I've had everything disappear from the Content pane in one running copy of DS 4.10 via Windows 7. Everything else is fine. Newer computers all run Windows 10 for the most part, and do not have this issue. I must have clicked something but I've no idea what it was.
Which Content Pane - Smart Content or Content Library? If it's Smart Content then it seems like you may have reset your library (which is difficult to do by accident as there is an "are you sure?" popup) or the CMS database is not running/available (in which case there should have been a connection error message). If it's the Content Library then perhaps your base directories have all been removed/unmapped/moved?
Could use more information/screenshots to know for sure tho.
Well, putting the content-tribalism aside for a second, it looks to me that you have the top-section minimised/hidden - that is the part where the sections are and so without that section in view and so nothing selected then the middle section will be empty. If you click on the little "handle" just above where it says "None" it should re-open the top part and give you back the parts you thought lost?
I might be misunderstanding tho as it's past my bedtime.
Which Content Pane - Smart Content or Content Library? If it's Smart Content then it seems like you may have reset your library (which is difficult to do by accident as there is an "are you sure?" popup) or the CMS database is not running/available (in which case there should have been a connection error message). If it's the Content Library then perhaps your base directories have all been removed/unmapped/moved?
Could use more information/screenshots to know for sure tho.
Regular content pane. When it comes to "Smart Content" I stand alone at the back of the room with the other nay-sayers <<BIG GRIN>> .
Also it sayeth to right-click on the cylinder icon... umm... nope???!
Ok so perhaps I mis-inferred that... it actually says to click on the container, not the "cylinder". My bad!
Well, putting the content-tribalism aside for a second, it looks to me that you have the top-section minimised/hidden - that is the part where the sections are and so without that section in view and so nothing selected then the middle section will be empty. If you click on the little "handle" just above where it says "None" it should re-open the top part and give you back the parts you thought lost?
I might be misunderstanding tho as it's past my bedtime.
Man, that is small. I can't believe I missed that little whatchamacallit. All fixed now!!! TYVM.

No worries, glad you got it sorted :)
No worries, glad you got it sorted :)