Samara Hair

JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
edited December 2022 in Freebies

Next up from me, here's Samara Hair:


(I have no idea why I named it that.  Just seemed appropriate). 


Similar to my other offerings, this one is a Carrara strand based hairstyle that is attached to an invisible mesh which is rigged for Genesis 1.   


This one's a short hairstyle with straight long bangs (I went through a phase where I was fixated on hairstyles with bangs, as will be apparent).  

If Hollywood movies have taught me anything, it's that whenever you see a woman with this hairstyle you can know for certain 2 things:

1 - This isn't her real hairstyle, but a flawless wig to disguese her actual hair.

2 - She is an assassin that is definitely trying to kill you.


Samara hair comes with 16 shaders to give tons of color options.

Merry Christmas!  :)













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