify a size. The result of 1024 x desired amount on any calculator will help you. When you're finished click add, and click on the checkmark to apply all changes. Close Gparted.

    Creating the Mount Point

    • Open your file manager as root.
    • Go to your root folder [/] and click on the directory called media. inside media create a new folder. It doesn't have to be a specific name though DAZLibrary or DazContent are good starts. Close your file manager.
    •  Open up the Gnome Disk Utility (to install enter <strong>sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility</strong> on an open terminal.) Click on your 1TB HDD. Locate the partiiton you just made and make note of the universally unique indentifier, or UUID, at the bottom. Your're going to need this later.
    • On the same terminal window enter sudo nano /etc/fstab. Go to the last line and enter: UUID=ofyourcontentdrive /media/entercontentfoldernamehere ext4 defaults 0 0. Edit the entry to match the right info for your drive (best way to do this is through the text editor). hit Ctrl+O to save, then Ctrl+X to exit nano. Reboot your PC (sudo reboot is quicker).
    • If you did everything right you should see your content drive on your desktop.

    Configuring DIM

    • Open DIM, login and click on the gear on the right side. On the Installation tab go down to the directories list. Click the plus button to add your new content drive. Direct DIM to your root directory>Media>yourcontentdrivename. Create a My Library folder if you haven't done so already. Once that's selected hit OK. After removing the My DAZ 3D Library folder from the installation paths (select it and click on the minus button), click Accept.
    • Open DS and remove your old DS and Poser database paths from the Content Library tab (if you're on a fresh install of DS).

    And That's all Y'all!

    I hope this has helped somebody.

    Until the Next.

    Post edited by GumpOtaku on
  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567
    GumpOtaku said:

    How to Set up A DAZ Studio Content Drive in Linux (useful for those with small capacity SSDs)


    Creating the Drive

    • Open Gparted. open a terminal and enter <strong>sudo apt install gparted</strong> to install if it's not in the System section of your Start Menu, although almost every Debian\Ubuntu based distro has this pre-installed.
    •  Select your 1TB drive in the drive dropdown on the right side.
    • Select Partition, then New. leave everything else alone, but select how much space you want the Content drive to be. Get all of the free space you can, or specify a size. The result of 1024 x desired amount on any calculator will help you. When you're finished click add, and click on the checkmark to apply all changes. Close Gparted.

    Creating the Mount Point

    • Open your file manager as root.
    • Go to your root folder [/] and click on the directory called media. inside media create a new folder. It doesn't have to be a specific name though DAZLibrary or DazContent are good starts. Close your file manager.
    •  Open up the Gnome Disk Utility (to install enter <strong>sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility</strong> on an open terminal.) Click on your 1TB HDD. Locate the partiiton you just made and make note of the universally unique indentifier, or UUID, at the bottom. Your're going to need this later.
    • On the same terminal window enter sudo nano /etc/fstab. Go to the last line and enter: UUID=ofyourcontentdrive /media/entercontentfoldernamehere ext4 defaults 0 0. Edit the entry to match the right info for your drive (best way to do this is through the text editor). hit Ctrl+O to save, then Ctrl+X to exit nano. Reboot your PC (sudo reboot is quicker).
    • If you did everything right you should see your content drive on your desktop.

    Configuring DIM

    • Open DIM, login and click on the gear on the right side. On the Installation tab go down to the directories list. Click the plus button to add your new content drive. Direct DIM to your root directory>Media>yourcontentdrivename. Create a My Library folder if you haven't done so already. Once that's selected hit OK. After removing the My DAZ 3D Library folder from the installation paths (select it and click on the minus button), click Accept.
    • Open DS and remove your old DS and Poser database paths from the Content Library tab (if you're on a fresh install of DS).

    And That's all Y'all!

    I hope this has helped somebody.

    Until the Next.

    Very nice.

    A few issues though - you should probably make it clear it's written from the perspective of a Debian 'Linux install (since you've given apt install commands and reference gparted (which may well not be installed as default on all installations). Also, I don't know how standard gparted being installed by default would be - I wouldn't count on it. Nano is probably pretty standard - vi would definitely be, but it's far from ideal to ask a user to use - but you might want to alert to the fact and suggest alternatives.

    I've found, the more information you give, the more people tend to follow it to the letter, a disclaimer that the instructions are referencing a Debian based install and they will need to keep on alert as there will be differences if they are on Suse, Fedora or other bases.

    You are also using the command line a lot while also instructing to use a file manager to create a folder (and loading the file manager as root? - that's a no-no these days - a good install should pop up with an authorisation to create a file/folder, an entire application should not be run as superuser).

    &gt; sudo mkdir /media/[foldername]

    is not going to be a challenge, if the user can manage apt commands.

    If you are going to flip between GUI and CLI, try to keep to one flip, not a back and forth.

    Since your likely audience may well be artists and not techies, you may want to add a few helpful find out information commands - such as how to find out the UUID of their device -

    &gt; blkid

    Also, might want to suggest add of ,nofail to defaults on the fstab for cases when the added drive might be an external and not always connected.

    An alternative to mucking about with DIm is to use a Soft link to the My Documents location where Daz expects the Content Library to be...

    &gt; ln -s /media/[External_Drive]/External_DAZ_Library [My_Documents_DAZ_content_path]/My_DAZ_Library

    Soft Links are also wonderful for bringing some sanity to the Poser runtime (also somewhat to the Daz - there's a lot of Props that are more suited to Environments, and a lot in Environments that really only is a prop).


    Apart from these points it's a good How to...

  • GumpOtakuGumpOtaku Posts: 106
    GumpOtaku said:

    How to Set up A DAZ Studio Content Drive in Linux (useful for those with small capacity SSDs)


    Creating the Drive

    • Open Gparted. open a terminal and enter <strong>sudo apt install gparted</strong> to install if it's not in the System section of your Start Menu, although almost every Debian\Ubuntu based distro has this pre-installed.
    •  Select your 1TB drive in the drive dropdown on the right side.
    • Select Partition, then New. leave everything else alone, but select how much space you want the Content drive to be. Get all of the free space you can, or specify a size. The result of 1024 x desired amount on any calculator will help you. When you're finished click add, and click on the checkmark to apply all changes. Close Gparted.

    Creating the Mount Point

    • Open your file manager as root.
    • Go to your root folder [/] and click on the directory called media. inside media create a new folder. It doesn't have to be a specific name though DAZLibrary or DazContent are good starts. Close your file manager.
    •  Open up the Gnome Disk Utility (to install enter <strong>sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility</strong> on an open terminal.) Click on your 1TB HDD. Locate the partiiton you just made and make note of the universally unique indentifier, or UUID, at the bottom. Your're going to need this later.
    • On the same terminal window enter sudo nano /etc/fstab. Go to the last line and enter: UUID=ofyourcontentdrive /media/entercontentfoldernamehere ext4 defaults 0 0. Edit the entry to match the right info for your drive (best way to do this is through the text editor). hit Ctrl+O to save, then Ctrl+X to exit nano. Reboot your PC (sudo reboot is quicker).
    • If you did everything right you should see your content drive on your desktop.

    Configuring DIM

    • Open DIM, login and click on the gear on the right side. On the Installation tab go down to the directories list. Click the plus button to add your new content drive. Direct DIM to your root directory>Media>yourcontentdrivename. Create a My Library folder if you haven't done so already. Once that's selected hit OK. After removing the My DAZ 3D Library folder from the installation paths (select it and click on the minus button), click Accept.
    • Open DS and remove your old DS and Poser database paths from the Content Library tab (if you're on a fresh install of DS).

    And That's all Y'all!

    I hope this has helped somebody.

    Until the Next.

    Very nice.

    A few issues though - you should probably make it clear it's written from the perspective of a Debian 'Linux install (since you've given apt install commands and reference gparted (which may well not be installed as default on all installations). Also, I don't know how standard gparted being installed by default would be - I wouldn't count on it. Nano is probably pretty standard - vi would definitely be, but it's far from ideal to ask a user to use - but you might want to alert to the fact and suggest alternatives.

    I've found, the more information you give, the more people tend to follow it to the letter, a disclaimer that the instructions are referencing a Debian based install and they will need to keep on alert as there will be differences if they are on Suse, Fedora or other bases.

    You are also using the command line a lot while also instructing to use a file manager to create a folder (and loading the file manager as root? - that's a no-no these days - a good install should pop up with an authorisation to create a file/folder, an entire application should not be run as superuser).

    &gt; sudo mkdir /media/[foldername]

    is not going to be a challenge, if the user can manage apt commands.

    If you are going to flip between GUI and CLI, try to keep to one flip, not a back and forth.

    Since your likely audience may well be artists and not techies, you may want to add a few helpful find out information commands - such as how to find out the UUID of their device -

    &gt; blkid

    Also, might want to suggest add of ,nofail to defaults on the fstab for cases when the added drive might be an external and not always connected.

    An alternative to mucking about with DIm is to use a Soft link to the My Documents location where Daz expects the Content Library to be...

    &gt; ln -s /media/[External_Drive]/External_DAZ_Library [My_Documents_DAZ_content_path]/My_DAZ_Library

    Soft Links are also wonderful for bringing some sanity to the Poser runtime (also somewhat to the Daz - there's a lot of Props that are more suited to Environments, and a lot in Environments that really only is a prop).


    Apart from these points it's a good How to...

    Ttile corrected. Thanks so much! Thank you also for the soft link tip - I manly test Debian\Ubuntu based distros for DAZ compatiblily, but have messed with Manjaro and Fedora. Manjaro and Ubuntu MATE in my research are the most hassle-free to install DAZ Studio via DIM - it just goes through. 

  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567
    GumpOtaku said:

    Ttile corrected. Thanks so much! Thank you also for the soft link tip - I manly test Debian\Ubuntu based distros for DAZ compatiblily, but have messed with Manjaro and Fedora. Manjaro and Ubuntu MATE in my research are the most hassle-free to install DAZ Studio via DIM - it just goes through. 

    You're welcome.

    I really don't think the distro base has much relevence to how easily Daz and Dim install and operate besides having the most current driver if you've an Nvidia chipset and a recent Wine or Wine-staging.

    For example using Debain stable, you would have had to wait a while for the improvements Wine 4 and Daz 4.11 brought as regards the slider issue as it was neither alone.

    But then, if you are not techie inclined, a more stable base means less frequently having to do system administration.

    The best distro for a Daz using trying to escape Win 10 adoption would be one that had Wine considerations built into the native desktop setup such as desktoplaunch items for Wine added programs and catch the wine file extensions setups for the browser.

    I'm using Archlinux.

  • GumpOtakuGumpOtaku Posts: 106
    edited July 2019
    GumpOtaku said:

    Ttile corrected. Thanks so much! Thank you also for the soft link tip - I manly test Debian\Ubuntu based distros for DAZ compatiblily, but have messed with Manjaro and Fedora. Manjaro and Ubuntu MATE in my research are the most hassle-free to install DAZ Studio via DIM - it just goes through. 

    You're welcome.

    I really don't think the distro base has much relevence to how easily Daz and Dim install and operate besides having the most current driver if you've an Nvidia chipset and a recent Wine or Wine-staging.

    For example using Debain stable, you would have had to wait a while for the improvements Wine 4 and Daz 4.11 brought as regards the slider issue as it was neither alone.

    But then, if you are not techie inclined, a more stable base means less frequently having to do system administration.

    The best distro for a Daz using trying to escape Win 10 adoption would be one that had Wine considerations built into the native desktop setup such as desktoplaunch items for Wine added programs and catch the wine file extensions setups for the browser.

    I'm using Archlinux.


    Well, Manjaro - as far as I know - is Arch based cause it had Wine considerations built into the desktop. I would've stayed with it had I bothered to fully understand how pacman works. Also I would like to clarify that I said 'Installation of DAZ Studio via DIM' which means using DIM to download and install DS. With the exception of Ubuntu MATE installing DS thru DIM on any Ubuntu flavor results in a 'install failed' error.

    Post edited by GumpOtaku on
  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567
    GumpOtaku said:
    Well, Manjaro - as far as I know - is Arch based cause it had Wine considerations built into the desktop. I would've stayed with it had I bothered to fully understand how pacman works.

    I think you misunderstand me, the addendum on what I was running was a FYI of sorts, Arch certainly isn't the best distro for escaping artists, it's not even a distro I would recommend most people.

    Manjaro package the major desktops with a manjaro theme skin and probably configuration improvements and enhancements applicable to the Manjaro base and their own ideas as to user friendly improvements, Arch touch nothing, everything is as upstream.

    Certainly, the Daz web page won't let me launch DIM from browser links out of the box on Arch, and while Wine applies both windows and .desktop links in the DESKTOP folder, their operation is undependable. Installation programs that attempt to run the software or anything else on conclusion will fail as they assume a pure windows base

    I usually d/l the Daz setup program, run on a wine prefix and update and install content using DIM thereafter.

    I keep 3, 64bit bit Daz prefixes, I've a 4.10, a 4.11 and a primary 64bit which has an install of DIM and is also the BETA, that way, I'll always have the 4,10 and 4.11 frozen in time - just in case.

    I also have a 32bit prefix, and one for Bryce and Cararra (although neither is usable just now - perhaps wine will improve).

  • Thank you all very much for the effort you made to make this work. Thank you all for your time. It's great to have the DAZ in linux because I couldn't find anything that being so simple would turn out to be of such good quality. 

  • CauriB said:

    I am running DAZ Studio 4.10 and 4.11 on Ubuntu with wine-staging, while rendering with my GPU (GTX 1070) works fine in 4.10, I only can use the CPU in 4.11, everything else including smart content and dForce works fine. When I use the new strand hair feature, the hair renders white, even though I applied a texture map to it, only when I change the actual color it renders in the applied color. Is there a way to get CUDA working under Ubuntu in 4.11? Does the white hair problem also happen under a Windows setup?

    Hi, I too have Ubuntu 19.04, the latest Wine Staging and a GTX card. Since your installation was succefull, could you by any chance share your installation steps (what dlls to install with Winetricks, etc)? Thanks

  • GumpOtakuGumpOtaku Posts: 106
    edited August 2019
    CauriB said:

    I am running DAZ Studio 4.10 and 4.11 on Ubuntu with wine-staging, while rendering with my GPU (GTX 1070) works fine in 4.10, I only can use the CPU in 4.11, everything else including smart content and dForce works fine. When I use the new strand hair feature, the hair renders white, even though I applied a texture map to it, only when I change the actual color it renders in the applied color. Is there a way to get CUDA working under Ubuntu in 4.11? Does the white hair problem also happen under a Windows setup?

    Hi, I too have Ubuntu 19.04, the latest Wine Staging and a GTX card. Since your installation was succefull, could you by any chance share your installation steps (what dlls to install with Winetricks, etc)? Thanks

    the dlls are vcron2005, vcron2010, and dx39. But ever since DS 4.10 those dlls are unnecessary for proper installation on Ubuntu\Debian based distros. All that's needed are WINE Staging, the proprietary NVIDIA drivers (from Additional Drivers) and Winetricks. It's best to install DS on a seperate wine prefix other than the main one. You can do this by opening a terminal and tying:


    WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-new winecfg


    replacing .wine-new with .wine_daz3d or whatever you want. Enter the same command after the wine prefix has been created, this time substitiuting winecfg with winetricks; click on select existing prefix, then run uninstaller. on the screen you see you should see a button to install a program from disk or something like that. Click on than and point the system to where you've downloaded the DS installer (usually the downloads folder.) Then it will run the installer; follow the instructions as needed. Once finshed close winetricks, open DS and enter your serial number.

    This is the gist of installing DS as far as Ubuntu\Debian based PCs are concerned. Hope this helps you, friend.

    Post edited by GumpOtaku on
  • I would love to see a Daz Linux Operating system.  No more questions about what flavor of Linux you are using but I know people would still argue that why not their flavor of Linux. Well because it is too much work and how do people get paid for coding for each flavor. I think that the best solution would be for Daz or us to Crowd source a Wine fix that would let us run Daz windows products inside of your flavor of linux. This fix would include all the drivers for both ati and nvidia and dforce.

    Nice, folks are getting Daz to run in Linux, though I would really like a native version from Daz itself.

    Thought I'd need to start spending days with Play-On-Linux, Lutris, and or Wine Tricks to get the WINE to work right with Daz.

    Though I am also really hoping the ReactOS project gets further along so I can use the much less compatibility layer friendly Windows programs in a OS that is Not MS Windows.


    ReactOS is a dead horse. They will never get this hobby os off the ground. Linux works and works well. A windowsxp clone is a dead end that is why it is going nowhere fast. If this project had more support like blender or maybe linux it might be worth following but I have watched this project for years and it is not going anywere. The idea is great but just one patent lawsuit from the unfriendly people at MS and this site goes down. Linux is a better choice and Blender instead of Poser or Daz studio if you don't want to pay MS for a subscription OS.

  • hello_41f614d3fahello_41f614d3fa Posts: 5
    edited August 2019
    GumpOtaku said:
    CauriB said:

    I am running DAZ Studio 4.10 and 4.11 on Ubuntu with wine-staging, while rendering with my GPU (GTX 1070) works fine in 4.10, I only can use the CPU in 4.11, everything else including smart content and dForce works fine. When I use the new strand hair feature, the hair renders white, even though I applied a texture map to it, only when I change the actual color it renders in the applied color. Is there a way to get CUDA working under Ubuntu in 4.11? Does the white hair problem also happen under a Windows setup?

    Hi, I too have Ubuntu 19.04, the latest Wine Staging and a GTX card. Since your installation was succefull, could you by any chance share your installation steps (what dlls to install with Winetricks, etc)? Thanks

    the dlls are vcron2005, vcron2010, and dx39. But ever since DS 4.10 those dlls are unnecessary for proper installation on Ubuntu\Debian based distros. All that's needed are WINE Staging, the proprietary NVIDIA drivers (from Additional Drivers) and Winetricks. It's best to install DS on a seperate wine prefix other than the main one. You can do this by opening a terminal and tying:


    WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-new winecfg


    replacing .wine-new with .wine_daz3d or whatever you want. Enter the same command after the wine prefix has been created, this time substitiuting winecfg with winetricks; click on select existing prefix, then run uninstaller. on the screen you see you should see a button to install a program from disk or something like that. Click on than and point the system to where you've downloaded the DS installer (usually the downloads folder.) Then it will run the installer; follow the instructions as needed. Once finshed close winetricks, open DS and enter your serial number.

    This is the gist of installing DS as far as Ubuntu\Debian based PCs are concerned. Hope this helps you, friend.


    Hi, Thanks for the info. So I went ahead and installed it in a custom prefix with no additional dlls besides corefonts, which I tend to install on every new prefix. Instead of installing using winetrick, I installed manually. Installation was okay for the most part except an error while installing "Content management service". Here an additional window opened but it was blank (I believe it's a missing font issue) and when I closed it the installation continued and finished succefully (but apparently skipped the content manager installation altogether). Daz launches ok and all the interface is there but I cannot import any DAZ asset or log in as the content managment part is missing (when I try it complains about some PostgreSQL CMS issue). Any idea how to fix this? Thanks

    P.S To test the rest of the app, I imported an OBJ and everything (besides DAZ content) seems to work great and fast, including the IRay renderer.





    Post edited by hello_41f614d3fa on
  • Hi, Thanks for the info. So I went ahead and installed it in a custom prefix with no additional dlls besides corefonts, which I tend to install on every new prefix. Instead of installing using winetrick, I installed manually. Installation was okay for the most part except an error while installing "Content management service". Here an additional window opened but it was blank (I believe it's a missing font issue) and when I closed it the installation continued and finished succefully (but apparently skipped the content manager installation altogether). Daz launches ok and all the interface is there but I cannot import any DAZ asset or log in as the content managment part is missing (when I try it complains about some PostgreSQL CMS issue). Any idea how to fix this? Thanks

    P.S To test the rest of the app, I imported an OBJ and everything (besides DAZ content) seems to work great and fast, including the IRay renderer.

    Daz is complaining that the CMS is not running on startup so it can't login to Daz, right?

    The Daz installer probably ran ok

    To get the Smart Content you need to be running the CMS, which Daz Studio launches when it starts up, but as you are running inside a wine bottle and not on an actual Windows platform the plumbing doesn't seem to work (even though wine doesn't act as a sandbox per se).

    You need to set up Postgres and CMS on your Linux install (this needs to be done just once and should remain fine for the life of your 'Linux install (barring major Postgres or DAZ CMS changes). The instructions for setting up PostgresSQL are discussed in the thread. PostgresSQL needs to be installed and setup, the Contentd database initialised and the Postgres service told to run at startup and Daz told what port to talk to.

    It's only really necessary if you intend to use Smart Content or Daz Connect, the Content Library and any additional runtimes are not affected and DIM even runs without it.

    I've attached the Daz on Linux install guide as a refresh (it's still a WiP, version 0.2)

  • hello_41f614d3fahello_41f614d3fa Posts: 5
    edited August 2019
    GumpOtaku said:
    CauriB said:


    Hi, Thanks for the info. So I went ahead and installed it in a custom prefix with no additional dlls besides corefonts, which I tend to install on every new prefix. Instead of installing using winetrick, I installed manually. Installation was okay for the most part except an error while installing "Content management service". Here an additional window opened but it was blank (I believe it's a missing font issue) and when I closed it the installation continued and finished succefully (but apparently skipped the content manager installation altogether). Daz launches ok and all the interface is there but I cannot import any DAZ asset or log in as the content managment part is missing (when I try it complains about some PostgreSQL CMS issue). Any idea how to fix this? Thanks

    P.S To test the rest of the app, I imported an OBJ and everything (besides DAZ content) seems to work great and fast, including the IRay renderer.

    Daz is complaining that the CMS is not running on startup so it can't login to Daz, right?

    The Daz installer probably ran ok

    To get the Smart Content you need to be running the CMS, which Daz Studio launches when it starts up, but as you are running inside a wine bottle and not on an actual Windows platform the plumbing doesn't seem to work (even though wine doesn't act as a sandbox per se).

    You need to set up Postgres and CMS on your Linux install (this needs to be done just once and should remain fine for the life of your 'Linux install (barring major Postgres or DAZ CMS changes). The instructions for setting up PostgresSQL are discussed in the thread. PostgresSQL needs to be installed and setup, the Contentd database initialised and the Postgres service told to run at startup and Daz told what port to talk to.

    It's only really necessary if you intend to use Smart Content or Daz Connect, the Content Library and any additional runtimes are not affected and DIM even runs without it.

    I've attached the Daz on Linux install guide as a refresh (it's still a WiP, version 0.2)


    Thanks a lot for the guide. I followed it through. I was able to install and setup PostgreSQL. The verification in terminal works. However, when I launch DAZ I still get the PosgreSQL warning window but when I close it the log in window now appears (before it didn't). When I try to log in it says that my credentials are wrong when they are actaully correct. Also, the json file is set correctly.

    Also the post installation gives me a problem. When on content database maintaincance I click re-import metadata the new window that appears is tiny and has no content in it. Any idea why this is happening? Thanks again


    Post edited by hello_41f614d3fa on
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