3D Bridge
Some help please,
I'm getting an error installing Photpshop and it's not in the applications tab.
I've searched the forum using the words...photoshop, failed, no path and 3D bridge, and can't seem to find anything on this subject.

587 x 544 - 24K

571 x 536 - 46K

555 x 524 - 61K
You have to add the path to where Photoshop is on your hard drive so that DIM and Bridge know where it is so it can be launched when required. In your last image, bottom left hand corner, click on the + sign and then navigate to the folder where the Photoshop .exe file is, select it and save.
Make sure you also tell it that the path is for Photoshop, and the version.
Thank you, thank you, thank you......